Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Why I think balancing Mesmer is impossible
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
I’m a firm believer that the skill level of the top end players are directly proportional to the player pool in a game like GW2 where thousands of ppl play pvp. So I believe that the top warrior or engi players are just as skilled as the top mesmer player if not more so since there are most likely more ppl who main warrior or engi than mesmer. A buff to mesmer class should not disproportionally benefit us because ‘high skill level’ at high end.
To back up what I’m saying I can only offer my experience in mmo pvp for the last 20 years. Since I started playing LPMUD in the early 90s I have went through countless nerf and buff cycles and played most of the pvp mmos ever made. I have never ever encountered an instance where 1 class magically have ended up with better skill players than other class.