Why do you still play Mesmer?

Why do you still play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: curtegg.5216


The mesmer is the jack-of-all-trades (JOAT) of the game. Has other class like skills but is mediocre in their utilization.

Why do you still play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natebert.8432


I’ve been playing a Mesmer with the mindset that it is my ‘primary’ toon since Early Access, and probably still continue to consider it my primary toon.

My Mes, for some reason, is still primarily what I take through new content first, not because its fun, but because it is and was my first and ‘main’ toon.

It is one of the 2 toons I have map completion on. (I know, sucks to be me.)

Though I’ve since leveled and geared 4 other 80’s to actually ‘play’ and enjoy the various aspects of the game with (WvW, PVP, Dungeons, etc.,) (I have a Guardian, Necro, Ele, and yes, even a Ranger.) I eagerly await the arrival of new patch notes, looking for some indication that they will fix this class to be back what it was during release, where clones actually seemed to mean something.

I guess maybe one of the logical reasons why I continue to play my Mes might be best described in quote from a famous speech.

"We choose to … <insert “play Mesmer” here> … in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. " -JFK

For fun, I just checked some stats, and even in /deaths, it reveals the most on my Mesmer by a long shot. Scarily, the amount of deaths on my Mesmer to all of my other toons combined is 3:1.

So yeah, “Why do I still play a Mesmer” might be a good question. Maybe I’m masochistic. I just don’t know.

Why do you still play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curennos.9307


My very first roleplaying character (who is about two years old now) was a sorcerer/mind magic type. When I brought him over to GW2, Mesmer was the only one that fit. The more I find out about the class, the more it seems to match with his personality and how he was in other games, and so the more I love it.

Even though I’m having a whole lot of trouble finding a weapon that I like >.>

Also. PORTALS. squee

Why do you still play Mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Noah.9654


I’m really happy about all of the Mesmer love this thread has revived. <3

I should probably have prefaced by saying that before playing GW2, I was a part of a Pokemon MMO that has since been shut down. The game was nothing but bugs and the community was very small, but I stuck through because I liked it. I can see the same thing with the Mesmer community. We have bugs (can someone actually explain to me whats the deal with iWarden?) but the class is really good in sPvP.

I’ve seen people like Lord Helseth completely dominate among the top players this past weekend and it really gives me hope for the class. It might take a little while longer, but I suspect that once certain bugs are fixed…and if/when we get MH Pistol, the mesmer class will be totally OP >:)

Oh and I now love Portal XD

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