Why no Range indicator for portal ?
I really don’t understand why they announced in the patch notes that Portal would gain a range indicator when it was just a tooltip information. A range indicator, like the red bar when you’re out of range, would be immensible helpful to lay down portals. Just a 5000 range tooltip doesn’t help much, it’s not a range that people are used to and always have in mind how far they can go.
We’ll see that approximately one month before the release of GW3 … which will “incidentally” lack Mesmers.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
So we have a timer though a range meter would still be nice ;-;
Portal needs two changes.
1: If you’re too far away from your portal entrance it should have the little red bar that appears under skills when your target is out of range.
2: Make both ends of the portal into a teardrop shape with the pointy bit facing the other end so people know which way they’re going when they use it.
It may lower the skill floor in usability, but in PvP how you use it to the benefit of your team will always matter more than knowing the max range. Placing it in view of an opponent to pressure a point vs tucking it away to deny port awareness are all things that do not necessarily reward max range, it does take out the risk of a dud portal, but that rarely happens anyways.
In PvE who cares? It’s just a good QoL change and doesn’t hurt anyone.
I don’t know for WvW, I’m guessing this is the biggest issue. However I’d be surprised if max range is the “only” key factor outside of havoc 1v1 builds.
There should be no real issue adding a little red line telling you, you are out of range. Although maybe just not being able to place an exit while out of range would be the most user friendly option.
I have to ask, from a QoL standpoint do we really want to count dud portals as a feature? It’s more of a minor annoyance than an actual hindrance that is mitigated by skill.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
(edited by Daishi.6027)
Mmmmm necromancy.