Worth it to go for Toughness?

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Abertix.1860


Right now I’m a full Berserker Warrior with a Shatter Build. Thing is, I’m not too keen on being a Berserker, as I like to live longer. I like my Guardian because he can take a lot of damage, as well as dish out some damage as well. I plan to take my Mesmer into higher level Fractals as well, and to me, full Berseker gear just doesn’t cut it sometimes.

So basically, I was wondering if I should add in some Toughness in there? So the stats that I would be going for would be: “Power / Precision / Toughness”.

Also which is better to go for first: Precision or Critical Damage?

Thanks for the help!

Leader of Aeternus Gaming

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


real mensmers use berserker.

just be better at timing dodge/invuln skills

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

You could balance your build out, depending on your weapons/traits.

For exmaple, Knights armour, Rabid jewels, zerker weapons.

Here’s the build I switched to post confusion nerf to give you some numbers to look at.

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

real mensmers use berserker.

just be better at timing dodge/invuln skills

Unless you live outside the country the server is located :p. Latency is the biggest mesmer skill of them all!

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You’ll live longer with everyone dead around you.

Full berserker with a good build.

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


Just another question: Which stat is a higher priority if there is one. Precision or Crit Damage if I had to choose? Thanks!

whether or not +1 point of precision or +1% crit damage gives higher dps depends on your current precision and crit damage.

see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkXSlFKEkur9dGVFdjcxa1diZC1sX0oya29kZ3FTY3c#gid=0

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Justine.6351


i chose mesmer after making a berserker geared warrior because mesmers got invul skills, clones, stealth, reflect, teleports. But if you like your berseker feel and want a kitten good armor rating then maybe consider a mix of knights and cavalier for:
with ascended gear
+1090 toughness
+728 Power
+ ~500 precision
+ ~30% crit dmg

TBH, i think toughness makes the game boring though.

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: zastari.1730


If you want the min/max breakpoint for heavy zerker with enough survivability to get out of a glass thief burst it looks something like:

Armor: Mix of Knight / Soldier
Weapons: Zerker
Runes: 6x Ruby orbs
Sigils: Whatever you desire
Trinkets: Full Zerker/ Full Ruby Orbs

This gives you the cheapest crit dmg % bonuses on orbs / trinkets while giving you some survivability on armor.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139



Toughness crit power and precision is core in the Shatter Cat builds.

Mist 2.0 have around 1550 toughness.

Still, notice its not a tank build, its a aggressive roaming build.

Shatter Cat Heavy is a frontline group shatter build, 1650 toughness, no tank build eather and as you see in vid doing good dmg.


Both can be found in the Shatter Cat Guide


Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Osicat, I really enjoyed your videos but cannot hear a word you said through out any of it. I could just barely hear you speaking in the background but the music drowned it all out.

Great music, but too loud to hear what you said.


Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Knights weps armor + cavaliars trinkets
Power prec tough + power tough crit.
Pure Toughness. 2200. Add earth runes, 2350 or something, thus still being able to deal good dps.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


toughness is important against thieves I find. tbh most other classes you can manage, but a thief can usually take you by surprise and it’s very hard to counter without toughness. I dont mind sacrificing a little bit of attack for some extra survivability. Esp since you’ll find you rarely do 1v1 – if someone else or if you’re attacked by multiple ppl it really helps.

Before the nerf, I used to run a bunker condition mesmer. 2900 armor 20k hp 1600 condition dmg. And I could very very easily occupy 10+ ppl for at least a couple minutes (which in WvW can make a very big impact).

Now i run more shatter spec and instead of going 3300 attack, and 1900 armor.. i’ve dropped down to around 2900 attack and 2400-2500 armor which I find gives me great survivability.

At the end of the day it depends on what you plan to do. If you’re going to be running with guardian and eles – full zerker at 3k+ attack 60%+ crit chance and 90%+ crit dmg bonus will make you devastating – but you’ll be relying on your team to help keep you from getting wiped really fast.

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Osicat, I really enjoyed your videos but cannot hear a word you said through out any of it. I could just barely hear you speaking in the background but the music drowned it all out.

Great music, but too loud to hear what you said.


Dont supprices me as I dont talk in any of the videos Its guildchat TS in backgroupd I just dont censure it out. Of my 48 gw2 videos I use text as message in 47, only in 1 do I accualy talk.

Music is intended and most often synced to whats happening in the vids.

Sorry if you try to hear my voce, even if my mic is on mute


Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Osicat, I really enjoyed your videos but cannot hear a word you said through out any of it. I could just barely hear you speaking in the background but the music drowned it all out.

Great music, but too loud to hear what you said.


Dont supprices me as I dont talk in any of the videos Its guildchat TS in backgroupd I just dont censure it out. Of my 48 gw2 videos I use text as message in 47, only in 1 do I accualy talk.

Music is intended and most often synced to whats happening in the vids.

Sorry if you try to hear my voce, even if my mic is on mute


Oh, ok. That’s ok, the music really does make the video sequence very nice. I don’t play pvp much except when our guild just runs karma xp zergs to help lower level characters gain xp. Usually we do not engage the other worlds unless they catch us by surprise or we have enough folks for a lesson on how to take a keep or supply camp or whatever.

Its really funny most of the time though. I usually am the first to go down in a situation like that since I am not really a good pvp player. I just love the companionship of my guildies and the fun we have since this WvWvW is not setup like most traditional pvp battlegrounds.

But I certainly wish I could move and play my Mesmer as well as you do…/sigh. I might get lucky one of these days and actually accomplish part of that skill.

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mr Fancypants.1270

Mr Fancypants.1270

alchemist can u list your gear/trink/weaps etc

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


alchemist can u list your gear/trink/weaps etc

for the 2400-2500 armor and 2900ish attack i run zerker armor except chest piece is knight’s (you can also add val boots to give you some extra vitality but i dont need it because it get it from the runes)

here’s the build

there’s about 2700 attack here, the extra 200 or so is from zerker weapons which gives an extra 100+ dmg plus some extra crit. Then I use maintenance oil to increase precision, and another food buff i forgot the name to give me an extra 100 power. Also I’m doing this off the top of my head so some of the numbers are off in the build since I don’t remember exactly which trinkets i have.. if I get some time today I’ll log in and double check. But the crit dmg bonus is around 90%, precision should be around 65%+ attack 2900 using sword/sword (swapping to staff is higher) and armor is 2400. You can get around 2500+ armor but you’ll lose 100 attack (sometimes it’s worth it, esp against thieves and burst warriors now that confusion is pointless) by replacing the food you take to increase power, to instead increase toughness.

A little bit about my utils. I use signet of inspiration a lot and I find with the increased boon duration from the runes it’s amazing. Dropping chaos armor and chaos storm along with passive effects of the signet means I almost always have regen, might, retal, protection, and aegis. I can’t tell you the number of times aegis has saved me from an unexpected backstab! But, I don’t always keep it – sometimes I switch it out for portal and other times for feedback. I don’t find keeping clones up a problem even though I haven’t traited deceptive evasion. Also I use mass invis, but I like hounds of balthazaar as well because they’re extremely annoying esp if you stand still let the enemy come to you with a chaos storm underneath, those hounds are ridiculously powerful.

The reason I chose to move from 20 in dueling to 10 and add the 10 in inspiration trait line is because of mender’s purity. 1v1s usually isn’t a problem when it comes to condition removal but in group fights or against condition necros and engineers I find you can’t really beat it. I run it with mantra of recovery because it gives me two casts and really low cd. So I can remove 2 conditions just by healing. It’s net difference in healing (2 times) is better than ether feast as well. It just requires some practice to remember to keep up and charge the mantra (esp with its reduced channeling time it’s even better now). Also the retal to phantasms are great because they always get targeted first. iWarlock crits between 3-4k plus retal when attacked, and iSwordsman does around 1700-2500 dmg plus retal when attacked, so ppl want to get rid of those guys first usually – otherwise I just kite them and /laugh as they get hit for 10k+ if all three phantasms are out

Let me know if you need more info