WvW Build need feedback

WvW Build need feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cynic.9327


So new to the mesmer class, made one because I just recently got my warrior to 80 for PvE, and now want something for WvW. I messed around abit and made this build ;


Explenation :

For weapons I went with greatsword to deal ranged damage ( don’t like staff ), and if enemies get too close I got my sword/torch combo for more close combat damage. The reason I picked a torch is because I LOVE the stealth 4 skill, and with the traits I’ve chosen it’s down to a 24 second cooldown, making it an actual 21 second cooldown when your stealth actually ends.

Traits :

20 domination : I’ve chosen Mind Wreck, simply because I’d like to nuke down foes quicker. Could take the cripple here, but I prefer damage over CC.
Next is Cleaning Conflagration. This recharges my stealth skill 4 on my torch and my phantasmal mage skill 5 even faster ( phantasmal mage gets a 40% recharg rate with another one of our traits ! ). + It cures us of conditions as a bonus ! Always nice.

30 Dueling : Blade training to recharge our sword skills faster ( again a 40% recharge rate on our skill 3 ! ). Also gives us 50 precision as a bonus.
Deceptive Evasion creates clones when we dodge, which IMO is one of the best traits you could have as a mesmer. Dodge and stealth with the torch skill is basically the same as “Decoy”.
Desperate Decoy last, cloaking us at 25% health. This is just a last resort kinda trait I picked, just for those “WTF” moments when you’re surrounded. Could potentially save your life paired with blink and a torch stealth throw in right after the stealth ends.

20 Illusions : One thing to notice is the minor trait you get after you spend 5 points. Illusion summoning skills recharge 20% faster. This is awesome ! for a minor trait.
Picked Precise Wreck here for a bigger damage nuke output. Nothing else to say about it.
Phantasmal haste last, recharging our phantasms even faster !

Skills :

Healing : Ether Feast. I picked this one because it has the most base heal, and an additional heal per illusion.

Utility 1 : Decoy. Used this because it replaces you with a clone, and gives you stealth. I find myself being tricked by this in WvW quite alot, if your not paying 100% attention it’s hard to notice someone used this skill.

Utility 2 : Mirror images. Picked this for an extra 2 clones, always comes in handy when your fighting someone in WvW, confusing the poor little guy ^^ .

Utility 3 : Blink. Used this to get out of tricky situations. Or even to get closer to your foe to get the first blow or to finish them off. Will be replaced with Portal Entre depending on the situation.

Elite skill : Mass Stealth. Lowest cooldown of the 3 elite skills and possibly the most usefull in WvW. It’s an extra stealth for you, and if your in a well organized group you could stealth your team and get in for a well aimed surprise attack.

And last but not least, for gear I would simply pick berserker on everything. This build I made would focus on damage more than anything, and seeing as it’s a light armor class I don’t see the point in stacking toughness/vit. Skilled mesmers will have so much survivablity already using their illusions, stealth, teleport, etc …

Hope to get some feedback on this build (: I don’t look on the internet for a build because I think it takes the fun away of coming up with something of your own. So appologies if this build is somewhere out there, I just didn’t look for any.

Also, I believe this build will be pretty good in PvE aswell, though I mainly made it for WvW in mind. Anyways hoping to get some feedback,


WvW Build need feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Plumsucker.9507


Nice build. Just a few things:

1)You don’t have any condition cleansing, which is a must in WvW. I usually replace Mirror Images for Null Field but that’s just me.

2)What is your main goal? Shatter build? Since it might be better to take out 10 from Duelling and put them in Illusions to get Illusionary Persona.

3) Phantasmal Haste decreases Phantasm attack rates not summoning rates. Might be better to get the 3% more damage for each illusion trait (forgot the name of it) since you seem to be going for pure damage.

- Plum

WvW Build need feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: yourGoD.3481


I imagine this is a shatter build. In that case, I definitely agree with Plum’s points 2 and 3. Get rid of desperate decoy and put in illusionary persona. Phantasmal haste is also pretty useless since your phantasm most likely will be shattered or killed before the second hit occurs. I would recommend taking illusionary invigoration over compounding power (3% damage per extra illusion) though.

I’ve never tried using the torch in a shatter build before. I do like the condition removal that comes with that trait. However you should try out both the focus and the pistol for wvw. The pull on the focus is very powerful during siege and the pistol stun is great.

[FEAR] – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall

WvW Build need feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thorment.7945


Looks a lot like a shatter cat build

WvW Build need feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


phastasm haste is utter crap under most scenarios. Unless you are making a phastasm build, the trait is particularly worthless since it only reduce the time between phastasm attacks

Trait for dazzling glamours instead. This trait scales between large and small scale battles. It a powerful trait for an extra second of area denial for both melee and range with feedback which is just as powerful as confusion against frontline zergs.