[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Hey folks,

Here is a frontline utility mesmer I’ve been running the last couple days. I’ve been toying around with this build while zergbusting. With this build it’s especially important that you tag all the downed enemies that you can to set up for as many triumphant distortions as you can manage. Play this build like a shatter mesmer
(If you’re not able to down and kill targets rapidly, you may not be as successful with this build.)


This build is using the new traits found in dueling and in chaos. I’ve found that in prolonged fights, the triumphant distortion saves me from a lot of damage. 3 seconds out of 10 is pretty kitten fine, and positioning is the key to the rest. Dropping a nullfield + Timewarp bomb is a very effective way to ensure that there are downs when you bomb a point.

Bountiful disillusionment has been more useful than I had anticipated, and with this build you have a lot of clone generation to gain the buffs like regen, fury and might when you want or need them.

You could also use Staff instead of Greatsword if you want to play a little more defensively.

I even won a duel with it. (that’s funny because triumphant distortion offers you NOTHING in a duel situation, so it was basically a wasted trait. Although that speaks volumes about how useful bountiful disillusionment is.)

(edited by Hamster.4861)

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


First, you say it plays like a shatter, but how you expect to shatter if IP is not traited and clones die in less than a second?

Then, if boons from BD were AoE, it could have some potential. But in a zerg people should be sharing boons, so I don’t see how wasting shatters for some boons anybody can share is such big thing…

Don’t put much hopes in a build if it “works” in a pugzerg. Any conservative build will shine there. In those situations, numbers prevail much more than group or individual skill, or build efficiency. In fact, bad builds tend to seem better, and more refined builds lose their potential.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

(edited by Ansau.7326)

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hamster.4861


1: I havent been using this in a pug zerg, I use it when running with 13-18 other guildies.
2: I dont waste the shatters for the boons. Thats… wrong on so many levels
3: It was hard to move away from IP, but I found that I had more survivability, not less, and that mostly comes from the regen offered by BD and TD’s uptime.
4: I can still set up a 3 clone shatter (i leap, dodge, gs2, F#) You just need to time your stuff better.

Mesmers don’t need to focus on aoe, that’s not really their role. They’re periphery for picking off eles and necros, thieves and other mesmers, and providing group utilities like veil, null fields and timewarp.

I was running this build to see how I could still fill that peripheral gank role and be able to sustain in a bomb and be able to get out of it when the counter strike happens.

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


vid pls, cant imagine this working kittenter in front line zerg, ur 3 clone shatter tactic… u see, there is noway that would work in meele zerg, they will all die the moment u pop them out

just my ytb channel


[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


If you play peripherally, why do you call it frontline? From what you said about the numbers your guild play, it seems more a big group roaming than a guild zerguing.

But even when roaming, shatter build have way more damage and spike to chase light classes, this is just a worse version. You sacrifice what, 40% 50%…, of damage of a typical shatter build and a lot of reliability for not having IP, in exchange for boons your mates should give you, and the feeling you survive more, cause that 6 points in Chaos and Rege.

Would like to know how much burst do you have with that build and, as Wyrden said, some footage would be welcome to see if that build really works.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hamster.4861


I call the build frontline because I made it to stay in melee range, within the hammertrain. That said, being in the meele train does not change the people that you target (eles, mesmers necros thieves).

I’ll get some footage as soon as I’m able.

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


i once play shatter 4,4,0,0,6 build full zerk in group/zerg play to kill the periphey
you can use your illusions with GS mainly to do nice dmg on ppl but you wont be able to shatter fast also
i use shatter when i see the opportunity
but thief are the best periphery ganker imo

[WvW] Frontline Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Hey folks,

Here is a frontline utility mesmer I’ve been running the last couple days. I’ve been toying around with this build while zergbusting. With this build it’s especially important that you tag all the downed enemies that you can to set up for as many triumphant distortions as you can manage. Play this build like a shatter mesmer
(If you’re not able to down and kill targets rapidly, you may not be as successful with this build.)


This build is using the new traits found in dueling and in chaos. I’ve found that in prolonged fights, the triumphant distortion saves me from a lot of damage. 3 seconds out of 10 is pretty kitten fine, and positioning is the key to the rest. Dropping a nullfield + Timewarp bomb is a very effective way to ensure that there are downs when you bomb a point.

Bountiful disillusionment has been more useful than I had anticipated, and with this build you have a lot of clone generation to gain the buffs like regen, fury and might when you want or need them.

You could also use Staff instead of Greatsword if you want to play a little more defensively.

I even won a duel with it. (that’s funny because triumphant distortion offers you NOTHING in a duel situation, so it was basically a wasted trait. Although that speaks volumes about how useful bountiful disillusionment is.)

Yup. its a Not Tina.