WvW Roaming Builds?

WvW Roaming Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


Haven’t played really since May not sure which of my chars I’ll be picking up but was curious what roaming builds were still viable for mesmers if any?

WvW Roaming Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


We have several superb roaming builds. I generaly focus on roaming when I play. My favorites are:

Condition Cat 2.0:

Shatter Cat heavy 3.0:

Shatter Cat Mist 2.0:



WvW Roaming Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


We have several superb roaming builds. I generaly focus on roaming when I play. My favorites are:

Condition Cat 2.0:

Shatter Cat heavy 3.0:

Shatter Cat Mist 2.0:



WvW Roaming Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Which post is the real mesmer???

WvW Roaming Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


Hmm… roaming you say? As Osicat most eagerly displays, we mesmers dominate wvw roaming. I roll with GS (not a great 1v1 weapon) and still crush every thief I cross. That said, thief is a solid second and thieves who do their homework should do very well. For some reason though, people who only do wvw get sloppy in the pvp area. I know almost instantly when I’m up against a true pvp’er in wvw and there aren’t many. Plus, the uplevels kinda water things down making a 1v5 often more like a 1v2.3; Possibly respectable, but certainly nothing to brag about.

mesmer of Blackgate