WvW Zerg My Build
Pretty solid build. I have a couple of suggestions though:
- 30 Dom for Greatsword Training: Not really necessary since you already have Illusionist’s Celerity, which reduces the cooldown on #2 and #4.
I suggest moving these points into Insp for shatter heal/cleanse or Illusions for Illusionary Persona.
- 10 Insp for Persisting Images: Phantasms don’t last long enough regardless.
I suggest swapping this for Mender’s Purity or Vigor on Shatter.
You’re pretty close to full glamour already, so why not go all the way? Get Temporal enchanter instead of PI and maybe Confusing Enchantments. And veil or portal offers so much more than decoy in a group, especially since you already have reduced cooldown. I can see how the lack of stunbreak might be an issue though.
My advice: switch Cleansing Conflagration with Greatsword Training, change Greatsword training with Harmonious Mantras, ditch Persisting Images for Mender’s Purity. Then, swap Ether Feast for Mantra of Recovery and Decoy for Mantra of Concentration. All this will give you the following useful zerg v zerg skills.
- 3 instant heals + condi removal (2)
- 3 instant stun breaks and aoe stability
- 12 sec iZerker, which is your best ranged aoe attack
Also, and very important, the dazzling glamors + blinding befuddlement combo no longer works, so don’t use it. In fact, Illusions altogether isn’t the best trait line for zerg mesmers unless you’re going full shatter. Rather, consider putting those 20 in Dueling, which will give you much greater utility and dps. In zergs I generally run a 30/20/10/10, or something similar.
Pretty good build. Here’re some improvements:
That GS trait does nearly nothing. Just a few less seconds for iZerker means nothing in zergs. You could change it for Confusing Enchantments or move those 10 points to another line.
Then, Persisting Images is useless. Even if you had the signet, phantasms would die in a second. So better forget about boosting phantasm survivability. I would use Glamour Mastery and Restorative Mantras with Mantra of Recovering. You’re adding some more AoE healing that will help you mates.
If this doesn’t convince you, get rid of those 20 points and spend it anywhere else. I’ve been raiding without Glamour Mastery for months and its not such important as it seems.
Also, Blinding Befuddlement was nerfed to the ground and it does nothing, you will only apply confusion to 1 target of all you’ve blinded with any glamour.
And finally, in zergs Blink>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Decoy. First, the mobility it brings is priceless (I also have Far-Reaching Manipulations, so I have even more mobility). It will allow you to save your kitten from countless situations. And second, you already have The Prestige, so there’s no need to have a second stealth skill when you learn to position well.
If you decide to take Confusing Enchantments, go for a mix of Dire/rabid gear. If not, go full direct damage. Good numbers are ~2600 armor (1700 toughness), 18k health, ~35-40% crit chance and 2000 power.
PD1: I go frontline shatter 20/20/0/0/30 with Shattered Concentration to remove enemies boons.
PD: After 15th April, new GM Dueling trait will be pure gold, as it will grant 3s of distortion per kill.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
(edited by Ansau.7326)
Awesome Thanks!, i’m guessing I will stick to centaur runes?. I’m not sure about my armor though, Zerk? or Chevalier/KNight?.
edit. I like everyone’s suggestions, however I don’t like shatter biuld, I like phantasm more, because that was my build when I was leveling it especially in dungeons.
“If you decide to take Confusing Enchantments, go for a mix of Dire/rabid gear. If not, go full direct damage. Good numbers are ~2600 armor (1700 toughness), 18k health, ~35-40% crit chance and 2000 power ", got it tyvm.
(edited by WilliCalifornia.1837)