I haven’t used an interrupt build enough to have a good idea of what direction to go with some of the traits or which traits work better than others.
This is the first I want to try. I’m using might duration runes and boon duration food to keep my power up. Weapons are staff and scept/focus. All of them cause interrupts and stuns. Scepter is there for more clone production for Diversion use.
I have Halting strike, Bountiful Interruption and Chaotic Interruption. Then I’m using Imbued Diversion to boost my F3 interrupts.
So my question is, is Chaotic Interruption better to be using with a power build or would Confounding Suggestion be a better choice. Say something like this:
This build swaps out Imbued Diversion for Confounding Suggestion. Trades weapons also. Swapped GS in for the scept/focus since my clone production is low and wouldn’t make good use of F3 as often.
This will be used for large organized guild roams in WvW.
So before I buy Sigils and Runes, feedback would be appreciated.
Black Ops supply line disruptions.
Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|
ChillRuption works well, especially in organized groups. I personally didn’t care for confounding suggestions over imbued diversion since you lose the AoE interrupt source and IC for cool downs. With confounding suggestions you have to daze in order to proc the stun which doesn’t take advantage of your push/pull interrupts. To me the trait seems counter-productive when also taking chaotic interruption in comparison to imbued diversion. Not to say it couldn’t be used effectively, just seems IB fits better. There’s nothing like launching a mirror blade into a group and immediate F3 for mass interrupts/immobilize/chill, etc.
There’s more discussion in the build thread about PvP and WvW experiences that may be useful. Some have ran a condition focused variant. I’m still running a power build myself and making gear modifications to get the right balance. I’m finding building in 50% condition duration is a nice balance. I was running close to 100% but lost too much power.
Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)