WvW staff gs shatter build?
You probably won’t find a shatter build that uses both greatsword and staff. generally people like Sw/x for immob+blurred frenzy+mind wrack burst.
Osicat has a bunch of good roaming builds (here).
I run GS/Staff in WvW. A phantasm/power build for running with groups larger than 3, and flexible for most situations. Shattering is awesome in some situations, but can be difficult for some people to use effectively in larger-scale fighting.
I found all knights armor/weapons/trinkets to be the best for staying alive while dealing damage, but will often swap in some Berserker stuff.
Blink with longer range/shorter cooldown has been crucial for my survival.
Null field is a must in the current condi-happy meta of WvW.
Traveler’s Runes if you don’t have the focus for swiftness.
actually staff-gs is a very good combination, i dont know how to make a build with into the mists and stuff but i can type it out for you:
full berserker, traveler runes, sigils of energy on both staff and gs.
traits 20-20-0-0-30, mind wrack 20% more damge, halting strikes , manupaltion skills longer range, clone on dodge, 3% more damage per clone, bouncing attacks do an additional bounce, shatter effect on yourself.
you can do massive burst with gs 2 when standing next to an enemy then shatter ur illuusions, the skills will hit 3x due to the extra bounce trait, same counts for staff auto attack.
hope this helps u, skills are that blue one with a mask on it for the heal xD, decoy, blink, arcane thievery and massa invis.