Your Mesmer Skill Fantasies
Well …
- MH Pistol (or War Fans)
- Signet of Displacement:
Passive: Increases Toughness
Active: Causes the Mesmer to switch places with one of their Illusions - Manipulation: Illusionary Echo. When used, duplicates the last Illusion cast
- Glamour: Inversion. Temporarily reverses the target’s movement pattern (Who doesn’t want a control-inverter move? It’d be FUNNY)
- Phantasmal Sniper: Fires a targeted shot at the enemy. Applies Bleed/Weakness.
- Elite: Chronal Morass. Slows down time in the surrounding area. (Since we don’t have a logical “Anti-Quickness,” you figure that this ability could be set as … reduce speed of enemy movement/attack for “X” seconds.)
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Well …
- MH Pistol (or War Fans)
- Signet of Displacement:
Passive: Increases Toughness
Active: Causes the Mesmer to switch places with one of their Illusions- Manipulation: Illusionary Echo. When used, duplicates the last Illusion cast
- Glamour: Inversion. Temporarily reverses the target’s movement pattern (Who doesn’t want a control-inverter move? It’d be FUNNY)
- Phantasmal Sniper: Fires a targeted shot at the enemy. Applies Bleed/Weakness.
- Elite: Chronal Morass. Slows down time in the surrounding area. (Since we don’t have a logical “Anti-Quickness,” you figure that this ability could be set as … reduce speed of enemy movement/attack for “X” seconds.)
omg love the glamour idea!
u got some nice things here. they are very mesmer like skills. i would welcome a new aoe dmg trait along with that too.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Advent, i’m with you about the Elite. Who wouldn’t kill for an elite like this
(edited by keenlam.4753)
dual wield GS
15 char
- MH Pistol/ Throwing Axe (second ranged/ mid-ranged MH)
- MH Mace/ Axe/ Dagger (second melee)
or Hammer (second melee)
or illusionary melee weapon (like summoned ones/ kits, but with a separate mechanic) - MH Focus (pure support/ de-support/ heal weapon)
- Elite Phantasm
- 1/2 new utility phantasms
So your elite is like Ele’s water staff #4 ? AoE chill ?
Functionally speaking, since I do not know if it’d be easy to code in an inverse Time Warp. But overall, it’s a logical ability for Mesmers to possess, considering that our current incarnation has multiple abilities that mangle the ever-loving kitten out of space and time.
For that matter, a time-stopping power could also be a hellish amount of fun.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
(I’m PvE only, so I can’t say if its op in PvP / WvW :P)
- MH Fan :o artwork? WHY NOT INGAME!?
- Illusionary Stasis:
Creates a cristal prison around up to 3 target in the chosen area. They cannot be attacked, nor can they do any actions for 5 seconds.
Range: 1200
ø: 160
CD: 45
- Signet of Recurring Images
Passive: If an illusion dies while the skill it has been created with is on CD, the cooldown will be reduces by a % of it’s max CD. Clones -20%, Phantasms -40%.
Active: Resets the CD of all Illusion summoning skills.
CD: 90
- Elite: Signet of Illusionary Showdown
Passive: Every 4th summoned phantasm appears with a similiar buddy (e.g. 2 iDuellists). This illusion does not count to the max illusion limit but dies after one attack or if killed. Cannot be shattered.
Active: Summons 3 phantasms of the current whielding weapon. They die after 3 attacks or when they are killed. They do not count to the max illusion limit either. Also cannot be shattered.
CD: 60 sec.
(my favourite:)
- Elite: Fata Paranoia
Enemies in the targetted location attack their allies instead of the enemies for 6 seconds.
Range: 1200
ø: 360
CD: 120
What do you guys think?
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Advent, i’m with you about the Elite. Who wouldn’t kill for an elite like this
woah nice. it would be the opposite of tw. that looks epic!!!!
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Advent, i’m with you about the Elite. Who wouldn’t kill for an elite like this
Well, to sum the video up: A shield that makes you invulnerable to projectiles.
Compared to feedback: A shield that makes you invulnerable to projectiles and makes them attack their owners instead.
Advent, i’m with you about the Elite. Who wouldn’t kill for an elite like this
Well, to sum the video up: A shield that makes you invulnerable to projectiles.
Compared to feedback: A shield that makes you invulnerable to projectiles and makes them attack their owners instead.
+ the enemies attack and move also slow – chilled.
Image: 10 seconds chill, weakness (?), projectile absorbation.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Here kitten the GW1 mezzmah!!!
Elite: Panic
Glamour, the size of timewarp.
Every enemy in this area who successfully completes a skill dazes all other enemies in the radius for 1/4 (or less if possible) seconds.
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
Well …
- MH Pistol (or War Fans)
- Signet of Displacement:
Passive: Increases Toughness
Active: Causes the Mesmer to switch places with one of their Illusions- Manipulation: Illusionary Echo. When used, duplicates the last Illusion cast
- Glamour: Inversion. Temporarily reverses the target’s movement pattern (Who doesn’t want a control-inverter move? It’d be FUNNY)
- Phantasmal Sniper: Fires a targeted shot at the enemy. Applies Bleed/Weakness.
- Elite: Chronal Morass. Slows down time in the surrounding area. (Since we don’t have a logical “Anti-Quickness,” you figure that this ability could be set as … reduce speed of enemy movement/attack for “X” seconds.)
These are all pretty awesome and would fit pretty well in the Mesmer theme.
GW1’s Diversion
Energy Burn – Remove 1 dodge’s worth of energy and damage depending on how much removed.
My Mesmer, a bed, 3 clones… Oh yeah…
“Fantasies” ;D (15drunkcharrsinabathtub)
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]
Instead of dodging, you teleport to the corresponding direction and gain blurr. (same duration as dodge evade)
Mainhand Pistol with old “friends” from GW1
1.) Autoattack :
- a skill that does dmg and bounces back (only) to the mesmer/clone granting swiftness
- Range: 900
- Activation: 1/2s
- 20% for projectile combo finisher
- 1s swiftness
2. Wastrel’s Demise:
- a skill that deals heavy aoe damage and does even more when the enemy is NOT using a skill
- Range: 900
- +10% dmg when enemy is not using a skill
- Cooldown 12s
- Activation 1s
3.) Calculated Risk: (My favorite)
- a skill that does medium dmg and grants might to your enemy but also causes cripple, weakness and blind. also creates a clone on hit that uses autoattack
- Range 900
- Cooldown 20s
- Activation (press and hold) 0.25-1.25s (5 steps 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 1 | 1.25)
- 1-5 stacks might for 15s for your enemy
- 2-10s weakness
- 1-5s cripple
- 1-5s blind
Here are a few other skills i’ve thought of:
x1.) Aneurysm:
- a skill that does more dmg when the enemy has low energy
- Cooldown 15s
- Activation: 0.75s
- Range 900
- +5% dmg when the target has 50-99% energy
- +10% dmg when the target has 0-50% energy
x2) Overload:
- a skill that deals heavy dmg and dazes the enemy. if the enemy is channeling a skill you stun instead of dazing
- Cooldown 20s
- Activation 0.25s
- Range 900
- 1s daze
- 2s stun
x3) Shrinking Armor:
- a skill that causes bleed and vulnerability to your enemies, also creates a clone whose attacks cause bleed and vulnerability (one stack each for 5s)
- Cooldown s
- Activation s
- Range 900
- 3 stacks bleed for 10s
- 8 stacks of vulnerability for 10s
x4) Illusionary Meteor:
- the mesmer shoots a bullet in the sky (charge skill) after the ccharge it’ll take 3s to cause an effect
- a skill that does really heavy dmg and controll your enemy
*Activation 1.5-4.5 seconds (1.5|2.5|3.5|4.5) - Range 1200 (1500 with trait)
- Cooldown 40s
- Charge 1: deal dmg through a bullet that falls from the sky
- Charge 2: deal more dmg (the bullet is a boulder now) + knockdown 2s
- Charge 3: deal more dmg (bullet is a canonball now) aoe dmg+knockdown 1.5s
- Charge 4: deal heavy dmg (bullet is a meteor now) aoe dmg+ knockdown 2s+ burn 3s
- needs 3s to cause an effect after finishing the cast
Equinox [EqnX]
Instead of dodging, you teleport to the corresponding direction and gain blurr. (same duration as dodge evade)
Thats amazing :o.
I want a mainhand pistol or whip… Everyone loves whips, right?
A manipulation that makes an enemy act like your illusionary defender for a while. You take damage, he takes 50% of it ^__^.
A mantra that gives us and nearby allies swiftness+vigor, with cripple+weakness+torment to your target.
A glamour that randomly cripples, chills, immobilizes enemies inside and heals and grant random boons to nearby allies per second as long as an enemy is inside.
An elite that creates a clone of all nearby allies. The clones will do a “simple” (without additional effects) auto attack. They have perma retaliation, and are affected from any trait/signet of illusions from the mesmer. (Like dissipation ones and sharper images) they also dont coun to the illusion cap. Maybe the clone could also act as a personal illusionary defender for the cloned player, they don have much health, so i dont think it would be overpowered
When the player they are created of is downed, they will attempt to revive at only half the speed of a player in combat.
An illusionary sylvari :O. "Summon a phantasm that looks like a clone, that will do anything for you.
A whip.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
I have to say, a MH Mace would be pretty awesome. I’d like if it contained some of 600 range frontal cone or CC. I think that the autoattack should give boons on third chain. It should be similar to the Guardian GS or Hammer. Anyways…
Phantasm; 4 second attack rate with a chain heal that scales with h power.
Glamour; pulses every 2 second giving 1 second buff that dazes attacker for one second on hit. Lasts 6 seconds. CD 60 sec.
manipulation; take no damage from 1 person for 4 seconds then gain a charge. Spend charge to give back 50% to target.
Signet; improves toughness. Switch places with an illusion.
elite; reverse timewarp.
Mantra; move 400 forward.
80s: Mesmer, Engineer, Guardian.
In progress: Warrior 52.
(edited by Overlord.7394)
Advent, i’m with you about the Elite. Who wouldn’t kill for an elite like this
Well, to sum the video up: A shield that makes you invulnerable to projectiles.
Compared to feedback: A shield that makes you invulnerable to projectiles and makes them attack their owners instead.
+ the enemies attack and move also slow – chilled.
Image: 10 seconds chill, weakness (?), projectile absorbation.
Thanks Xyonon for clarifying. The field slows EVERYTHING the enemies do.
I think we daggers would be interesting. The auttoattack would be a single target close-melee high damage 3 part chain, kinda like necro or thief dagger.
The mainhand could contain a whirl-evade skill that makes a clone and does damage, and some sort of PbAoE burst skill. The Offhand dagger could have the downed state phantasmal rogue. The last skill on the offhand I think should be some sort of skill that either steals boons or applies stealth. I think these components in some combination would make a great dagger set!
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Weapon: hammer (or one of the others mentioned)
Signet: something defensive that gives toughness on passive and evasion on active
Manipulation: love your idea of place swapping!
Glamour 1: bubbles! Create 10-12 ethereal bubbles that drop from the sky and follow the terrain. Every foe that gets hit is knocked down for 1 second.
Glamour 2: dark portal. In the shape of temporal curtain/veil, you drop an exit portal and the skill changes allowing you to drop an entry portal. Enemies that enter the entry portal zone get ported to the exit portal (and can’t come back).
Mantra: Mantra of Confusion, apply 2 stacks of confusion
Heal: heal more for each boon on you
Elite: displacement. You and the allies around you (radius 900) appear in a different position (range 600? 900?) for 5 seconds.
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
Elite: Confusing Displacement
First Cast: Drops a mark on the ground, that does a strange sound. Disappears after 60 seconds.
Second Cast: Image the “Mass Invisibility” animation. After this is done. A Vortex appears, pulls enemies into it and teleports them to the exit.
Soul Transfer
On enemy cast: Sends all your conditions to an enemy. Duration will be doubled after this process.
On ally cast: Sends all your boons to an ally. Duration will be doubled after this process.
€dit: WTF somone had the same idea already :O ^Dark Portal lol
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Elite. Raises the max illusion count temporarily to 10 and randomly summons 10 clones spread out in the area. Press again to switch positions with a random clone.
Might have problems with Winds of Chaos but I’d just love to have something like this.
Oh and 25% MS signet.
Got inspired and made up some skills on the spot! ^^
Painful Beauty (Similar to Temple of Lyssa’s mechanics):
Glamour: When activated, any enemy looking at you from 1200 yrds will get a 0.5 second CD on all skills. If the enemy is closer than 130 yrds, they’ll be feared from you (3 seconds)
Duration: 3 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Twisting blinks:
Elite: When activated, you’ll get teleported around your enemy with a 900 yrds radius. Each teleported location will have 1 second duration until you will get teleported to another spot. During this time (even while teleporting around) you will be able to fully excecute any skill, channeled or not. Melee weapons will be teleported around the enemy at attacking distance. Ranged will be as far as 900 yrds.
Duration: 7 seconds.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Punishing Karma:
Manipulation: The next offensive skill the enemy does within 5 seconds will be redirected back to its sorce.
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
(edited by Aniltiger.9186)
all i want is a true condi weapon that has poison and torment (please be the pistol MH)