best skin for gs in mesmer:)
thats like asking what icecream is better: chocolade or vanilla … so i go with chocolade ^^
on a slightly more serious note … both are hideous
Guild leader of Gorillas On Drugs (APE)
well thanks for the link but from your in game view :P just what u believe is better for my mes:D
Since you cannot decide between the 2, I think the answer is obvious: Eternity.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
thanks guys your answer’s till now was very helpfull xD
well… what do you want to hear it’s a matter of taste…
I like sunrise much more than twilight especially on females.
2 reasons:
1. My character is dyed in brightt colours, with the light hue of sunrise it looks amazing, if I would wear a twilight I would dye my character dark and that’s not my style.
2. I see much more characters with twilight than sunrise so twilight is nothing special for me…
Personally Vision of the Mists looks far far better than either legendary, and will only cost about 200g. No matter what way you approach it, a legendary weapon requires tons of effort and money and time. They just are too hideous for me to waste my resources.
Twilight, Dawn, Volcanus, Vision of the Mists, Corrupted Avenger in that order IMO.
Twilight. The colour matches the purple beam better.
I wanted to vote for the Ceremonial Scimitar, but after that streak of expensive nob stuff I’ll just disappear in a cloud of purple smoke.
sorry if i speak about exotics even if you aim for legendary but gs+skin is too appealing for me.
first of all i dont like vision of the mist at all. amazing effect but the greatsword is silly.
volcanus is awesome but the shape (hope its the right term) isnt so good for me.
same for destroyer, corrupted and the fractal skin. especially the last one is way too big while the 1h model is nice. foefire’s essence is the best exotic skin if you ask me.
legendaries: first i wanted to craft twilight for the same reasons… fits better with purple beam etc. then i changed my mind and crafted sunrise. im in love with it! looks wonderful with white/gold dyes and also with black/gold. i use abyss/dust/gold and its really nice. the main reason i didnt want to craft twilight anymore is for the red “galaxy” parts. i think its nice even with white dyes tho, maybe with black cherry parts.
(edited by Levitas.1953)
Personally Vision of the Mists looks far far better than either legendary, and will only cost about 200g. No matter what way you approach it, a legendary weapon requires tons of effort and money and time. They just are too hideous for me to waste my resources.
I agree 100%, but it’s just an opinion. I also went for a purple theme, so that kind of made my decision for me. The sword skin itself isn’t fantastic-looking, but the glow is beautiful.
I knew from the minute I first saw VotM (before the recipe was even known) that it was going to be the only GS for my Mesmer. I was a little upset when I saw it cost 250 ectos (and ~1500 Orichalcum Ore), but that wasn’t hard at all – probably took me a month to save up, and I did have some guildies help me towards the end (which I paid back). Haven’t looked at anything else since, although I did try a Confusion build for a while… wound up going back to Shatter because I missed having VotM on my back.
In the meantime, the Mystic/Peacemaker’s GS make for good temporary skins.
Tirian – Human Mesmer | Oglethorpe – Human Necromancer
Bigbeard the Grey – Norn Guardian | Emoury – Human Thief
Only problem with Vision of the Mists is that it’ll be inferior once Ascended weapons are out, while legendaries’ stats will be adjusted.
Go Sunrise! Everyone has Twilight. Twilight leaves pools of kitten on the ground, but Sunrise leaves pools of epicness. Sunrise is cheaper! Sunrise has much nicer colours.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Only problem with Vision of the Mists is that it’ll be inferior once Ascended weapons are out, while legendaries’ stats will be adjusted.
What’s wrong with transmuting VotM on to an Ascended weapon?
Nothing, but the combined effort is pretty high I guess, so you could better save those 200g and get a legendary later. Expecially when they add other ways of getting a precursor. If this wasn’t the case, I’d go for volcanus now.
I wanted to vote for the Ceremonial Scimitar, but after that streak of expensive nob stuff I’ll just disappear in a cloud of purple smoke.
Hi, Ceremonial buddy!
I’ve got the GS and 1h Sword Ceremonial blades. LOVE THEM.
Lucrezia Stone, thief
[GAF] guild, Stormbluff Isle
Fractal Greatsword
Thisisudax – Guardian – FotM 49
Fractal Videos:
Go Sunrise! Everyone has Twilight. Twilight leaves pools of kitten on the ground, but Sunrise leaves pools of epicness
. Sunrise is cheaper! Sunrise has much nicer colours.
if you mean epicness as in sperm stain, sure I can agree with you…
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
the fractal GS despite seeming ugly at a first glance is awesome on mesmer due to the rotating animation of autoattack.
Its clearly a magical sword (blades detatched from hilt, the floating cube, the particle efects and other stuff)…..
Vision of the mist is the mesmer weapon ofc and for legendary i d go twilight anyday because the concept of spatial surge reminds me black holes and black and purple are really representing them.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Sylvari tier 3. Hands down the coolest gs in the game. Would have it rather than a legendary
While we’re on this topic – are there any nice models for staffs except the legendary one? Seems there’s a lot of named greatswords, but only a few (unspectacular) staffs.
ANet, y u no love staffs?
So the answer is no. Meh.
(edited by Iruwen.3164)