condition damage or duration?
Just keep in mind, clones do not receive any condition duration bonuses you get.
Also Burning only causes damage for every FULL second. So a 4sec burn would need 25% increase duration, 2 sec burn would need 50%, 1sec burn would need 100% duration increase.
Personally i think you lose out on other things if you go condition duration . . . . unless (maybe) a confusion build ?
Yes I was thinking for confusion. I run a glamour build and love it so looking to get the most out of it.
Condition damage > duration. Lots of times others are stacking the same conditions adding to durations, etc. Duration would be better for a confusion/blindness build.
On any class that apply conditions at will duration wins over condition dmg once you are near 1k condition dmg. With the Mesmer it is diffrent. For one our clones don’t get stats like condition duration ( or % crit dmg) and we also apply conditons as short ticks on a radnome based scale which means we can’t spec for one condtion either. In the beta confusion builds where pretty good but then they took the scepter and said “nope you only condition dmg weapons is the staff and that is also you support weapone we are to lazy to think of something to fix the OP fact that clones can apply confusion” and so the Mesmer got kittened in BW2.
It’s a complex picture, there’s several aspects that need be considered:
Utility conditions
Cripples, blinds, weakness, to a lesser degree poison for example have no damage component only duration. If you’re packing a lot of these then duration maximsies their utility
Condition survival time
The longer a condition is present the more likely it is to get cured; so dealing the damage fast guarantees it’s success – so if you’re using conditions mostly for damage, condition damage is superior.
Conversely, confusion if it’s too short may end before the enemy even attacks rendering it useless.
If you increase damage AND duration then the net impact is greater than the sum of it’s parts as they are multiplicative, there may be a sweet spot to aim for.
Garnished Toast