

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I think you might be misunderstanding Illusion X – this reduces the cooldown on phantasm’s attacks so they attack more frequently, it doesn’t reduce cooldown of phantasm summoning skills.

Which means this build kind’ve awkwardly straddles the line between a phantasm herder and a shatterer. You’re getting bonuses on shatters, but you also have high phantasm attack speed/damage bonuses, so it behooves you to avoid shattering your phantasms until the last minute (In which case the shatter cooldown bonuses are redundant).

If you only shatter infrequently then the shatter cooldowns and might are irrelevant. If you Shatter frequently, then the cooldown on phantasm attacks is redundant as they won’t survive to attack multiple times.

That’s just my thoughts anyway.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast


in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


As i wrote in your other thread i run something similar.
I think the base for this kind of builds is 0/5/0/25/25 and you have 15 points to custom it.
I choose to put 10 points in domination to gain even more phantasm damage or mind wrack damage (i usually go with the first one and change if i need high burst in short time). I also like 30 in illusions and go for iPersona or another useful trait (iElasticity, dazzling glamours).
Im not sure if i should invest more points in dueling for phantasmal fury instead of empowered illusions. I dont find sharper images and DE a must.