(edited by Noble.2670)
how to fight chorno on d/d ele
From your post i think you have somewhat a good grasp fighting against chrono but let me give you some Checkpoints to think about.
- dodge or blind Mirrorblade
- don’t get triangled by illusions (you standing in the middle and 3 illusions in a triangle around you)
- try not to hit the Block (Mesmer Shield #4)
- Shield #5 returns so be carefull and maybe sidestep it.
- Shield #5 gives the mesmer quickness maybe stay out of autoattack range for 1 second?
- force as many conditions on him as possible (This should be pretty doable since most Chrono builds have 0 or 1 condi cleanse)
- once he hits blurred frenzy (Sword #2) wait for it to time out and burst immediatly (most mesmers use Sword #2 when they dont have dodges up
- Gravity Weil has a long cast animation / time change up your movement while he casts it so he cant “predict” where you will be. (Srsly this skill is so easy to dodge without even using a dodge just lern it tells)
- If he uses Gravity Well (Well that lifts you up and interrupts you 3 times) use stab to counter it. if you do get cought tho dont use skills that can be interrupted. (The Weil deals very little dmg the interrupt kill you.)
- When he pops the “Evade Weil”:
– if he’s in sword: distance yourself and get some healing done / prep for burst
– if he’s in greatsword watchout for mirrorblade and iZerker they will most likely come out soon.
- Once he enters Split you are able to cancel his time shift (Just destroy the Rift that spawned) as soon as you destroy the rift the Chrono will be ported to this exact location and most likely be cought of guard.
I think you are on a pretty good way and hope you can do it soon !
hope this helps.
i completely missed the rift! didn’t think to destroy it, thank you, some great advice! should help a ton
i seem to be against chornos who run inspiration, as i have tried loading them up with burns, and keeping my burns sustained on them, but they constantly get cleansed. also the majority of the time i seem to be cc’d when they cast the well on me, making it hard to just move out of it if i dont have stability, is there something im missing here, or is it perhaps a diversion shatter or something?
If they run a somewhat “Bunker Chrono” build it is pretty difficult to stack condi’s i agree.
The Well itself has a 1 second cast time (when it drops on you there is not much you can do) but in retrospec the Chrono needs to know where you will be 1 second from now so maybe changing up your moving patterns while fighting could help alot.
For example:
Do you always use DD Fire #3 directly on top of him?
Do you use DD Air #5 in the same way all the time?
things like this might put you closer to your goal.
One thing to look for would be to counterpressure instantly.
Chrono has the advantage that they can use all of their skills in many different ways.
Blink in to burst – Blink out to survive
Decoy in to burst – decoy out of dmg
Use GS #5 for interrupt + followup – Use GS #5 to get some breathing room
These are the things that make this class so awesome to play but it can be its greates flaw aswell.
Did he just blink in on you and you avoided his burst? Nice he cant blink out ! use this to your advantage !
In general most chrono matchups are about adjusting on the fly. while in combat. what CD’s does he have? am i standing near an illusion? Is he going for the killing blow or is he trying to survive what i throw at him?
There are many things to think about and it just needs time to get in a mesmers mind