i m so bad...

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raziel.4570


Hello all,

I m kinda new on mesmer. I had the weird idea of gearing my mesmer with a carrion set, staff scept/torch. I tried the different builds in the post of this site. But i dont do dmg…is there stg i miss…
I bought all weapons to tried it out, without great succes…
I do dungeon and fractals mainly..
I start to thing that i should dedicate this char toi purely wvw.

Does anyone has any advise? Someone with a decent dmg in pve with that gear?

Thanks all

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


With carrion gear? Sadly condi damage mesmers aren’t a real popular build…. You can go boon support tank in WvW if you would like.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


You really have backed yourself into a corner with that decision.

Condition builds REQUIRE precision to be viable so you can stack bleeds via sharper image. Without precision, you cannot generate bleeds, and without bleeds you’re basically doing no condition damage worth speaking of (With 50% crit chance, and maxed condition damage iWarden can stack up bleeds on a par with the damage dealt from a power/crit build)

My advice would be to start getting on dungeon teams or start banking some karma – then go to the temples in Orr and get yourself some appropriate karma or dungeon gear. That way you don’t have to blow all your gold on getting a new set of gear that isn’t awful.

As it stands, full carrion isn’t really something you can use by itself.

(Your predictament does make me wonder though how carrion/rampagers would compare against zerker/cavalier for DPS… I’d still advise switching your gear up for a power/crit build. So, berserker, cavalier stats.)

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shadow.5694


Condition builds are just inferior to power/crit builds. Besides that scepter is not really a condition weapon. The 1 Skill does power based damage, 2 is a block and 3 does power based damage + confusion. Confusion is totally useless. It was always bad in PvE and not that good in PvP. then got nerfed further (wtf? why?), so now it’s completely useless. So I highly recommend not to use a scepter.
Torch is completely useless, the phantasm, pretty much does no damage.

If you’re going to play dungeons an fractals with your mesmer you either want a shatter or phantasm build and full berserker armor (pow/prec/crit). Your damage won’t reach a warriors damage obviously, but it will be a lot better, than what you’re running now.
Typical traits are something between 10/30/0/0/30 (shatter) and 20/20/0/20/10 (phantasm).

As a mesmer you will always do less damage, than a warrior, but you bring lots of utility, that helps the team. Phantasm builds offer a bit more utility. Most important are: Projectile reflection with Feedback and Focus, when traited (on phantasm builds), Timewarp, Signet of Inspiration to copy boons, Portals and Temporal curtain for repositioning mobs (needs some trainig).

This is the build I’m using at the moment:
Weapos are Sword/Forus & -/Sword (using the same mainhand swords in both sets)
If I need a ranged weapon I use a Greatsword in the 2nd weeaponset.

If you’re still learning, I recomment to put 20 points in domination and get the trait “Greatsword Training” (only 20 points in Dueling and no “Phantasmal Fury” in that case)
You can also put 25 points in Inspiration and only 5 in Illusions if you want. Hard to say, which trait is better, “Phantasmal Strength” or “Compounding Power”.

Also the Adept trait in Inspiration is probably not the best choice, II or V are good alternatives.

As already mentioned, you will have full berserker armor and be really squishy. Learn to use your skills, especially Distortion and Blurred Frenzie to evade attacks (don’t just spam it on cooldown) and survive in melee. Sword is by far the highest damage you can achieve as a mesmer, so use it, whenever you can.
Also, even if you’re running a phantasm build, use your shatter skills. They do good damage, so if your phantasms are standing in red circles and doomed to death anyway, it’s better to shatter.

Also, lern, what skills to use in what situations, you shouldn’t be running around with the same 3 all the time.

This only applies to PvE (Dungeons and Fractals). If you’re going to dedicate the char to wvw, another build may be better, though I’ve heared, some people are using similar builds like this in wvw and it’s doing quite well.

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: TooBz.3065


You’re not bad, but carrion gear is not the best choice. You probably need to start swapping it out for berserker gear as soon as you can.

Sadly, mesmers aren’t the best at condition damage, our conditions are too randomly applied.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raziel.4570


Pretty sad arenanet should fixe this

i m so bad...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


sorry for your loss… of karma or whatever it is you used to buy your gear. I have a full set of carrion and rabid gear collecting dust in my bank in hopes that one day confusion will rein terror upon the masses again.

As for buying new gear, I’ve found the quickest way for me is to simply collect badges from wvw. I usually collect enough badges for a new full exotic set once every three to four weeks (roughly 700 to 900 badges depending on what you need). I find this far more appealing than grinding one dungeon for a couple weeks.

Another, mostly unrelated, trick I recently learned is that pvp rewards unidentified dyes that are account bound. Hence, if you eventually want a legendary, you can simply save your unbound unidentified dyes and use the pvp bound ones.

mesmer of Blackgate