i need a noob friendly build

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: jhern.6097


im practicing the power chrono in wvw. i do a hell of a lot of roaming. however im having no success. does anyone have a noob friendly version of the burst chrono theyd like to share? any tips would help as well. thanks

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Condi chrono will be easier to play than power burst will. I would recommend something along these lines


You blind foes while blocking and evading attacks (synergizes extremely well with SH4 and SW2), and cause confusion on blind. Confusion lasts 33% longer, cause confusion + torment with shatters, take reduced damage and deal more damage/condi damage for every illusion you control (and Chrono line helps you keep more illusions out). With some boon duration (like commanders gear) you can easily achieve 100% uptime on protection and regen. 2 stunbreaks on short CD, including one that stealths you, AoE CC with your elite. The biggest weakness, is that since this doesn’t take inspiration, all of your condi cleanse is reliant on phantasmal disenchanter. Assuming it dies as soon as its cast (to assume the worst case), this is 2 condi cleanses every 16 seconds without alacrity. Not the best. You could swap Ether Feast for WoE for more condi cleanse, but I feel that an extra 10 seconds between each heal is not worth it.

You could also drop shield and take torch instead, in which case you should swap your traits to be this


This gives you a weaker heal, but its on a 12 second CD, making it the most healing per second of your heals. It also reduces the CD on blink to 24 seconds, as well as gives you the mirror effect when using blink. Swap out your elite for MI, which will now provide over 10% stealth uptime due to Master of Manipulation reducing its CD to 72 seconds. pDisenchanter was swapped out for SoM, giving you more condi duration (for a total of 53% extra duration on confusion due to the Illusion line), as well as another way to blind your opponents (which, again, procs confusion due to the illusion line traits). Alternatively you could swap out SoM for Arcane Thievery, which is a strange form of condi cleanse, transferring 3 of them to an opponent on an unblockable attack. It will also give you 2 seconds of mirror when using it and steal 3 of their boons. This build has relatively high uptime on the mirror effect, 16.67% just from your heal skill alone, high stealth uptime, more condi cleanse than the first one due to condi cleanse on torch skills, and it still has heavy condition pressure.

Again, I would focus on boon duration gear for this build, as its also quite easy to get 100% uptime on protection and regen using it. And also 100% uptime on other boons depending on your luck with which ones you get during stealth (aegis, might, and swiftness).

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Toasa.1236


Just, dont do this..
This build from Ori Ori is so easy to Play and so extremely powerful AND boring.
You will gett so much hate..

I Play power shatter mesmer since release and if you can land your shatters perfectly and know how to Play you will have success!
AND: its alot more fun.

Play with gs, sword shield .

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: alain.1659


Gs & Sword + Shield, soldier-ish set, zerker trinkets and zerker weapons. This would help you while roaming against certain professions. It would be both easier to play and will help you to understand profession mechanics. I used to play full zerker but this stat combo really helps me to relax and invent new skill combos. Some will say that you would not have any damage or you should play zerker to learn, but I say relax and play how and what you like.

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


Brand new? Well you want to do some duelling with some friends in a guild arena to get a bit of practise.

This wouldn’t be a bad start for core mesmer the reason I say that is the entire point of it is to burst someone down, stealth until burst is ready again and try again. The portal is to get away, what you do is make sure you set it down a long way away from the fight, ideally in a safe location and when you get to less than 50% and no heal then open and go through, run away and come back when portal is ready.

The reason I recommend this even though it goes against my policy of having no condition clears is that it’ll teach you about when to fight and when to run which is important for power mesmer.

This is another build you can try if you have chronomancer though it has less stealth and so is harder to get away with if you find yourself in too deep.

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: tym.3791


I get some heat for this, but really, you need to figure out how you want to play a mesmer, and what you wanna do before deciding on a build.

Me, I play a PU condition Mesmer, I MAY sometime switch to a more power based, but its gonna stay PU. Roaming, you REALLY need allot of stealth to get yourself out of sticky issues, in case you run across a small group just trying to gank roamers.

Just the other night, 5 man gank squad tried to kill me, my stealth, and blink got me out of it, then I trolled them, went back, found them, let them attack, then got away again.

As far as any build goes, never know with ANET, they will buff this, nerf that, so what works today may be broken tommorow.

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alveen.7239


I get some heat for this, but really, you need to figure out how you want to play a mesmer, and what you wanna do before deciding on a build.

Me, I play a PU condition Mesmer, I MAY sometime switch to a more power based, but its gonna stay PU. Roaming, you REALLY need allot of stealth to get yourself out of sticky issues, in case you run across a small group just trying to gank roamers.

Just the other night, 5 man gank squad tried to kill me, my stealth, and blink got me out of it, then I trolled them, went back, found them, let them attack, then got away again.

As far as any build goes, never know with ANET, they will buff this, nerf that, so what works today may be broken tommorow.

Mesmer is like Anets love child, they wont break it trust

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I get some heat for this, but really, you need to figure out how you want to play a mesmer, and what you wanna do before deciding on a build.

Me, I play a PU condition Mesmer, I MAY sometime switch to a more power based, but its gonna stay PU. Roaming, you REALLY need allot of stealth to get yourself out of sticky issues, in case you run across a small group just trying to gank roamers.

Just the other night, 5 man gank squad tried to kill me, my stealth, and blink got me out of it, then I trolled them, went back, found them, let them attack, then got away again.

As far as any build goes, never know with ANET, they will buff this, nerf that, so what works today may be broken tommorow.

Mesmer is like Anets love child, they wont break it trust

I guess you don’t remember the time from launch to the pre HoT June 23rd patch, especially things like broken phantasms.

Granted we’ve now had 18 months of good stuff, but anything could break next patch.

i need a noob friendly build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ballads.2509


PU condi Mesmer is the build you are looking for, and as much as i love Chrono, The meta-Mesmer build is just better for wvw roaming. Trailblazers mixed with dire to achieve 100% duration on confusion.