iDefender Question
The little icon is a buff called “Illusion of Defense”. Every time the defender attacks, it gives that little defensive buff to all allies within 600 range of it. And it will make an attack every time it comes off cooldown even if it’s not near an enemy—it doesn’t need to hit anything to grant the defense buff. Maybe you were not quite close enough to the defender when it attacked and you didn’t get the buff?
While in general the defender works best if you are up close, it also defends your other illusions. So if you have, say, a swordsman and a warden up close attacking, it can be worthwhile to throw out a defender so as to keep your dps phantasms alive a bit longer. Inspiration 15 is also helpful in that scenario, especially with high-life mobs.
Working as intended. The Defender grants the buff to nearby allies, as well, and benefits from things that increase the health of your illusions.
In a dungeon environment, it is invaluable.
Thanks for the post guys! While I LOVE the concept, I do think the radius should be increased….. maybe scepter range? (900 or something rather than 600 or less?). Even if it gives it to more people it just means it will “pop” faster while allowing for: 1. better solo mesmer play and 2. a half ageis to those in range.
or gals! sorry, meant to make that gender neutral
Just a cute little tidbit for those that want to use a tanky iDefender build.
Well, for one you should know illusions use your stats, including toughness/vitality.
Second, the Retaliation for Phantasms works beautifully with your iDefender, since your iDefender is taking half the dmg for everyone around him, he will reflect dmg for taking dmg for others, essentially spreading retaliation to everyone.
Best part is you get to see all the little numbers as opposed to just applying an aoe retaliation. Also if someone hits a phantasm your iDefender is defending they should get hit twice by retaliation. And keep in mind that the phantasm fury trait will remove your retaliation.