iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grimms.9016


iDeulist + combo fields. yup… Looks like this has been nerfed. Or “fixed”.

Seven Mirror [KING] – Sorrow’s Furnace
7mirror vids/builds

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Birdrock.1697


The icon spam is what was fixed, if I understand you correctly. Duelist never applied projectile finishers on every hit despite flashing the combo icon for every hit.

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grimms.9016


The confusion icon was fixed, as well as the damage that went along with it. The iDuelist was stacking 12 or so confusions through a combo field, the damage would match the stacks. Now it will stack 2 tops, damage matching the 2 stacks.

Seven Mirror [KING] – Sorrow’s Furnace
7mirror vids/builds

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: EvilToaster.7406


IIRC iDeulist was getting a 100% combo finisher for every shot instead 20% per shot like other muli-shot finishers

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


IIRC iDeulist was getting a 100% combo finisher for every shot instead 20% per shot like other muli-shot finishers

I can confirm this, reliably stacking 8 confusion every summon, never more or less – if it were only 20% then it should average around 2, sometimes less sometimes more.

Did they at least fix zerker or was this update purely to nerf mesmer?

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wise.8025


IIRC iDeulist was getting a 100% combo finisher for every shot instead 20% per shot like other muli-shot finishers

I can confirm this, reliably stacking 8 confusion every summon, never more or less – if it were only 20% then it should average around 2, sometimes less sometimes more.

Did they at least fix zerker or was this update purely to nerf mesmer?

Purely the latter.

Don’t worry about iDuelist finishers either they’re not done “fixing” mesmer.

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


iDuelist is bugged in that it is normally a 20% projectile finisher, but if you take the Duelist’s Discipline trait it becomes a 100% projectile finisher.

As far as I know this bug has not been fixed, but I didn’t test this.

iDuelist (so much for confusion stacking)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


iDuelists finisher is still 100% with Duelist’s Discipline. So appears to still be. . . broken.

Edit: Tested it a few min ago again to be sure.

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