iLeap Now Interrupts Blurred frenzy.
It always has. Blurred Frenzy is a channeled root, so any action during the channeling cancels out, and any movement at all cancels the distortion even if the channel is done. It has always been like this, so if it worked any other way for you it was a bug.
No ? :/ I used to Blurred frenzy to get invuln before Leaping all the time.
To stop interrupts :/
This literally never used to happen in 43 Ranks of play.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Pahldus is correct. I had experimented with this to see if it worked many times in the past. Nothing has changed, this is how it always has been.
:( I could swear this is How I played most of my matches start2 and THEN 3.. cause I just now started noticing my blurred frenzy going on Cd
I agree with the others. I’m pretty sure leap cancelled blurred frenzy… Though blink might work? Never tried to be honest.
Forum Topic:
Darnis are you using Frenzy and then sending you #3? Or sending the clone, #2, and then swapping? Because the latter works, that’s what I do quite often, but I’m very positive that the initial spell (sending the clone forward) has always cancelled the channel as it’s not an instant-cast like a mantra or Mirror Images.
Darnis are you using Frenzy and then sending you #3? Or sending the clone, #2, and then swapping? Because the latter works, that’s what I do quite often, but I’m very positive that the initial spell (sending the clone forward) has always cancelled the channel as it’s not an instant-cast like a mantra or Mirror Images.
No it doesn’t. It doesn’t work, and it never has. Go try it out and you’ll see.