lvl80 Dungeon build. need some advice

lvl80 Dungeon build. need some advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miro.7912



Hi all,

I just got my mesmer up to 80 and now i do a lot of dungeons and fractals. but i’m a bit unsure on how/when to use shatter. i had a shatter build for lvling, but now i wonder if it isnt better to let illusions/phantasms live instead of shattering on cd.

i was thinking that perhaps its better to shatter when i know i can summon 3 new phantasms/illusions right after. or not? and any idea on which weps do most dmg (including the illusions/phantasms they summon)? i think i want to use staff, becuz it gives a little bit of support, but i dont know whats best really… i find it hard to know whats better in dungeons or to see the difference.

any idea for a good dungeon build and the playstyle that goes with it?

lvl80 Dungeon build. need some advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Velladin.2578



1. Shatter Builds (20/20/0/0/30)
2. Support Builds (Staff/healers mantra)
3. Mantra Auto Attack
4. Phantasm damage

I personally use shatters.

lvl80 Dungeon build. need some advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Czhang.1346


Personally do not shatter Phantasms in dungeon that much except there are minor mobs need to aoe down. Staff is good to use in dungeon(2 is good break stun and knock down and 5 is good for group buff). secondary weapon is personal preference. If you just start dungeon, suggest more defensive build(toughness and Vit) to learn the boss fight. skills personally use null field to remove conditions and decoy to drop aggro(break stun and knock down), feed back to reflect arrows back , signet of Inspiration(random buff still helps to survive). And also as a mesmer(ranged), I not often take heavy direct damage like melee classes, I prefer more health and toughness when melee down and need revive. Anyway all personal experience,,,hope help

lvl80 Dungeon build. need some advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seren.6850


After playing my tanks, I just feel so fragile in dungeons with only one heal as a zerker shatter build (though it’s amazing in wvw). So I’m 20/20/5/20/5 or was it 20/20/0/20/10, staff/gs mantra heals

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