mesmer damage.. umm what happened??
Depending on what I’m up against, I use different weapons and traits. Since I play PvE and only do PvP for dailies, I think my set-up might be a good starting point (although other mesmers might be better; they’ll have to reply to give you their recommendations).
Typically I run most PvE content with Sword/Focus and Greatsword (I have an off-hand sword and a pistol in case I need them for specific situations in dungeons and fractals)
First question I ask is “Do I need a lot of reflect?”
If yes: 6/4/0/4/0
III, X, and XI
II and IV
If no: 6/6/0/0/2
III, X, and XI
II, IV, and XI
The two XI traits are for Mantras. My utilities are Signet of the Ether (Heal), Mantra of Resolve (condi cleanse), Mantra of Pain (recently got a small AoE radius, which is nice with multiple mobs), Feedback (I do Tequatl every night, so I just keep it slotted), and Time Warp (who doesn’t like a bit of chronomancy pre-HoT?)
Both builds are probably not the best out there, but the damage is good especially when you use SotE for its secondary effect and get three phantasms up (usually I get iBerserker and two iWardens out with that). The iWardens stack lots of lovely bleeding with Sharper Images which works with Phantasmal Fury (Dueling II).
Again, probably not the best builds, but they’re a nice jumping-off point, I think.
Damien Shadowweave (Human Mesmer [main]), Damien Woodstrider (Human Ranger),
Izaak Bezaleel (Human Elementalist), Bruadhar (Sylvari Mesmer), Vyndaen (Sylvari Elementalist)
Yea, I wonder what happened to our damage….
..being a cynical forecaster.
..being a doom-monger….and being a hopeless jinxer.
Interesting, I was just playing my mesmer last night on SW (trying to get that…. beta…. cough)…
Mesmer dps generally sucks. I use a condi clone build that isnt the best at anything… besides murdering HUSK monsters…. I don’t die easily because of +Condi/toughness/+vit gear… This does not fully answer your question… so I will answer to the best of my ability…
MANTRA build still works as it did… for the most part and still does half decent dps.. which is about all the dps a mesmer can get… (compared to ele/theif/dpsguard/warrior/engi/ranger pew pew, its better than dagger necro imo… more cleave!)
*edit for PvE, shatter for WvW is epic..
(edited by Gomssi.7246)
Mesmer requires more skill and intuition than many other professions. You’re probably rusty in both of those departments, given that you took an 18 month break.
Also, you will get better, actionable advice if you list the traits/equipment for your build.
Mesmer dps generally sucks. I use a condi clone build that isnt the best at anything… besides murdering HUSK monsters…. I don’t die easily because of +Condi/toughness/+vit gear…
While Mesmer DPS isn’t the best, I wouldn’t say it sucks because I’m an eternal optimist that thinks that one day we could be on par with Eles and Thieves (insert comment about delusions of grandeur here… Get it? Delusions? lawlimfunny)
Condi builds are fun, and they’re amazing for killing the husks. The vet and champ ones are MUCH easier with condi builds. The normal ones go down for me pretty quickly with my zerker build, but I attribute that to my phantasms causing lots of bleeding.
Mesmer requires more skill and intuition than many other professions. You’re probably rusty in both of those departments, given that you took an 18 month break.
Also, you will get better, actionable advice if you list the traits/equipment for your build.
All that is probably true as well (especially the “if you list the traits/equipment” part).
Damien Shadowweave (Human Mesmer [main]), Damien Woodstrider (Human Ranger),
Izaak Bezaleel (Human Elementalist), Bruadhar (Sylvari Mesmer), Vyndaen (Sylvari Elementalist)
(edited by jdlawhorn.8061)