@net Balance "preview" patch notes

@net Balance "preview" patch notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zoser.7245


@net Balance “preview” patch notes:

We are apologize about a viral information we published due to a bug (error) in the text of the preview notes about to:

We’ll be improving upon the scepter, which will be receiving updates through skills, functionality, and traits.

  • Fixed text: We’ll be improving upon the scepter, which will be receiving updates through skills, functionality, and traits through the change of the 5% increased AA speed.

At the end is the same because:

1) We have modified a trait.

2) You have a directly or indirectly modified skill/s.

3) You gain utility. Because you have a clone 0,0625s faster each rotation with your auto attack.

 We are sure that you understand it.


                                                                       *Batlance Team International Corporation.*

P.S: You still can taste the actual Chronomancer, buy HoT before next balance patch . Hurry up!


@net Balance "preview" patch notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zoser.7245


I wish you a good weekend my dear mesmers. I’m not sure if I will be able to reply back …

In any case I’m with you. See you in the battle.

@net Balance "preview" patch notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


The sad thing is, because of how Scepter Auto works, the trait won’t even be a 5% buff to its attack speed.

Your joke notes are better then what we will actually be getting.

@net Balance "preview" patch notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: msalakka.4653


I main a scepter on both mh and I wouldn’t take the scepter trait – a measly five percent buff ain’t gonna change that.

Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~