pu + phantasm build full zerk viable in wvw?
I run a pu power build full zerker . You should do just fine . You’ll find PU is A LOT more helpful in wvw vs pvp.
I run a pu power build full zerker . You should do just fine . You’ll find PU is A LOT more helpful in wvw vs pvp.
Good to hear that
You can always experiment and see if it fits your skills and playstyle, then adjust equipment to suit. PU and Blink are really good tools for avoiding damage.
I’ve been running with Zerk weapons and trinkets and Knight/Soldier mixed armor. I like the extra defense and I needed an armor set with a speed buff rune (went with Traveler but that’s not the only option), anyway, whereas it’s much better to have a pure DPS rune for PvE stuff (I went with Ranger, because I’m cheap).
Even with a 2/2/6/2/2 build with greens you would be fine in WvW, as long as you take PU traits
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