queens gauntlet mesmer guide

queens gauntlet mesmer guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rentlle.1370


Could we, all together share our queens gauntlet mesmer tips??
So we can make 1 big guide
So many ppl facerolling it with condinecro’s makes me want to do it with my favorite profession…
But we ARE a lot slower then other professions and some ability’s we just have inefficient.

I only have one tip (that’s why I ask for more)

Tier 1: Keira windcaster: just run phantasmbuild + melandru elite
Cast as many phantasms as you can, go superdmg with sword and transform (stability ad long as the elite is on) when there are too many tornadoes.
She should be dead before you transform again.

As you see, I’m not verry far yet, I could use some mesmer-specific tips/tricks..

queens gauntlet mesmer guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I did it last time around pretty much straight up phantasm build . The only time I changed was for dead-eye, loaded up all the interrupt for that one.
For chomper interrupts and push basks help a lot as well
For Blob iswords can kill him without killing small blobs

queens gauntlet mesmer guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jurica.1742


Subject 7 – Blobs Schmobs + 5 Gambits


Full zerker, strength runes (could be done with just zerker + x runes)

Kind of a weird way to get the achis, but it worked for me. Spawn as many SWORDSMAN on S7 as you can (spawn first one, wait for CD to finish, spawn again, heal, spawn again then slap time warp on the swordsmen)
Mimic you’re free to use, you won’t do that much reflect damage to kill an ooze, use stealth to keep yourself alive, you also get boons from PU and longer stealth duration. Blurred frenzy for invulnerability, DO NOT SHATTER anything. Not even for distortion.
If you don’t kill S7 quickly enough swap out veil for mantra of pain and spam it on him constantly.

Also, there is already a guide for mesmers on Dulfy . Supposed to be for all players but it is demonstrated on a mesmer.

Pineapples rule

(edited by Jurica.1742)