question for mesmer players`
In beta, evasive deception as the Duelling rank 15 minor skill, every mesmer got it automaticlly at duelling 15.
The problem was that at this stage clones would over-write phantasms (Something they changed a few weeks after launch), so if you had to dodge, you might end up killing your own iZerker. So as a quick and dirty fix, they moved evasive deception up into the rank 20 major slot so that people could choose whether or not to use the skill.
Now they’d resolved the clone issues it’d make sense to switch it back out, it’s kind’ve silly having EVERY PvE mesmer have to take the same major trait to be playable.
Garnished Toast
Lol if you have 3 phants up, it will still wipe a phant. But yeah, I would love it if this was a minor trait.
Actually, if you have 3 Phantasms up and Dodge with Deceptive Evasion, no Clone is spawned at all.
Its only Clone generating skills that causes you oldest of 3 phantasms to pop.
- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)
@MLieBennett: Then my character is glitched. Ever since I’ve got the trait at 40, the clone from dodge will overwrite the oldest phantasm. I can only have 2 Phantasms active at once, due to having Deceptive Evasion, and I can’t imagine living without it. Not that much of a problem anyway.
Okay, that is … strange.
Just tested, and Deceptive Dodge does destroy my 3rd Phantasm. I could have sworn I did that test a couple updates earlier, and that didn’t occur….
- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)
Deceptive Evasion does erase phantasms. If you’re using the Dodge Roll Trainer 2000 in the mists for testing, it wont erase a phantasm weirdly enough.