rabid armor
The dungeon merchants sell a lower quality, considerably cheaper version that you can use to test things out. Still means you have to do some dungeon runs though. . .
Ah OK will check those out thx
Equipment acquisition by stats on GW2 wiki.
I have just completed my rabid set. Almost all items can be bought with karma from temple merchants. All though it does cost 42,000 per item. The ones that you can’t get, can be received from Twilight Arbor tokens. It’s not to hard finding a group for it. There is also a karma merchant that sells lvl 80 masterwork (green) aquatic helm that is rabid. For exotic weapons, as far as I know, you can only get them from dungeons.
As for trinkets, the only trinkets with rabid stats are rare items and ascended. I decided on carrion stat trinket for now until i got ascended items.
Hope this helps.
Exotic trinkets are available since the Wintersday patch, although are quite ridiculous to obtain. They are Colossus Fang, Tortured Root and Plague, very rare drops from AC, TA and CM, respectively. The each can be crafted from a Jeweller’s recipe, but those are even rarer.
That’s strange. I found masterwork rabid gear on the TC for about 4-5 silver a pop when I was testing my build. Rabid amulets and rings with crests/books of the rabid, too, but I think those were closer to 10 silver each. Granted that was over a month ago.
Rare rabid armor is also available from the Order of Whispers (whisper agents only) for about 1.2-1.8 gold per piece. Not bad while working on exotics. Actually I like the look too, so I kept most of the skins anyway.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
You can buy rare “strong” Armor with rabid stats on the tp for 25 to 30s a piece
Exotic Khilbron’s is the equivalent to Rabid and can be bought on the TP for an arm and three legs.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
You can buy rare “strong” Armor with rabid stats on the tp for 25 to 30s a piece
this is what I did and I highly recommend it.
I love my rabid armor set. I have 6 sets and the rabid and rampager are my 2 favorite.
I use 0/20/20/0/30 with full rabid weapons and armor. Full carrion jewels. The condition duration food, toughness into cond damage maintenance oil.
2 runes of Lyssa, 4 runes of nightmare.
Condition removal mantra, Decoy, Blink with the increased range tactic
Staff, sword/torch
This build is almost unkillable most of the time. The biggest trick to pick up with this build is proper timing of your staff’s aoe and chaos armor. Just remember that you want people to hit you when your chaos armor is up.
Also don’t juke when you shatter your confusion bomb. let them hit you once or twice until they realize how much confusion is hitting them for.
Confusion shatter bombing is probably the most fun I’ve had in this game.
I use this armour and run a duel sword, scepter/torch based weapon set.
You can buy rare “strong” Armor with rabid stats on the tp for 25 to 30s a piece
Excellent, I found it on the TP, Rare Strong Conjurer armor. Thanks
I use this armour and run a duel sword, scepter/torch based weapon set.
Interesting. Condition damage builds almost always use a staff from what I’ve read, but you do not … any particular reason why and can you offer insight into your choice of weapon sets?
I’m farming the Caudecus’ Manor dungeon set that matches the Rabid line.
I run a 20/20/0/0/30 shatter with Greatsword and Staff (replaced once in a while by Sword/Pistol). Add some Undead runes to that mess and you have lots o’ Condition damage for Confusion.
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer
Thinking of the Rabid set for my staff and sword /pistol build. Is sacrificing all power worth it? Doesn’t it kitten phantasm damage? Or is it made up by cond dmg and confusion?
Rabid jewelry of exotic quality can be bought at temple of dwayna’s merchant. And since the last patch, exotic quality armor and weapons can be bought with badges of honor + gold in wvwvw.
Thinking of the Rabid set for my staff and sword /pistol build. Is sacrificing all power worth it? Doesn’t it kitten phantasm damage? Or is it made up by cond dmg and confusion?
Against a living opponent, you will be very hard to kill while your condition damage will melt their brains into a gelatinous mass which they can only watch in horror as it oozes out of their orifices. It’s is truly a dark and sinister joy to behold!
Against an inanimate object… Well… Shooting paper straw covers at it may be more productive.
I got my rabid set from Balthazar (legs, shoulders and headpiece are rabid I think), Khilbron’s gloves (cheapest part of the set… haha) and then I’m still waiting on the chest and the shoes.
I used to use full whispers armour which is rabid too, just it’s rare rather than exotic
Honor of the Waves and TA both are dungeons with Rabid armor you can buy with tokens.
Wtf I did not use the word “kitten” in my post. Let me be on record that I hate these forums using that word as a verb for nerf, decrease, or lower. /annoyed
Wtf I did not use the word “kitten” in my post. Let me be on record that I hate these forums using that word as a verb for nerf, decrease, or lower. /annoyed
I find it pretty funny lol