[sPvP Build / Gameplay] Semi PU power
Good to see more players posting spvp builds and footage
It’s known PU builds not such successful at sPvP as at roaming. But with another weapons (never use tourch at power build!), skills and correct gameplay it has chance.
there are 3 games at SoloQ with comments: http://youtu.be/aKkhU6uhyG8 . To avoid factor of ‘enemie team are nubs’ only 1 game about win and 2 about loose. Build at description.
You have a very serious lack of condition removal in your build. Anything that applies a reasonable amount of conditions will absolutely trash you, and did. I’d recommend modifying your build to fix that.
I liked the vid, but may I suggest you to make more use of your shatter skills?
Even though your build isn’t focused on shatter and more on phantasms, shattering helps you to finish your enemy faster.
For example in the 1st fight vs. the P/D thief, you got him stunned and he was sth like 50% HP at max. Seeing a thief this helpless is a rare situatoin. Shattering right in this moment might actually have killed him, or at least but under some serious pressure.
I think, you should also consider, to run sth else than PU.
Besides my personal issues against PU, I think you somehow waste potential by going 30pts deep into chaos in order to get PU, while only having 2 stealth skills, from which one is an elite on a rather long CD.
But with another weapons (never use tourch at power build!), skills and correct gameplay it has chance.
I agree with both of the above posters, and have to take issue with the blanket statement about Torch. Many power builds also use Torch, and IMHO basically all PU builds should.
While the iMage certainly is among the weakest Phantasms, and we all hope it will see some love at some point, The Prestige almost entirely makes up for it even in a power build. The ability to chain an AE DD & Burn into a “from stealth” attack, makes for a powerful ability both offensive and defensively even without PU.
I’ve seen a lot of GC Shatter videos use Torch to devastating effect. It certainly doesn’t fit every power build, but to say it should never be used is not correct either IMO.
I liked the vid, but may I suggest you to make more use of your shatter skills?
Even though your build isn’t focused on shatter and more on phantasms, shattering helps you to finish your enemy faster.
For example in the 1st fight vs. the P/D thief, you got him stunned and he was sth like 50% HP at max. Seeing a thief this helpless is a rare situatoin. Shattering right in this moment might actually have killed him, or at least but under some serious pressure.
I have nothing versus shutter, but don’t want lose phantasms. Untreited mindwrack <-treited phantasms. In some situations it will work, but when you have no time to calculate enemie die/survive I preffer to save them (especially vs invisers). Also can be used: GS 2->diversion.
I think, you should also consider, to run sth else than PU.
Besides my personal issues against PU, I think you somehow waste potential by going 30pts deep into chaos in order to get PU, while only having 2 stealth skills, from which one is an elite on a rather long CD.
When I started use PU in sPvP there are where 3 invis (veil), what was OP in 1×1 (harder hold point, but beat everything 1×1). Sometimes I swap veil-blink, but for some maps(Khyhlo) blink is necessary.
About 30 points: PU not the favourite cake but just good addition. Chaos line provide 300 deffence and 30% boon duration, what is good with Bountifull Interruption, minor traits, GS2 and runes/sigils of power.
So if -2 points in Chaos, I can only image +2 in Dueling (for pistol trait).
You have a very serious lack of condition removal in your build. Anything that applies a reasonable amount of conditions will absolutely trash you, and did. I’d recommend modifying your build to fix that.
This true, only 1 poor clear(generosity). But Mesmer can not just change 1 trait that will solve all condi problems like CI wars, AR engie, Condi-transfer-to-minions/ consume condie Necro. You can take http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAR8alknpYtNqxMNcrRiqxY6TSplT1EpCokdsNA-TpBFwAOOCAy3fo9DAYxBBoaZAAXAAA (use it at wvw) or pick mantra of resolve, but if you have 8 applied different conditions – doesn’t matter +-2 condi.
In my vision you must use and upgrade strengths of charracter. So + 150 power and 20% recharge at GS look likes better then random 2 condie clear every 20 sec.
Sometimes you have for exemple many stacks of 1 type of conditions(like bleed).In this case clears will be very helpfull. I tried many duels and vs condie class too, and , unexpectedly kill many of condie classes due to high famage of phantasms while kite,range and stealth.
But with another weapons (never use tourch at power build!), skills and correct gameplay it has chance.
I agree with both of the above posters, and have to take issue with the blanket statement about Torch. Many power builds also use Torch, and IMHO basically all PU builds should.
While the iMage certainly is among the weakest Phantasms, and we all hope it will see some love at some point, The Prestige almost entirely makes up for it even in a power build. The ability to chain an AE DD & Burn into a “from stealth” attack, makes for a powerful ability both offensive and defensively even without PU.
I’ve seen a lot of GC Shatter videos use Torch to devastating effect. It certainly doesn’t fit every power build, but to say it should never be used is not correct either IMO.
At Shatter build I am not versus Torch, and in this setup is very usefull, because after shatter all illusions mesmer is vulnerable.
BUT for those who use Torch at POWER PU build: you must rethink the essence of power PU. It’s not trol-condie-PU with whom you can fight 15 min. Power PU is about phantasms and you in stealth. With torch you loose 50% of damage(OP duelist) and good stun(and stacks of might on interrupt). What instead? Additional invis (now 4, was 3) and useless condie iMage. I used some times torch, but when I find pistol in this build it was air and ground.