If you hadn’t guessed by the title, this build was inspired by Ross Biddles’ Phatasm/CS-Interrupt build. I started out putting this into his thread as a variant, but the more I was explaining the different choices I made, the more I began to think it is different enough to warrant it’s own thread instead of spamming a wall of text into his. ;-)
“Necessity is the mother of all invention!”
This is how I ended up with this build. I liked the concept of Ross’ new build, but in practice it was just far too squishy for me. Call it a bad connection or old age, or maybe a little of both with a dash of “scrub” on top, but I get eaten alive in glassy builds. Thieves especially just eat my lunch and make me want to pull my hair out when playing glassy Mesmer builds.
So I fiddled around with his build to think of ways to boost my defenses, and it struck me that the Knights Amulet has the weakness of no Ferocity in combination with only medium Power, but that this can be largely alleviated with a 6/6/x/x/x build and (drumroll) Air Runes! I ended up changing Ross build quite a bit, but the basic concept of Phants supported with CS-Interrupts is similarly IMO. It also has surprisingly good damage for how tanky it is. It is IMHO also more team-friendly then Ross’ build.
- I chose to get HM for 3x on the Mantras, including very solid Condie removal (MP)
- I chose GS + Staff for the same reasons mentioned by someone in Ross’ thread, it makes for more AoE goodness and Staff provides a lot of defense. The iWarlock also hits really hard, and works more reliably thanks to the Stuns from CS.
- I chose boon stripping on Shatters, as well as DE to synergize with that
- I chose MoA over MI as despite all it’s negatives, as it tends to have a greater impact on team play when it does land
Although having only 6.5s of Swiftness available when healing is not exactly optimal, it is far better then none…and I really love that Air Runes proc on Thieves! I had one Thief attacking me when I was at below 50% health, and he was dead in under 5 seconds flat, and cursing me out because the iWarlock crit him for 5k, the iZerker for over 4k, and the Air Rune procced for almost 2.5k.
This has turned out to be my favorite build for unranked sPvP. It is really well rounded and a fun play-style. (Shatter, Phants, interrupts, boon stripping, good mobility, and very survivable) I am not reliant on my team to keep me alive, I can do good AE damage from range, as well as boon strip & peel for my team-mates.
A short anecdote from last night:
I had a Thief on my team berating me in chat prior to our match, telling me to re-roll as Mesmers were useless in unranked arena without a reliable team to keep them alive. He threatened to immediately go AFK if I wiped early on in the match. Well we won, I didn’t die at all, and I was top scorer to boot by a large margin. Only then did I give him my “somewhat less then kind” retort, the others laughed, and he did admit I played it well.
(edited by Windwalker.7421)