signet of the ether and echo of memory

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


guys you should try it

the signet recharge the phantasm skill so you can activate 4 times the block and with shatter to reduce the cd significantly

you can create 2 phantasm and active the heal signet and use 1 more and shatter them for 6 sec cd and alacrity and they will reappear for more alacrity and slow and shatter again for 6 sec cd so you shield will be ready again no time

example of the build but can work in power also

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: holyDEMON.5189


Thanks its pretty awesome. I adjusted Amadeus.5687 Chrono Bruiser build into this for sPvP and am having a blast just constant blocking and shattering for big damage, or if I can get away with it sitting in the back with greatsword smashing even more face

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


Thanks its pretty awesome. I adjusted Amadeus.5687 Chrono Bruiser build into this for sPvP and am having a blast just constant blocking and shattering for big damage, or if I can get away with it sitting in the back with greatsword smashing even more face

that is actually my latest thought.
Since keep blocking all day long won’t kill anythin and unless you are a tank than it won’t benefit you,, I thought why not having 2 zerkers and shatter them? Will this get you 2 zerkers out at the same time if CP is traited?

Can someone test this for me?

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


guys you should try it

the signet recharge the phantasm skill so you can activate 4 times the block and with shatter to reduce the cd significantly

you can create 2 phantasm and active the heal signet and use 1 more and shatter them for 6 sec cd and alacrity and they will reappear for more alacrity and slow and shatter again for 6 sec cd so you shield will be ready again no time

example of the build but can work in power also

I do not get it. Why wonderer? What will you do with all that crit and condi dmg without bleedings? why not rabid or carrion?

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


guys you should try it

the signet recharge the phantasm skill so you can activate 4 times the block and with shatter to reduce the cd significantly

you can create 2 phantasm and active the heal signet and use 1 more and shatter them for 6 sec cd and alacrity and they will reappear for more alacrity and slow and shatter again for 6 sec cd so you shield will be ready again no time

example of the build but can work in power also

I do not get it. Why wonderer? What will you do with all that crit and condi dmg without bleedings? why not rabid or carrion?

i look for condi duration so slow on i avenger will be 3 sec and torment will be max at 12 sec
rabid just give me more toughness
carrion with no stability i can be lock down in team fight

it was just a test for point holder build which i notice what i can do with block abilities as the slow is aoe 240 r

and with PoM trait i can reduce the icd between 4-6 sec on i avenger

(edited by messiah.1908)

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


I was thinkin, using this and other blocks, chrono would be a good tank in raids. Hoe would Knight stats work on chrono?

signet of the ether and echo of memory

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


wells are stationary so in raids your team will have to w8 for 3 sec in place making them vulnerable to aoe burst