things to change for pve before 2017

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


Be aware : all changes are for pve only.

1 .time warp : either change it to apply longer quickness but less times or change that 6 stacks limitation back to 9. It really upsets me even it’s still useful that it’s a direct evidence dev forgot about mes while doing major balance to … mes once again. also reduce its cd in pve would be good too considering next expansion.

2. all interrupt traits :make them useful in pve content ,like triggering those traits when mes damage break bar except power block not that it wil be op but in case anet screws something else . only thing with this change might be really powerful is mistrust which is not a bad thing .

3. SoI: change the might stack from it from 1 to 3 or 5 or 10 .10 stacks of might maybe too powerful . but 5 stacks of might will certainly help build diversity.

4.Confusion damage : we could really really double confusion damage per skill use in pve .

5. Well of Precognition : 3s aoe block instead of aegis , it could be fine in pvp too .(but given anet history it wont happen soon).

6.Well of Calamity : tooltip from wiki :“it deals massive damage to foes in the area.” buff its damage in pve since its main function was/is burst damage . though if anet has any plan to rework mes traits + skills and add actual damage mod for mes , this one can be fine .

7.Healing Prism : buff its healing power scale 500% maybe ? or delete the icd . so we could have mes healer who also applies quickness, druid healer will still be better , but more builds to play around is not a bad thing .

8.make sword offhand 4 and scepter 2 block does not summon clone when u have 3 phantasmal .

9. Master Fencer and Phantasmal Fury: combine this two into one Minor GM trait:Gain fury when you strike an enemy whose health is below the threshold(75%),and whenever you apply fury , you apply fury to your phantasmal. make new Major Adept : counter strike : whenever you block , you active Illusionary Riposte effect . ICD 10s .
(this change can be apply to pvp too ,make power shatter great again but remain glassy).

10.Winds of Chaos: change this to a channel skill , a small aoe condition damage around target , also apply random boons to allies between you and target.(double the stack of condition it applies now)

11.chaos armor : reduce its cd to 20-25s .always apply boons in order : proection > regen > vigor . and apply condition in order : weakness > confusion > blind .(too much nerf from Chaotic Dampening).

12. Persistence of Memory : buff this back for pve .

13. The Pledge: not sure if current torch phantasmal still cleanse condition . last time i remembered it’s bugged .

14.Phantasmal Mage: i don’t think i need to say anything here.

15.Arcane Thievery: this skill needs a fix rather than change .also 25-30 cd is enough .

16. All Phantasmal: give us an ability to change target in combat .(this one maybe a huge reword i dont know)

17.Lost Time : no one uses it in all game mode .buff a bit plz.

18:Illusion of Life : tho generally rally skill in pve are not that useful ,but i’d like to see a rework for this skill in pve .like dealinng 10k damage or getting 8k heal instead of rally on kill. think about if future raid content will be hard enough to make use of those skills .

19. Sword AA : faster AA plz. but i can live with it if anet reword shatter and phan

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Not main Mesmer but can agree with most of your suggestions. The QoL changes, fixes and minor buffs in particular.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.5683


1 .time warp : either change it to apply longer quickness but less times or change that 6 stacks limitation back to 9. It really upsets me even it’s still useful that it’s a direct evidence dev forgot about mes while doing major balance to … mes once again. also reduce its cd in pve would be good too considering next expansion.

You don’t need it anymore to have perma quickness. No reason to buff it. In fact now you can use your other elites.

2. all interrupt traits :make them useful in pve content ,like triggering those traits when mes damage break bar except power block not that it wil be op but in case anet screws something else . only thing with this change might be really powerful is mistrust which is not a bad thing .

Not all traits and skills are useful for every single game mode. It happens in all other classes.

3. SoI: change the might stack from it from 1 to 3 or 5 or 10 .10 stacks of might maybe too powerful . but 5 stacks of might will certainly help build diversity.

SoI is OP as it is now. You don’t get build diversity by buffing already strong parts of a build, au contraire you encourage more people pick the same currently fine builds.

4.Confusion damage : we could really really double confusion damage per skill use in pve .

agree, not that anything will change.

5. Well of Precognition : 3s aoe block instead of aegis , it could be fine in pvp too .(but given anet history it wont happen soon).

That would be incredible op in pvp and useless in pve.

6.Well of Calamity : tooltip from wiki :“it deals massive damage to foes in the area.” buff its damage in pve since its main function was/is burst damage . though if anet has any plan to rework mes traits + skills and add actual damage mod for mes , this one can be fine .

It’s damage is ok compared to necromancer’s wells. And remember you have mimic and f5 to activate it more than once. Besides It’s CD is too short (shorter with alacrity) to make it hit harder.

Kinda same reaction for the rest.

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


1 .time warp : either change it to apply longer quickness but less times or change that 6 stacks limitation back to 9. It really upsets me even it’s still useful that it’s a direct evidence dev forgot about mes while doing major balance to … mes once again. also reduce its cd in pve would be good too considering next expansion.

You don’t need it anymore to have perma quickness. No reason to buff it. In fact now you can use your other elites.

2. all interrupt traits :make them useful in pve content ,like triggering those traits when mes damage break bar except power block not that it wil be op but in case anet screws something else . only thing with this change might be really powerful is mistrust which is not a bad thing .

Not all traits and skills are useful for every single game mode. It happens in all other classes.

3. SoI: change the might stack from it from 1 to 3 or 5 or 10 .10 stacks of might maybe too powerful . but 5 stacks of might will certainly help build diversity.

SoI is OP as it is now. You don’t get build diversity by buffing already strong parts of a build, au contraire you encourage more people pick the same currently fine builds.

4.Confusion damage : we could really really double confusion damage per skill use in pve .

agree, not that anything will change.

5. Well of Precognition : 3s aoe block instead of aegis , it could be fine in pvp too .(but given anet history it wont happen soon).

That would be incredible op in pvp and useless in pve.

6.Well of Calamity : tooltip from wiki :“it deals massive damage to foes in the area.” buff its damage in pve since its main function was/is burst damage . though if anet has any plan to rework mes traits + skills and add actual damage mod for mes , this one can be fine .

It’s damage is ok compared to necromancer’s wells. And remember you have mimic and f5 to activate it more than once. Besides It’s CD is too short (shorter with alacrity) to make it hit harder.

Kinda same reaction for the rest.

1. thing about TW : players should not be punished for using their elite skill alone .it is not about min max .

2.last time i checked none of other classes have this many traits which could not function in most pve boss fights at all . it is not about usefulness . it’s about making those traits function . it was same story about necro chill when break bar was introduced . anet did make chill related traits for necro function for boss fight even tho chill doesnt affect bosses at all .

3. its quite simple : team comp and condi ps . people will pick SOI no matter what else it does as long as it gives out aoe quickness . your logic is so flawed .

4. it will certain help condi mes a lot .maybe sill not meta for most bosses but feeling more rewarding for a good confusion burst from scepter is a good thing .

5. with so many unblockable stuff flying around , it will be strong yes but far away from op in pvp .also it will have use in pve if its 3s aoe block .unless you think guard f3 is trash in pve .

6. you don’t justify a weak skill by combining two long kitten cd + alacrity. and this is about pve while necro doesnt really need help for aoe damage but mes does ,so i don’t see your logic here .

so far , your argument is “if it’s not meta why bother , if it’s already meta why bother”

that attitude will lead us to well no where but stable meta forever .

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


For TW its been suggested, and I agree with this, to change it to apply 2 seconds of quickness per pulse and pulse every 2 seconds. Net result is same amount of quickness, but its stacks were cut in half so they don’t overwrite themselves anymore.

For the rest I generally agree. #8 is a must in my opinion, and #3 I agree with. 3 or 5 stacks of might is fair to share instead of 1.

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


2) I have a feeling there is a programing problem that prevents that from happening easily. I would prefer them to work as interrupts but if not, it would be better to make most traits work on CC instead of on interrupt for PvE only.

5) Rather keep the functionality same across all game modes and have it reverted to the old beta functionality. Your teammates attack are unblockable while standing in the well. It’s a coordinated bunker buster for PvP/WvW. That annoying dredge shock shield and what not could be negated in PvE with careful timing by the Chrono.

7) Don’t delete the ICD. With regen and vampiric aura, it was stupidly strong healing. However the ICD makes it suffer the same problem the guardian signet elite has. Even with a 500% buff it would be too little not often enough. I would prefer it to increase outgoing healing by a 10% bonus.

8) Same as scepter auto, I can get behind this.

1, 3 and 9)
TW overwriting itself is not the main problem. Double SoI, Well of Action and Shield 5 is 5 stacks (and they are all more than 1 second base) that prevents TW from doing anything. Changing TW to 2 seconds every 2 seconds will barely change this. Basically TW would overwrite shield 5 and only add 2 seconds of quickness every F5. Not worth the cast time and elite slot. Something as simple as changing shield 5 to be 3 seconds of quickness base going out and nothing on its way back would make TW more viable because our non-TW skills would now hit 4 instead of 5 stacks on your allies. This would then allow for the 2/2 to make a difference.

SoI doesn’t need a buff. It’s already our strongest quickness sharing skills. Then it shares a ton of other boons. I actually think it needs a bit of a nerf in other boons shared but then let it also share boons to phantasms too. I do like that minor trait in dueling. Ideally allow 2 different ways to share boons to phantasms.

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


2) I have a feeling there is a programing problem that prevents that from happening easily. I would prefer them to work as interrupts but if not, it would be better to make most traits work on CC instead of on interrupt for PvE only.

5) Rather keep the functionality same across all game modes and have it reverted to the old beta functionality. Your teammates attack are unblockable while standing in the well. It’s a coordinated bunker buster for PvP/WvW. That annoying dredge shock shield and what not could be negated in PvE with careful timing by the Chrono.

7) Don’t delete the ICD. With regen and vampiric aura, it was stupidly strong healing. However the ICD makes it suffer the same problem the guardian signet elite has. Even with a 500% buff it would be too little not often enough. I would prefer it to increase outgoing healing by a 10% bonus.

8) Same as scepter auto, I can get behind this.

1, 3 and 9)
TW overwriting itself is not the main problem. Double SoI, Well of Action and Shield 5 is 5 stacks (and they are all more than 1 second base) that prevents TW from doing anything. Changing TW to 2 seconds every 2 seconds will barely change this. Basically TW would overwrite shield 5 and only add 2 seconds of quickness every F5. Not worth the cast time and elite slot. Something as simple as changing shield 5 to be 3 seconds of quickness base going out and nothing on its way back would make TW more viable because our non-TW skills would now hit 4 instead of 5 stacks on your allies. This would then allow for the 2/2 to make a difference.

SoI doesn’t need a buff. It’s already our strongest quickness sharing skills. Then it shares a ton of other boons. I actually think it needs a bit of a nerf in other boons shared but then let it also share boons to phantasms too. I do like that minor trait in dueling. Ideally allow 2 different ways to share boons to phantasms.

i agree most of what you said .

for 7 tho
if without icd base healing could be reduced i think that’s okish , i did consider vampire aura . but if a mes with healing power + a necro could offer druid level healing in pve . i think thats a fair trade off (in pve only )it also opens up a bit more builds and team comp .

or with 5s icd , 500% healing power increase . currently its 0.2 .that means spamming mantra of pain for 3.5k heal every 5s which looks reasonable for me .

your idea for tw change is good but its a bit confused of shield 5 ToT for new players .

and for SoI , honestly its not a real buff to mes , but a bit help to condi ps . or anet could just make illusion line Shattered Strength an aoe . Also for core mes to stack some might with BP and Shattered Strength. SoI is a skill of mes not chrono . once new expansion comes out , or anet gives other class aoe quickness SoI will eat dust forever .
Its current form is too gimmick .resistance for wvw , quickness for pve . fury sharing got huge hit but still function only might stack sharing is no more now.

for all interrupt traits :

Look at ele GM : Lightning Rod history.

this trait is directly insult to mes tbh

it was for interrupt not the cc but ele was whining about "lack of cc " for the record "d/f " has more cc than mes .

and this trait changed to apply on all cc skills alo its damage is higher than old mes HS trait (this was for a short period i think ) .and cause weakness .they nerfed it tho .

i’m pretty sure anet could change all mes interrupt trait that way too .

things to change for pve before 2017

in Mesmer

Posted by: vicious.5683


1 .time warp : either change it to apply longer quickness but less times or change that 6 stacks limitation back to 9. It really upsets me even it’s still useful that it’s a direct evidence dev forgot about mes while doing major balance to … mes once again. also reduce its cd in pve would be good too considering next expansion.

You don’t need it anymore to have perma quickness. No reason to buff it. In fact now you can use your other elites.

2. all interrupt traits :make them useful in pve content ,like triggering those traits when mes damage break bar except power block not that it wil be op but in case anet screws something else . only thing with this change might be really powerful is mistrust which is not a bad thing .

Not all traits and skills are useful for every single game mode. It happens in all other classes.

3. SoI: change the might stack from it from 1 to 3 or 5 or 10 .10 stacks of might maybe too powerful . but 5 stacks of might will certainly help build diversity.

SoI is OP as it is now. You don’t get build diversity by buffing already strong parts of a build, au contraire you encourage more people pick the same currently fine builds.

4.Confusion damage : we could really really double confusion damage per skill use in pve .

agree, not that anything will change.

5. Well of Precognition : 3s aoe block instead of aegis , it could be fine in pvp too .(but given anet history it wont happen soon).

That would be incredible op in pvp and useless in pve.

6.Well of Calamity : tooltip from wiki :“it deals massive damage to foes in the area.” buff its damage in pve since its main function was/is burst damage . though if anet has any plan to rework mes traits + skills and add actual damage mod for mes , this one can be fine .

It’s damage is ok compared to necromancer’s wells. And remember you have mimic and f5 to activate it more than once. Besides It’s CD is too short (shorter with alacrity) to make it hit harder.

Kinda same reaction for the rest.

1. thing about TW : players should not be punished for using their elite skill alone .it is not about min max .

2.last time i checked none of other classes have this many traits which could not function in most pve boss fights at all . it is not about usefulness . it’s about making those traits function . it was same story about necro chill when break bar was introduced . anet did make chill related traits for necro function for boss fight even tho chill doesnt affect bosses at all .

3. its quite simple : team comp and condi ps . people will pick SOI no matter what else it does as long as it gives out aoe quickness . your logic is so flawed .

4. it will certain help condi mes a lot .maybe sill not meta for most bosses but feeling more rewarding for a good confusion burst from scepter is a good thing .

5. with so many unblockable stuff flying around , it will be strong yes but far away from op in pvp .also it will have use in pve if its 3s aoe block .unless you think guard f3 is trash in pve .

6. you don’t justify a weak skill by combining two long kitten cd + alacrity. and this is about pve while necro doesnt really need help for aoe damage but mes does ,so i don’t see your logic here .

so far , your argument is “if it’s not meta why bother , if it’s already meta why bother”

that attitude will lead us to well no where but stable meta forever .

God, you are so biased and illogical I don’t even know where to start, literally.