(edited by PhelanDisturbed.1650)
Yeah, I saw people promise 50s for a portal in Southsun. For once, there are no complaining about “OMG OP portal, nerf!” ^^
It is… refreshing.
I was pretty much the first person to start the Portaling-chain on my server, once i found out that there’s a sample over there at the other island. Ported up a considerable amount of people, then left, just to hear that other mesmers that i had ported up earlier were getting tips for that.
Didn’t really care about it much, but it did kind of irk me, though.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
I portalled a player’s 6 characters up to the EBJ jumping puzzle one day and he gave my 5g.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Yeah, did lots of EBJP porting aswell. Same story here. Nowadays i just do it whenever i’m feeling nice or when there’s enemies coming up.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
I do it to be nice honestly and never expect a tip, but yesterday at the southshore jp I got 1.5 g and an omnoberry bar for about 30 mins.. I was so thankful. So I appreciate it but never expect it. The southshore jp is hard so I think that more people realize how much a portal helps there.. the eb puzzle eh it’s easy and more of just a convenience I think.
Depends. I usually don’t take tips. I port whenever I happen to be in a JP because it makes people happy. If people insist offer me tips nonetheless, I find it impolite to decline and am very grateful.
I have never received a single tip before yesterday – I portaled people through the Southsun JP for over an hour and everyone was really thankful and happy, which made me super happy in return XD I didn’t even expect any tips, but then one person tipped me 1g and I was like WOOT O_O It was my first tip and it was a lot, so it was double awesome But I never expect tips. If I do so, I will say so when announcing my portals. I think it’s perfectly fine for mesmers to announce “Portaling for Tips” in mapchat – you ARE spending your time there after all. But if tips are not specifically asked for, I wouldn’t expect any. Some people will tip regardless and that’s great! Some people just send you a thank you in chat and that’s fine as well
I’m happy with a thank you. But when people tip when I don’t even mention it, it’s rather uplifting.
Tipping is common since GW1.
I remember the old days when people “runned” to Droknar for tips, It’s perfectly normal.
Mesmer lvl 80
Seaferer’s Rest
I never ask for tips either. I am actually very happy to help with portalling if i am in the neighborhood and have nothing else to do. But I was very fortunate and happy when people started tipping me suddenly anywhere between 50 silvers – 3 gold. Made about 5.6 gold from just spending 20 – 30 minutes portalling people up when i had logged out at Southsun Cove JP the day before. ^^
Another mesmer from SoR and I (HoD) were alternating porting people up the skipping stones jp last night in one of the Overflows for 30 minutes to an hour last night. We were both just having fun helping others out because that jp is pretty unforgiving. Then people started sending tips (no asking, no promises, people were just being nice). It was a pleasant surprise, and a reminder how nice the community can be. We had a little dance party going up top to kill time between ports. Good times were had by all. Tips were ranging from 50s to 2g. EVERYONE was very polite and thankful. It was so much fun just hanging out and helping people from various servers I wasn’t even a little disappointed I wasn’t getting to advance the southsun achievements or farm with the insane magic find buff.
I have never received a single tip before yesterday – I portaled people through the Southsun JP for over an hour and everyone was really thankful and happy, which made me super happy in return XD I didn’t even expect any tips, but then one person tipped me 1g and I was like WOOT O_O It was my first tip and it was a lot, so it was double awesome But I never expect tips. If I do so, I will say so when announcing my portals. I think it’s perfectly fine for mesmers to announce “Portaling for Tips” in mapchat – you ARE spending your time there after all. But if tips are not specifically asked for, I wouldn’t expect any. Some people will tip regardless and that’s great! Some people just send you a thank you in chat and that’s fine as well
If you’re the silver sylvari and that tipper was a lovely, human mesmer in a gothic lolita dress, that would be me! I had accidentally fallen after getting the treasure chest and you saved me the agony of going through the jumping puzzle all over again just to get that last sample. I was so happy you where there, I could have your babies… err… saplings. Seeds? You know what I mean!
For the EBG jumping puzzle, asking for donations of siege is often rewarded. Most people are doing it for the badges, not for the siege, and so are more than happy to just dump all the siege they get at your feet.
I portalled the JP on Southsun Cove (MAG) for close to four hours yesterday. Probably 30% of people tipped, but I returned it all to them. I would’ve made around 10g, but being thanked by 95% of the people was reward enough.
Tipping is common since GW1.
I remember the old days when people “runned” to Droknar for tips, It’s perfectly normal.
The runners “ran” people to Droks. XD I did that too, along with Crystal Desert and back to Ascalon runs. Thing is though myself and nearly all of the runners that weren’t doing it for practice runs did it for a deposit then full payment at the end. Not tips.
Going rate was 1.5 plat for a Lornar’s Pass run as it took a while and was pretty kitten hard.
I’ve not charged anyone for the southsun portals though.
Casting KEI at the small bank for donations. Open trade window for invite.
- A crummy Mesmer on Piken Square
Need your opinion. Atm, loads of people need the SSC port, so I parked my Mesmer there to help out. I port for free and a thank you.
Often, when I go there, there is already a Mesmer in the JP. Is it ok if I port people too? Yesterday I had another one standing at the other end of the island that also announced ports for free, so we ported together. There are some that count on the tips (I often send them back if too high) and maybe get upset when they get competition? Not that I encountered such situation, all collegues I met till now were really friendly. However I do feel awkward upon arrival. Your thoughts?
However I do feel awkward upon arrival. Your thoughts?
You’re far too bleeding heart. You say “Move it chump, its my shift now” and get portalling.
- A crummy Mesmer on Piken Square