tips on best mesmer burst combos?
Power, Shotgun:
Enemy within 100~300 range – GS#2 – GS#3 – F1
Power, Long Range Assasination:
There are many version for this depending the Player.
- Enemy in 900-1200 range – GS#2 – GS#3 – Press Blink to ur enemy before GS#3 cast bar 100% – F1
- Enemy in 900-1200 range – GS#2 – Press Blink to ur enemy before ur GS#2 cast bar 100% – GS#3 – F1 (Somewhat i just can’t use this combo coz harder to land GS#3 coz Camera Change)
Power, Shield Melee Burst:
- Enemy within 100-300 range – Shield #5 – Sword#3 – Either Sword#1 x3 (For 1v1 scenario) or Sword#2 (Quickness will shorten ur Evade frame Duration from Sword#2 thou) – F1
- Enemy within 400-600 – Sword #3 – Shield #5 – Either Sword #1 x3 or Sword #2 – F1 (This Version has shorter lockdown to ur enemy)
Power, Very basic Sword Burst:
Sword#3 – Sword#2/ Sword#1 x3 – F1
U can also combo with Gravity Well. But since i don’t play with Gravity Well i leave that for another Mesmer with Gravity well to help u. Good Luck
Excessive condi spam combo:
1) Phase Retreat + iWarlock
2) F5 (+ Blink) + F3 + Mirror Images + F2 + F1 (+ Chaos Storm)
3) F5 + Mirror Images (+ run/dodge towards) + F3
4) Swap weapon + iMage + iLeap/Swap + BF + F2 + F1
Of course this is on a long cooldown so can’t be used frequently, but when you absolutely want to unload your entire skill bar to nuke someone this is pretty deadly. And of course it leaves you with barely any follow up damage so the goal is to nuke someone to downed like the GS burst combo.
Step 4 depends on timing – if you just want instant burst then omit the iMage summon and maybe forget ileap/swap.
Also could take the time to slap down Chaos Storm before exiting F5.
Blink depends on distance. You could initially swap weapon after spawning both staff illusions and use Prestige to stealth and close the distance before unloading the full F5 combo without the need of Blink. Of course it is also not a good idea to blow Blink a second time with Mirror Images on the follow up after F5 (unless also having Decoy for the safety net stun break), but if necessary it can be done for maximising the burst.
(edited by Curunen.8729)
Start gs2 channel, blink to target exactly before channel ends, f3 before gs2 hits, gs3+f1 (i cant remember for 100% sure but i think dodging right after gs2 makes your mirror blade not hit a second time so i would not recommend it), learn to do it as fast as possible. Leave f3 out if youre not playing domi with stun on daze. Thats probably the most standard one, depending on wep set you can hide this burst by phase retreating first and being behind your clones or immob instead of or with the stun if you have sword. As for condi mesmer its significantly worse to burst rather than to just keep up condi pressure most of the time.
Excessive condi spam combo:
1) Phase Retreat + iWarlock
2) F5 (+ Blink) + F3 + Mirror Images + F2 + F1 (+ Chaos Storm)
3) F5 + Mirror Images (+ run/dodge towards) + F3
4) Swap weapon + iMage + iLeap/Swap + BF + F2 + F1
Indeed, this is a good advanced combo for condi. Full version.
however, as you said, I like to perform a shorter version more sustainable to avoid blowing all the CDs. Very situational but very common at high levels. Learning this kind of combos w/CS is something that a good mesmer has to be profficient at.
Kind of a noob Mesmer question, but is there any specific purpose to being close while casting GS3? I don’t see any close range benefits on the toolbar. It’s been a while since I’ve played Mesmer regularly.
Hi in add you can also take a look at this:
the cs-combos include the most common burst combos, maybe it can help you. take a coffee it has a lot of slomos and calm music
(Mesmer WvW/PvP-Vids/Guides).
With my power shatter mesmer, I basically just hit GS4, GS2, dodge, sw3, sw3, f1, sw2.
That is the mesmer build I run, its pretty zerky, not very tank but it does a lot of damage.
Kind of a noob Mesmer question, but is there any specific purpose to being close while casting GS3? I don’t see any close range benefits on the toolbar. It’s been a while since I’ve played Mesmer regularly.
For GS3, no. For GS2 however, there is.
GS2 will richochet from your enemy onto the closest hit-able object. If that second object is you, you can hit your enemy with 2 hits of Mirror Blade instead of just 1.
That’s why GS2 → Blink → F3 → GS3 → F1 (→F2) is such a common burst combo for Power Shatter mesmers.
It’s generally a bad idea against good players to use GS4 first because the phantasm will guaranteed give away the fact that you’re about to burst and you’ll be wasting a lot of cooldowns for no reason.
The common gs2-blink combo is a high risk-high reward combo (in case your target know that your around, its easy to hit it on enemies who are busy with something else or dont know that you are near). High risk because you use a lot of cooldown for it (and blink is a mid-high cooldown that gave you a stunbreak and a disengage opportunity in the defensive use), so you should be as sure as possible to hit it. Count dodges and be aware of the defensive cds of your enemy and vs good player (who are focused on you for examp. in a duell) its a bad idea to start a fight with it most of the time, because they are fast in reaction and have all cds and dodges rdy to counter. And as frostball mentioned your clones can not only bodyblock dmg for you, they can also block the visiblity of your skill-animations, so you can hide the animation behind your clones to be less predictable.
It also depend on the utilities and weapons you use for how often and when to use the blinkcombo, for example when you only use one stunbreak (blink) you rly should be sure to hit the combo when you use blink offensive.
Also it depends on the class/build you fight against. Lot of builds use at least one melee weaponset, so you can be sure they will come close to you sooner or later anyway to be in meleerange for a gs2-shatter, there isnt always the need to use blink for it.
With blink you can get a stealth shattercombo from maxrange on an target, so your target cannot prepare. Lot of ppl like to stealth out of los to the target and than blink in with shatterburst. If you wanna do that, than be aware that some stealth like torch or massinv can be heard. For examp. i always like mesmer using this kind of stealth behind a wall on skyhammer and than blink to me and im always prepared because i heard them stealthing
You can start the combo with gs4 to bait a dodge but than be sure to start gs2/blink with a bit of delay to hit the shatter when the dodge ends, that also give you the time to change your plan when your enemy counter gs4 in an other way than you expect. Vers other mes i like to start the fight with gs4 or gs4 + dazemantra sometimes. How your enemy react on it gave you very fast a good idea on how he play. Lot of mesmer panicking and use decoy to break the stun for example, thats a fail because decoy dont prevent you from taking the damage from the zerker. If i see them stealth i just throw my gs2 in the air or on the decoy-clon to hit him even more (sure with a bit of luck, but gs2 has a short cd so without waste a blink you can just try to hit it on a stealthed target). Other mesmer use decoy and blink to get away from the gs4-stun, what make me even more happy but be prepared that he maybe decoy and than start to go offensive with blink-gs2 shatter out of stealth directly in da face
Start with gs4 is also a risk because its a good visible long cast that can be interrupted easy, for examp by mesmers with dazmantra. so it always depend on the situation and enemy how to start fights and how and when to use combos. In the end its all about be less predictable and change the way you use your combos (esp when fighting same enemy more than once) at least in the moment your enemy start to counter your way of playing.
tldr i know…
(Mesmer WvW/PvP-Vids/Guides).