1st Day in Raiding as a Necro.
I wouldn’t solo fractals. My guild does fractal dailies fast and easy. I’ll keep that in mind, though. And it looks like I’m going to have to go with scholar, because I don’t want to have to scrap my old valk armor.
i need help selecting a condi build for raiding. can anyone recommend me one
Condition Reaper with Rise shout is an absolute beast when it comes to (face)tanking the Vale Guardian at least and worked for me.
You don’t even need any bonus heals, tbh. Your healing people in raid can completly ignore you, since in rabid/viper’s gear I was pretty much unkillable on my own.
And yet you still do good damage for a tanky guy and bring boon corrupts/breakbar annihilating abilities.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
No success my first night trying the raid. Started with a sinister bleed MM build using scepter/horn but was asked not to run the minions. Opted to run shouts and Dark Path, instead, for the chill condition damage and ended up taking greatsword, too. Scepter was far easier to keep dps up on.
Ran rabid torment armor, too, for added toughness but overall condition damage did not seem very good compared to other professions like engineer.
Plan to try a zerker dagger/focus, axe/horn build, next but do not have appropriate runes for the raid. Scholar runes may not be as productive as Ranger runes.
Beating the Vale Guardian last night, played as berzerker GS necromancer with Axe/Focus as backup. Used Rise! instead of Well of Suffering.
- Due to Rise! I had no issues staying alive, it removes a lot of incoming damage from the seekers.
- I could easily stay on the boss throughout the whole fight, it felt like I had very little DPS downtime. Had little issue spamming Gravedigger in last half of the fight.
- Ran with Blood Magic/Soul Reaping/Reaper, transfusion is heaven for this fight for some extra healing on group but especially for repositioning downed people towards a safe location and the raid was very happy for me to have this traited. I think it’s usefulness will decline in the long run when people have more experience on this fight but that would allow me to go back to Spite for extra damage in last phase.
- Picked Axe for situations where i needed to move to the green circles when someone else might not have been able to reach it, seemed more useful then running no ranged weapons
- Grasping Darkness, Executioner’s Scythe and Flesh Golem’s Charge helped a lot with breaking CC bars though sometimes CDs do not line up so well as other professions (I’m not sure but judging for calls during the fight)
- No clue how much Vampiric Presence helped, kinda difficult to keep track.
Overall quite happy with the result.
Transfusion was very useful, as was boon corruption and CC. One group had insufficient boon removal so I ran Dark Path and NCSY. Blood Magic, Curses, and Reaper.
Will change out Curses for soul Reaping and/or death Magic in tonight’s game. Really want to give zerker Mm a shot.
BTW, Ember works.
Yeah I noticed when I pug-attempted vale guardian that heals weren’t necessary at all, and I’d only go down if our circle squad were unable to get into the green circles.. and even then shroud could absorb the damage from that sometimes.
I tried with a zerker blood/spite reaper axe/horn GS power build, probably not optimized, but last rites and transfusion were really good utility. I took axe for the boon rip, since our chronomancer that didn’t like to use time warp at all decided to die on us so I had to carry the boon strip.
When/if I can get some ascended viper gear I’ll probably try it with that so I can help with the circles, its just that it all seems kinda meh if we have 2 condi engis.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
After the past two days, 20+ hours of raiding, I feel like necro/reaper has literally no place in a raid group.
A necromancer can tank, but not as well as a dedicated tank revenant or scrapper or guardian.
A necromancer can power dps, but not even half as well as a zerker revenant who also puts boons out over the whole party as well as the ridiculous 50% boon duration buff.
A necromancer can condi dps, but it is generally poor. I’ve spend most of my raiding experience as condi dps or condi tank because we just couldn’t find people with other classes to fill those roles and I’m like “please someone else condi so I can play zerk rev”. At the hight of a condi rotation, the bleeds are ticking for 5k, the poison is ticking for 1k, the torment is ticking for 1k, and the chill is ticking for 1k. A grand total of 8k damage per second at best, which usually averages more around 5k while signet of spite and other stuff is on cooldown. This is less damage then you could do with a power build, let alone a good condi class like engineer, warrior elite, or elementalist.
I’ve been maining and defending this class since launch, but that was for anet’s “you can play whatever” content strategy, which does not apply to raids at all. If you want to get anywhere close to completing a raid, you are FORCED to minmax your party composition, roles and classes, or you’ll hit the enrage timer when he still has more then 25% health left, and this is just the first easiest boss in the raid, you won’t even get to look at gorseval.
(edited by Tobias.8632)
After the past two days, 20+ hours of raiding, I feel like necro/reaper has literally no place in a raid group.
A necromancer can tank, but not as well as a dedicated tank revenant or scrapper or guardian.
A necromancer can power dps, but not even half as well as a zerker revenant who also puts boons out over the whole party as well as the ridiculous 50% boon duration buff.
A necromancer can condi dps, but it is generally poor. I’ve spend most of my raiding experience as condi dps or condi tank because we just couldn’t find people with other classes to fill those roles and I’m like “please someone else condi so I can play zerk rev”. At the hight of a condi rotation, the bleeds are ticking for 5k, the poison is ticking for 1k, the torment is ticking for 1k, and the chill is ticking for 1k. A grand total of 8k damage per second at best, which usually averages more around 5k while signet of spite and other stuff is on cooldown. This is less damage then you could do with a power build, let alone a good condi class like engineer, warrior elite, or elementalist.
I’ve been maining and defending this class since launch, but that was for anet’s “you can play whatever” content strategy, which does not apply to raids at all. If you want to get anywhere close to completing a raid, you are FORCED to minmax your party composition, roles and classes, or you’ll hit the enrage timer when he still has more then 25% health left, and this is just the first easiest boss in the raid, you won’t even get to look at gorseval.
NovaanVerdiano posted a video of his group, including a Reaper, taking the boss down with 37 seconds left on the timer. Not exactly enraging with 25% health left.
Here’s the video, from this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxI1yYV5igY
You say a Reaper can’t tank as well as a “dedicated tank revenant or scrapper or guardian”. Can you define “well”? Are you taking about the ability to take damage? If we’re talking min-max, you’re going to want a tank that puts out as much damage as possible while still surviving.
It’s tiring seeing a lot of generalizations and comparisons, but no data or much explanation.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
You say a Reaper can’t tank as well as a “dedicated tank revenant or scrapper or guardian”. Can you define “well”? Are you taking about the ability to take damage? If we’re talking min-max, you’re going to want a tank that puts out as much damage as possible while still surviving.
It’s tiring seeing a lot of generalizations and comparisons, but no data or much explanation.
I’m talking about the ability to literally facetank and hold the boss in place so that people can do their field combos and not have every second melee attack whiffing.
Do I really need to put a disclaimer that I am talking out of my kitten about my thoughts on my own personal experience raiding?
As for the video, just because something is possible, does not mean it is a good idea.
If you’re playing condi reaper, you need to be taking dhuumfire and reaper attack speed. You can turn that 1k chill into an easy 3-4k burn consistently. Be sure to get your mushrooms too. Not to mention the auto attack damage not being half bad in its own right. Not to mention minion and life siphon ticks.
And as Cog noted, tanks shouldn’t be rated on their ability to take damage, they just need to not die. Tanks should be rated on their ability to do things OTHER than tank, like support or dps. The best tanks are going to be able to fulfill those other roles mostly unhindered.
If you’re playing condi reaper, you need to be taking dhuumfire and reaper attack speed. You can turn that 1k chill into an easy 3-4k burn consistently. Be sure to get your mushrooms too. Not to mention the auto attack damage not being half bad in its own right. Not to mention minion and life siphon ticks.
In order to take dhuumfire, you have to give up either spite or curses or reaper. You’re not going to give up reaper because dhuumfire on normal shroud auto is terrible. If you give up spite, you’re losing a huge damage bonus when the boss is under 50%, and losing one of your longest chill applications that is a passive on hit. If you give up curses, you’re giving up reduced cooldowns on corruptions and your biggest sources of extra condition damage.
Furthermore, conditions are a sum of actions over time. Every second you spend in shroud applying burns is time spent not applying bleeds, not using the rest of your skillset on cooldown, etc. Dhuumfire does not give you more condition output, it just gives you different condition output.
Close to Death does not effect condition damage. Spite therefore does not provide much to condi reaper in a raid setting. Eyeballing it, I was averaging 2-3k bleeds and poisons, 600-1k torments, 2-4k burns. Which is only a portion of DPS. Those spiked higher (and sometimes lower) quite frequently. Losing MOC is unfortunate, as I’ve long advocated for it, but I’m a convert after trying it out. As I said earlier, I advise lich form if only for the jagged horrors, they can continue to provide a solid 1.5k bleeds on their own, at least, as long as tons of siphon damage and healing. I’m trying to remain modest with DPS estimates as eyeballing can be misleading.
Whirling in an engi’s fire field will provide a short term burst of damage, but ultimately higher if the wiki’s numbers are right. Twice as much.
I think losing access to most chills is acceptable. I think you should try it out before writing off Reaper entirely.
(edited by Mega Skeleton.8259)
Going to give the raid another try, tonight. Condition damage may not be Engi level but surviving, res’ing, boon corruption, tanking in sinister gear, and our CC like horn’s stun, chills, and fear are useful even if not exactly maximum.
CtD not affecting condis? Man I love misleading tooltips. Might give the dhuumfire setup another go.
Lich form for jagged horrors is an interesting idea, but you really need golem for break bars, especially since that guy has a really long leash, if you’re in split phase and one of the other teams has a downed player and they can’t quite get the break bar you can send him over and have him deal with it without exposing yourself to the color polarity damage thing.
Yeah they should update those tooltips as they must cause a lot of grief in the game, whether players know it or not. There’s even inconsistencies when they state specifically +% condition damage. Is it a flat increase to my damage or to my condition damage stat? I’m fairly certain its the latter in the case of things like Bursting. But even then I’m not entirely sure.
Golem is awesome, to be sure, but I think s/d d/wh is an acceptable amount of CC for a player, if you consider Shroud 3/5. Although without MOC, you could probably get away with spectral grasp as a utility as well.
(edited by Mega Skeleton.8259)
CtD not affecting condis?
I think this and Spectral Armor still working as intended during Shroud (even though the tooltip still specifically mentions it is removed when you enter Death Shroud) are two of the biggest “Oh, what?” moments I can think of wrt tooltips for Necros. Good stuff.
But yeah, I think a condi necro could serve as a really good tank in the sense that they could build to not take much damage, but still apply some solid condi pressure. My power tanky build also does pretty well for itself, though I haven’t really pursued raiding yet. If I do I’ll be giving the tank role a whirl.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Well ive successfully tanked vale guardian and got the kill with just toughness food on a power build. Damage was good as well.
I dont think condi reaper is worth it. The damage is just too mediocre. Which isnt really an issue for Vale Guardian. But it will be for the other bosses.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I promise I’ll get footage up after I upgrade my rig after thanksgiving but every engineer POV I’ve seen has left me underwhelmed. Maybe I’m not paying enough attention to my own numbers but from my observations they seem to do at best comparable damage to my condi reaper.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I promise I’ll get footage up after I upgrade my rig after thanksgiving but every engineer POV I’ve seen has left me underwhelmed. Maybe I’m not paying enough attention to my own numbers but from my observations they seem to do at best comparable damage to my condi reaper.
That’s the problem, the spreadsheets say one thing, anecdotal seems to agree with the spreadsheets, and it isn’t like I think Engi DPS is lower or anything. I’m just curious how much lower.
The game needs damage meters.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Well ive successfully tanked vale guardian and got the kill with just toughness food on a power build. Damage was good as well.
I dont think condi reaper is worth it. The damage is just too mediocre. Which isnt really an issue for Vale Guardian. But it will be for the other bosses.
I don’t agree on that, but i am very suspicious to talk about because i am a condition build lover.
The game needs damage meters
Yep, even a tool for measuring just personal DPS/Healing etc.etc. to avoid discrimination would be nice…
I feel the main problem with condi Necro is that our two main damaging conditions are tied to two different auto-attacks. Engineers however have theirs tied to several high damaging skills across multiple weapons and kits. Alacrity makes that even better and if you play like a freakin machine Shrapnel Grenade basically becomes your new auto-attack. I Just wish Dhuumfire would work more like Incendiary Powder (like it used to), that would solve a couple problems imo =/
Aaand, to not go completely off topic, I recently left my guild at a rather inopportune moment and the group I was planning to raid with instead doesn’t have enough people for two teams, so no Necro raiding for me until I find a new guild I guess T_T
Well ill give condi reaper a try in raid if i can. I certainly think it was better damage than my engi yesterday. But id improved so much on engi today that i honestly cant say that anymore.
Engi is far and away faster on red though. And with snap to ground target its a lot easier to maintain decent dps on engi.
I tried necro tanking tonight. Went just fine, really. Very reminiscent of DK tanking in WoW, but I have to consider my own healing much more. I stuck with dagger mostly until I got used to the build, then threw in some greatsword. Switched to full DPS when the regular tank came on, and got some pretty awesome Gravedigger crits. Topped 22k. I know that’s probably low for a Gravedigger crit, but it was the highest I’ve seen so far.
Take back what I said about necro not being BiS tank after today’s raiding session. We tried without a healer and found I was able to almost completely sustain myself with occasional spikes from our two condi engis water turrets. Frees up an extra dps slot.
I use sinister gear.
Condi ticking nice at boss with good physical dmg. so average DPS would around 8-9k with S/D and Staff.
at boss phase I am the group for the green fields. No problem for me to deal with the dmg I get.
At phase with the 3 mobs I am in Condi group. dealing more condi dmg since I use the rotation with RS – Dhuumfire+RS 4.
The only thing is find is hard is the balance between DPS and CC’s. but with two fleshgolems it works good.
If you’re playing condi reaper, you need to be taking dhuumfire and reaper attack speed. You can turn that 1k chill into an easy 3-4k burn consistently. Be sure to get your mushrooms too. Not to mention the auto attack damage not being half bad in its own right. Not to mention minion and life siphon ticks
I dont get it, disagree with Dhummfire.
First of all you dont have 100% uptime with RS. Lets say mabe 70% uptime. What this means is 5k bruning dps doing only 3,5k dps.
And how do you turn 1k dps chill to 3k-4k dps burning?
I mean by dropping the chill trait for RS attack speed. But I think you’re right I’m inflating my numbers, my poison uptime is much lower than I was appreciating without curses. While necros are okay at sticking on targets, the reliance on melee range is definitely a hindrance for dhuumfire if you’re not tanking and have to be involved with other mechanics. Definitely a big point engi has over necro for condi. I’m glad you had a good time Tobias, though.
Maybe I should drop my runes of the berserker (as I’ve been playing hybrid) and go back to the trapper/nightmare combo. That does weaken lich form auto a bit but maybe I should be dropping that anyway.
I dunno, in the meantime I’m working on my chrono too…who I’m also thinking of gearing tank via commander’s armor…shame there’s no boon duration gear without toughness.
You maintain about 1-2 extra stacks with reapers onslaught? The boost you gain is about 1k dps which is the same as deathly chill. With deathly chill both scepter auto and RS auto with dhuumfire are about equal on vipers. But scepter is significantly easier to maintain. And you will always have access to your DPS increase condi skills immediately.
If you dont need blood then dhuumfire is still good because you can get a few burn stacks after a soul spiral. But you should go back to scepter most of the time.
But then again if you take blood you have dagger offhand cooldown reduction. And the group has vampiric aura.
(edited by spoj.9672)
FYI, here is what a real engineer does:
Yes those are 7k burns, 5k bleeds, 2k poison and 2k direct damage.
FYI, here is what a real engineer does:
Yes those are 7k burns, 5k bleeds, 2k poison and 2k direct damage.
He only gets 7k burns, 5k bleeds, and 2k poison sometimes. That isn’t even close to what he is putting out on average.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
FYI, here is what a real engineer does:
Yes those are 7k burns, 5k bleeds, 2k poison and 2k direct damage.
He only gets 7k burns, 5k bleeds, and 2k poison sometimes. That isn’t even close to what he is putting out on average.
Even if he only does that 50% of the time (he doesn’kittens more like 80%) that is still 8k dps, which is what condi reaper tops out at assuming 100% dps uptime.
Reaper has more consistent damage. But the low end of engi is still very high. And then the bursts are upwards of 20k. I was seeing 11k burns for fair periods.
Engineer is very dependent on having a stationary target (as is e.g. a Burn Elementalist), but Condi Reaper has good DPS regardless whether the boss is moving or not, and this is important in many situations.
(edited by Aesa.4819)
FYI, here is what a real engineer does:
Yes those are 7k burns, 5k bleeds, 2k poison and 2k direct damage.
He only gets 7k burns, 5k bleeds, and 2k poison sometimes. That isn’t even close to what he is putting out on average.
Even if he only does that 50% of the time (he doesn’kittens more like 80%) that is still 8k dps, which is what condi reaper tops out at assuming 100% dps uptime.
His dps is high but not the highest because it depends on ground target skills. I am pretty sure reaper can compete on that.
PS.: My burn tempest was dealing 8~10k dps average with 14~15k spikes.
(edited by Lynnie.7213)
You maintain about 1-2 extra stacks with reapers onslaught? The boost you gain is about 1k dps which is the same as deathly chill. With deathly chill both scepter auto and RS auto with dhuumfire are about equal on vipers. But scepter is significantly easier to maintain. And you will always have access to your DPS increase condi skills immediately.
If you dont need blood then dhuumfire is still good because you can get a few burn stacks after a soul spiral. But you should go back to scepter most of the time.
But then again if you take blood you have dagger offhand cooldown reduction. And the group has vampiric aura.
How do you keep high uptime on chills? In my current build I have almost no chilled, I guess if you have spite below 50% you can keep a pretty high uptime without even thinking about it, which is rad, but above 50% what are you using to keep chilled up?
Why stay scepter if RS burns (and melee range) are available? The base damage of all the reaper shroud + dhuumfires is a lot higher. Does scepter damage scale that much better + the 150 condi damage trait? (I need to see what tooltips say when fully buffed!) Also then, what elite specs are you running? (since I guess you couldn’t have spite, blood, curses and reaper)
As an aside, does anyone know how attack speed stacks? If I’m getting 10% from mushrooms, 15% from Reaper’s onslaught, and 50% from quickness, is it all additive? Is it only up to a point?
For reference, this is generally what I run in raids right now. I occasionally swap traits and some utilities depending on what’s needed (might run focus too) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRBLRhG2JNiQ3mYzNg1NAHOYRbwmCAJgDQcEcDGCpGBpgGFA-TJRBAB+v/QGHEANeAAAcEAAA
With pretty much full vipers set, still trying out Berserker’s on my D/WH though. I think I need to change up my sigils though (i use malice on my OH dagger), energy is mostly wasted with the innate survivability afforded by blood + minions and I should definitely take something like bursting or smoldering (if it effects in reaper shroud). Actually a big fan of geomancy on the d/wh, though. It’s nice that it procs when entering or leaving RS.
FYI, here is what a real engineer does:
Yes those are 7k burns, 5k bleeds, 2k poison and 2k direct damage.
This is more what I was expecting, but it’s also a good illustration of how quickly his DPS drops when the target moves, and as the fight gets more hectic. He does specify that he’s not main engi, and so a lot of those things that become second nature when you play a class for 1500+ hours may not be as obvious. I experienced that on my chrono last night, starting out super strong but my rotations getting thrown off as the fight got more hectic.
You maintain about 1-2 extra stacks with reapers onslaught? The boost you gain is about 1k dps which is the same as deathly chill. With deathly chill both scepter auto and RS auto with dhuumfire are about equal on vipers. But scepter is significantly easier to maintain. And you will always have access to your DPS increase condi skills immediately.
If you dont need blood then dhuumfire is still good because you can get a few burn stacks after a soul spiral. But you should go back to scepter most of the time.
But then again if you take blood you have dagger offhand cooldown reduction. And the group has vampiric aura.
How do you keep high uptime on chills? In my current build I have almost no chilled, I guess if you have spite below 50% you can keep a pretty high uptime without even thinking about it, which is rad, but above 50% what are you using to keep chilled up?
Why stay scepter if RS burns (and melee range) are available? The base damage of all the reaper shroud + dhuumfires is a lot higher. Does scepter damage scale that much better + the 150 condi damage trait? (I need to see what tooltips say when fully buffed!) Also then, what elite specs are you running? (since I guess you couldn’t have spite, blood, curses and reaper)
As an aside, does anyone know how attack speed stacks? If I’m getting 10% from mushrooms, 15% from Reaper’s onslaught, and 50% from quickness, is it all additive? Is it only up to a point?
For reference, this is generally what I run in raids right now. I occasionally swap traits and some utilities depending on what’s needed (might run focus too) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRBLRhG2JNiQ3mYzNg1NAHOYRbwmCAJgDQcEcDGCpGBpgGFA-TJRBAB+v/QGHEANeAAAcEAAA
With pretty much full vipers set, still trying out Berserker’s on my D/WH though. I think I need to change up my sigils though (i use malice on my OH dagger), energy is mostly wasted with the innate survivability afforded by blood + minions and I should definitely take something like bursting or smoldering (if it effects in reaper shroud). Actually a big fan of geomancy on the d/wh, though. It’s nice that it procs when entering or leaving RS.
Im not sure if this is the best way to handle this, but im running a condi build (since it also works well in higher level fractals). This is my current build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNArYRn0ICd2gl3AW3As3gFjBbKFEDeBx7whYSM6nFAOAA-TRyCQBHU9HAcEAcmyPqs8Q42B4e6BQ2DAYCnCgxoEEA-e
Quick note: With food it hits 86% condi duration. Note: i only use the greatsword at fight start to boot strap some vuln, or to break break bars when its necessary in raids and take a little dps hit.
I’m not sure if this is the best set up. There are features from spite and soul reaping that i want to take, but i feel like i end up losing too much. What i will say is that this set up doesnt work well in Raids if i have to be running for the green circles, and in those cases i drop reaper and take spite instead.
I have found that in raids, projectile absorb is kind of useless so i take corrupt boons for the bleed instead, since i am a condi transfer necro build?
If anyone has feed back for maximising dps for raids for maximising utility for raids, that would be great.
Focus 5, traited chilling darkness with deaths charge and deathly swarm. And chilling nova. It shouldnt be an issue. With vipers its very long duration chill.
Focus 5, traited chilling darkness with deaths charge and deathly swarm. And chilling nova. It shouldnt be an issue. With vipers its very long duration chill.
My problem with chill condi damage is taht it doesnt work if other classes are applying chill, which engineers and rangers do. Otherwise i would always take it. I guess i should change my build based on party comp?
I was under the assumption (and I thought I tested it, but maybe I was mistaken)that chilling nova only effects targets around them, not the target iteself.
I don’t see Condi Reaper working on Gorseval. The ramp time for conds would make it impossible. When I cleared it I had to execute and squeeze the absolute utmost out of zerk bursts between phases.
Do people think death magic is worth giving up spite as a tank? It seems like the survivability isn’t really necessary, but the DPS definitely is.
Nah it’s not really worth it tbh.
Well the final nail in the coffin for my condition reaper occurred last night. I have been able to get 10-11k dps on my reaper in phase 1 and 9-10k dps in the later phases of vale guardian. The problem was my guild kept hitting the enrage timer. Eventually they had me switch to my tempest.
At first I thought my dps meter was bugged, but then we killed the boss with 30 seconds left and I realized it wasn’t a bug. over the entire fight my tempest dps averaged 17k, with phase 1 dps clocking in at 20k.
Sad that Anet simply can’t balance the classes. Not only did my tempest do roughly double the dps, it also put out 2k/s heals, group might and fury, and multiple aura’s providing 10% damage reduction, and might on hit.
I can confirm ~12k DPS with my condi Reaper and it is much more better than a power Reaper. With Ranger Sun Spirit(yes it is bugged but who cares, icebow was bugged too) I can reach easily over 15k dps in Phase 1 ,after that it drops because of Boss split mechanics. But I can confirm ~ 20k-25k DPS spikes. It is not the whole time, but Im still doing my 12k dps after that burst dmg.
Look on the 2nd screen. Im not using Dhummfire Reaper and no capped Mightstacks in a random Raid. Im already at 20k “burst” DPS and Soul Spiral CD is rdy with only 20 Might stacks, Soul Spiral will push my DPS in a fire field over 25k “burst” dps.
p.s: Im 99% sure CondiReaper > Gravedigger spam. Power necro is ok for tanking.
(edited by Brayzz.6524)
I can confirm ~12k DPS with my condi Reaper and it is much more better than a power Reaper. With Ranger Sun Spirit(yes it is bugged but who cares, icebow was bugged too) I can reach easily over 15k dps in Phase 1 ,after that it drops because of Boss split mechanics. But I can confirm ~ 20k-25k DPS spikes. It is not the whole time, but Im still doing my 12k dps after that burst dmg.
How are you getting bleed stacks so high to deal that much? If it’s consistent I need to change my rotation / sigils or something. What skills do you prioritize with Scepter/dagger, and do you use Bursting / Malice?
[edit] Ahh I see , jagged horrors from Lich form. I didn’t think they stacked so much but now it makes sense. I’ll give it a shot, sucks to lose Flesh Golem for the break bar but DPS like that seems worth it.
(edited by Altoid.9104)
Yea, im getting similar numbers to Brayzz aswell so i also agree that viper condi reaper wins out(imo). Also a good thing to note, at the end of the night when pl were falling asleep during 2nd boss i found out i can solo-kill one of the fours guys in the 2nd phase. O, and epidemic works wonders for cleaning up adds+walls+orbs during the fight aswell.
I can confirm ~12k DPS with my condi Reaper and it is much more better than a power Reaper. With Ranger Sun Spirit(yes it is bugged but who cares, icebow was bugged too) I can reach easily over 15k dps in Phase 1 ,after that it drops because of Boss split mechanics. But I can confirm ~ 20k-25k DPS spikes. It is not the whole time, but Im still doing my 12k dps after that burst dmg.
Look on the 2nd screen. Im not using Dhummfire Reaper and no capped Mightstacks in a random Raid. Im already at 20k “burst” DPS and Soul Spiral CD is rdy with only 20 Might stacks, Soul Spiral will push my DPS in a fire field over 25k “burst” dps.
p.s: Im 99% sure CondiReaper > Gravedigger spam. Power necro is ok for tanking.
Agree with you on condi reaper > power reaper, anytime.
But about your damage, seems pretty good if you can maintain that. For how long you can keep the jagged horrors alive? And after they die how much your dps suffer? What is the average there?
I can confirm ~12k DPS with my condi Reaper and it is much more better than a power Reaper. With Ranger Sun Spirit(yes it is bugged but who cares, icebow was bugged too) I can reach easily over 15k dps in Phase 1 ,after that it drops because of Boss split mechanics. But I can confirm ~ 20k-25k DPS spikes. It is not the whole time, but Im still doing my 12k dps after that burst dmg.
Look on the 2nd screen. Im not using Dhummfire Reaper and no capped Mightstacks in a random Raid. Im already at 20k “burst” DPS and Soul Spiral CD is rdy with only 20 Might stacks, Soul Spiral will push my DPS in a fire field over 25k “burst” dps.
p.s: Im 99% sure CondiReaper > Gravedigger spam. Power necro is ok for tanking.
Agree with you on condi reaper > power reaper, anytime.
But about your damage, seems pretty good if you can maintain that. For how long you can keep the jagged horrors alive? And after they die how much your dps suffer? What is the average there?
They die after about 20 seconds, so you burst high bleeds but then you have cool down for 160 seconds. It’s really amazing for something like high lvl fractals where you burst dps, its astoundingly bad for raids where you have to maintain dps.