I made a topic about this already. But yes, this should really be fixed, AND FAST. It kills our class. It is an instant death sentence in a large part of the PVE content. Instant wipes! You sometimes don’t even get downed, you are instantly killed, because you are left with so little health. Other players look down on our class because we die so easily, as if we are bad players…. not understanding that it really is the game’s fault. Please! Fix! Fast! It makes Fractals and dungeons an absolute nightmare!
Its not rocket science.
Either fix it quick, or inform your community why it can’t be done rapidly.
Cuz right now it’s just frustrating.
Agreed (15chars).
I agree too. In wvw it is bad enough I must run in a zerg or be treated as the worlds biggest pinball only to die whenever downed. I’m not in the top 1% of the class than can run solo, but even if I were being downed has a reprieve mechanism for a reason; not being able to use it kinda sucks.
Let’s wait until the June 11 update. If it’s not fixed by then, we can start voodooing them.
looks up from his goofy blonde horse mouthed voodoo doll
This gets me killed in WvW all the time. It’s getting old.
I read a post from a dev; they fixed it for new characters but not for existing characters.
Hopefully the “fix” will not be to reroll :/
I was thinking about buying extra character slots at some point but I shall keep my wallet shut until this serious bug is fixed.
Quick update.
We had a fix that appeared to solve the issue in this build but it may only be solving it for new characters. A more comprehensive fix is being worked out on our internal servers and we are working towards getting this live asap.
Said 10 days ago, so Wait and see…
This still hasn’t been fixed?
This still hasn’t been fixed?
Ah, you must be new here. Welcome to the necro forums, have a seat.
Another dev will be along any minute now, I promise. They come down here real often, and I’m just sure they’ll fix this and our other bugs jolly soon!
This still hasn’t been fixed?
Ah, you must be new here. Welcome to the necro forums, have a seat.
Another dev will be along any minute now, I promise. They come down here real often, and I’m just sure they’ll fix this and our other bugs jolly soon!
My username’s changed, but no I’ve been around. At the time of posting that, I was surprised because it felt like it was fixed while I was in Southsun Cove. But then I realized that was probably because everyone rezzes each other there… So I just tried my first run at CoF P1, and yeah… It’s not fixed.
Hopefully it’ll sneak into the 11th Dragon Bash patch. I know the big patch is coming at the end of the month but as one mentioned all ready in WvW this f`n sucks.
OT: I wonder how far out the condition system changes talked about some months ago are. I love my power builds but I’d like to try some condi builds in pve without feeling useless and ashamed. Has anyone heard anything else?
(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)
The dev’s did fix it… For NEW necros. Simply re-roll, re-level and re-gear.
The dev’s did fix it… For NEW necros. Simply re-roll, re-level and re-gear.
Unless they make it so that I can transfer my look, my soulbound items, my WvW ranks, and anything else that might make my character unique then NO THANKS. Although simple for some a re-roll is defiantly NOT something I am willing to do after over 900+ hours on my necro.