A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sumiko.5673


Hello everyone,

I’m very annoyed at this game for reasons that the game has no control over. I have issues with sticking to one character. Now I’ve really taken a liking to my Charr Necromancer girl and I’d love for me to reach level 80 with her. Can you guys tell me why you personally like your Necromancer? I’d love to hear from other players what makes them fun to play.

I keep debating over choosing Necromancer, Elementalist, Engineer or Thief… sigh My partner in crime says I’m driving him mad with my constant character changing…

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Hey there. Saw your post so I thought I would give you my perspective.

The reason I play necromancer is because I enjoy the feeling of completely crushing another persons strengths. That moment when you corrupt a guardians boons, Soak a warriors burst like its nothing, Cripple a thief as hes being devoured by undead servants, and even chilling a mesmer and isolating him from his precious clones.

I guess you could say the necromancer is the best for a semi-sadistic style of play. Where you just laugh as the people your fighting become weaker and weaker until they just fall over.

Thats why I do it atleasat.

Ghost Yak

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: alamore.1974


I also.play charr necro and love it. I’ve.played every class and still come.back to.necro, who I have deleted and restarted to many times (human lv70, silvari lv80, and charr of 80,) right now my.new char necro(and only) is lv 30 lol. I’m keeping him in spvp and seeing how long it will take to.of just for fun,
I feel you on changing chars so much I can’t stop doing it!!

Well now that I’ve rambled on for a while.. I love necro. Droping wells, watching people freak from all the.conditions, smacking people with my axe, talking to zombies, I just love this class

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SoulCtrl.8124


1. Death Shroud is the business
2. Epidemic is my fav spell ever
3. Spectral Recall is great for drawing lovely green lines around the mystic forge
4. Pets!
5. Wells!
6. Skulls!
7. I love how amazingly dark you can make them look.
Here’s mine: http://i.imgur.com/W77Lf7V.jpg

I’ve been necro main since day1 and still loving it more than ever!

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I was initially drawn to necro because of all the different forms they can take in game.

But now I stick with necro because I’m generally always tough to kill, I have massive control over conditions, and if I spec properly I can tpvp or WvW any way I like all on the same toon. And these are true of most every build I use.

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

Versatility for me.I have every class except Mesmer.And Necro has become my main in WvW for a long,long time.My other classes mainly stay the same in WvW.But my Necro changes from one situation to another.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Argon.1563


I like Necromancer just because even if you choose Power or Condition Damage as a main part of your build, Necromancer hurts, a lot. Ive won 3 vs 1 fights in WvW using my Necromancer. and with the added bonus of Death Shroud, which is the best profession-unique ability in the game, hands down, making Necromancer hard to kill.

and because we have a whole archive of viable builds, as opposed to other professions that have only a small handful that will work.

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I started playing GW1 because I saw a bone fiend when my cousin was playing, and that’s kept me on Necro ever since.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

What do you like/not like about the classes you’ve listed so far? Maybe we can help figure out the strengths you like most?

At launch I was deciding between Mes/Necro/Engi/Ele, and landed on Necro, which was probably the last one on my list at the time. I was interested in mesmer cause I liked Mesmer in GW1, unfortunately, my main appeal to the class was it’s ability to deny and punish players (lots of hexes were like, “if you’re opponent does X, then Y bad thing happens”) but ANet decided that style of play wasn’t fun to be a victim of, and made the class more about the phantasms, which while cool I wasn’t hooked on. Eles kinda missed the mark too, not sure why. I have a 45 one now but maybe just need some more experience. Engi’s versatility was a close second to Necro, and are still one of my favorite classes. Necros I just enjoyed the hell out of (worth noting, also very different from their GW1 counterpart), I’m not even sure I could tell you why.

Now though, what I enjoy about is it is a class that provides good offensive utility (pretty good for not having good combo fields, anyway), can definitely hold it’s own in the damage department, both single target and aoe, and death shroud is a unique defensive mechanic that allows us to be tricky motherkitteners without having to spec into defense. That defense comes at the cost of traditional defensive techniques used by other classes, such as boons, blocks, vigor, evasion.

What’s interesting about necro is that while our siphons are generally considered decent at best, but largely underwhelming, spells that build life force are in a way, healing of sorts, giving you that extra bit of shielding in death shroud. So when people say “second life bar” they do mean that in a literal sense of it being a second life bar to manage. It’s a very fun mechanic.

I made a thread the other day that got people so into to talking about it it got locked inexplicably. Anet doesn’t want everyone finding out how fun necros are, is my best guess

[EG] is recruiting!

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

Another thing you can consider when choosing is what weapon types you like. For example, if your main drive with involving thief is daggers, Necros can really look flairful with daggers as well (in fact i like it better than with thief ). But in the end, if you don’t have time to test I would just go with what interests you most to do. Here’s how i personally see them summed up in very general terms.

Necro – Messing with others through conditions, generally survivable in most game modes, optional minions if you like them, and lots of weird tricks.

Engi – the class often requires a lot of fast thinking, which you do get into after a bit, but at first you can feel overwhelmed. It’s really nice if you like tech though, one of the best engineer classes ever in mmos, in my opinion. It also has good support.

Thief – A speedy class, involving short term stealth, and like engineer you have to do a fair bit of quick thinking in how to spend initiative and swap weapons. Fun to manipulate with the steal skill Like Necro there is a bit more focus on messing with others through Conditions and such rather than Boon support, but some is there.

Elementalist – For sheer variety this class is cool as you have four elements with skills, and up to 4 more bars of skills depending on utilities you pick, so you can have a crazy amount of stuff/playstyles if you choose. It’s also, like engineer, a nice Boon support class.

Personally I like Necro best out of those four, partly out of style, but it wins over thief (my 2nd pick) just because it just feels funnier to play for me, with interesting skills on the weapons and a third bar of skills in death shroud to mix things up.

(edited by Amethyst Lure.5624)

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


My Sylvari Necromancer is just the coolest. She looks kitten, she sounds kitten (mostly). She does stupendous AOE damage when Locust Swarm, two wells, Tainted Shackles and Life Transfer are all going. She survives things that would drop any of my other characters, while in full Berserker gear. Keeping a run speed signet equipped at all times doesn’t make her feel kitten in combat at all. There are at least four different builds I enjoy (vampiric well bomber, spectre of death, max dagger DPS, and minion master when the AI happens to be working).

I am almost never frustrated when I play my necromancer — everything just goes smoothly. It’s a subjective thing I guess, but that’s just how it is for me.

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jpersson.7368


Can you guys tell me why you personally like your Necromancer? I’d love to hear from other players what makes them fun to play.

  • It’s fun to play something evil,
  • I’m not a brawler and
  • I like the necro commitment to fights.
Relax… nothing is under control

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Domzz.1260


Hello everyone,

I’m very annoyed at this game for reasons that the game has no control over. I have issues with sticking to one character. Now I’ve really taken a liking to my Charr Necromancer girl and I’d love for me to reach level 80 with her. Can you guys tell me why you personally like your Necromancer? I’d love to hear from other players what makes them fun to play.

I keep debating over choosing Necromancer, Elementalist, Engineer or Thief… sigh My partner in crime says I’m driving him mad with my constant character changing…

Hi Sumiko… I was in the exact same boat as you for over a year and only now settled into maining Necromancer.

I’ll go through the rundown for you

So the first thing I did was decide what my main game goals will be, and those are:
1. Become a WvW commander
2. Map completel 100%
3. Earn a champion PvP title
4. Craft a legendary

Next thing I did was I looked at the meta.
Warrior and Guardian are WAY overplayed, so being another sheep in the crowd didn’t sound like a tasty idea to me. I like both of those classes tremendously but when I play them they feel somewhat incomplete and I can’t help but feel completely useless and replaceable with so many other warriors and guardians running about.

The ranger — I made one to level 80, and never touched it again. Maybe I didn’t see the class in the right light but just playing it I find it EXTREMELY boring and I hate the fact that the ranger’s own damage is kitten in order to accommodate for really strong pet power — that makes the ranger pretty weak and useless when their pet is inaccessible. I don’t like feeling helpless in this way… If someone can re-open my eyes to the ranger I might reconsider but as of now I deleted my 80 ranger.

Thief I think is a really COOL class, but I think everything is just way too difficult on thief and many things are impossible — playing thief did not mesh with many of my primary goals, E.G. becoming a commander — thief commanders suck. Crafting a legendary — I don’t like the look of any thief legendary weapons. PvP — way too difficult for me to do well with thief in PvP. SO that crossed out thief for me. I like to be survivable.

Engineer is fantastic but I just can’t get into the class because I don’t like guns, bombs, flamethrowers and grenades, so that’s what crossed out engineer for me.

So what’s left? Ele, Mesmer, and Necro.

Elementalist I could not get into because the class feels way too dependent on others to do well. I don’t like that not only do they have the LOWEST health but also have the LOWEST armor — they are not very survivable at all.. and I don’t like feeling like a sitting duck. Also, when I played elementalist, I couldn’t help but feel pretty useless.

The big difference was between Necromancer and Mesmer.

Here’s why I went with Necromancer:
1. It matched really well with all of my goals:
– Very good for map clearing, very good for commanding, incredible at PvP, I like the look of some legendaries for the necromancer (shame they don’t have greatswords for necros).
2. The necromancer is incredibly survivable… I like that a lot.
3. The necromancer has more control than any other class — I am a control freak.
4. The necromancer just looks really cool — all of their skills and especially their death shroud and lich forms are really cool IMO.
5. I have a thing for vampires

While the mesmer has so many of its own benefits, the necromancer just fits my natural playstyle and niche far better. It’s all about cruel control — dominance — manipulation — it’s direct and straight-forward — it’s about overwhelming your opponents over time.

The necromancer does happen to suffer in the realm of dungeons — their damage is a little bit thin, but they’re not that far behind warriors and are similarly survivable.

Overall, if you want a really survivable dominant class, that has the ability to control the battlefield really well and make your enemies humiliatingly suffer, then necro is your choice

My favorite mechanic for the necromancer is hands down the fear. It is AMAZING — it completely disables your opponent and makes them run around like morons while you and your team is left to do whatever they want to the opponent.. and the fear can last a pretty freakin long time too !

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


For me, it’s all about the minions. I just love having my little undead army run around with me and help me kill my enemies. ^^ I ran almost nothing but minions in GW1 (switched out for what I called my “Death Boom” build when minions were less ideal), and run almost nothing but minions in GW2.

Now if only my Flesh Golem could be taught how to swim… -sigh-

A Necromancer for an indecisive young lady?

in Necromancer

Posted by: psygate.5632


Necromancer is arguably the most balanced class in the game. We do everything, we do nothing really well, but we do everything. Even after all the nerfs and few buffs, we still steam roll other classes easily. A well played necromancer is a force of nature. We have the coolest class mechanic (there is simply nothing better than shrouding in the life force of diseased enemies), and we have an ok weapon set, primarly focusing on peril and debility.

There is simply nothing in this game, that is as satisfying as melting a mesmer from 100 to 0 in a few seconds, ripping an eles boons or denying a guardians support.

Nostalgyus-Necromancer (Kodash)