(edited by SirBiest.3071)
A New Appreciation for Necros
I’m sure everyone is aware of the stigma “necros are bad for pve”. Well, you won’t hear me say that ever again
So these past few days/weeks I’ve started to dive into the fractals. Today was no different. I was doing a lvl 10 fractal, not that high for you veterans, but quite exciting for me (lvl
. The fractal went as all PuG fractals go, tough but do-able….UNTIL we hit the PuG-archnemesis: Mai kitten Trin.
Our party suffer through 2 wipes, at that point 2 of our players ragequit. No issue, just lfg for 2 new players. One of our new players is a necro sceptical prejudice.
Bear in mind at this point 3 of us have broken armor, on top of that, me being the d*mb*kitten that I am ran in before member #5 was ready, which caused him to be stuck.So its 4 of us vs Mai Trin… It went as you probably expected, even though we got her to 50%hp, we wiped… Well… 3 of us wiped.
The necromancer stayed alive. And ooooh boy, twas a bad day for Mai Trin. He kited, he jumped, he Death Shrouded, he avoided the canons and he slapped that b*tch over and over and over.
We were watching this glorious show.
At first we were our usual sceptical selves “okej necro, just wipe so we can retry, let it go its fine”
Then we started to joke “lol look at him trying to solo haha, this guy”
And then we cheered, oh we cheered.This guy was DA REAL MVP
And he flippin did it. It was a beautiful moment.I dont know if any of you veterans are impressed, but I thought it was fantastic! One of my favorite moments in GW2 and in gaming in general.
So yeah, I will never say “necros are bad for pve” again. My elitist thoughts of “guard/ele” have been nullified. (even though ill still play my guardian cuz he is awesome)
Note 1: I am not naming the player or the server or anything just to respect his privacy, I didn’t ask him if I could post this but I just felt like sharing it. + he seemed like a pretty modest/shy guy so I dont want to be obtrusive
Note 2: After chatting with him a bit he said he was happy with the results cuz he was testign a PvE/WvW condition build. Which surprised me even more cuz I always heard that conditions arent that good for PvE. So thats another prejudice that needs to be revised I guess :P
everyone is all about speed runs so they want zerkers. Conditions are okay vs bosses, but not so much against swarms of mobs.
Bad Elementalist
That must of taken a while using conditions for that fight. Mai trin has condition duration reduction until she has no shield stacks.
Necro is definitely the hardest class to solo Mai Trin on (All other classes can use blocks or teleports to avoid the killshot). So kudos to whoever it was. Ive wanted to try it on lvl 50 but its such a pain to go roll for just for a solo and I dont really want to inconvenience friends while attempting it. And knowing how difficult maintaining lifeforce is going to be i would have to time dark paths perfectly for killshot avoidance.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Conditions are fine in PvE, but there can only be one (two if one is a Mesmer)
That must of taken a while using conditions for that fight. Mai trin has condition duration reduction until she has no shield stacks.
Necro is definitely the hardest class to solo Mai Trin on (All other classes can use blocks or teleports to avoid the killshot). So kudos to whoever it was. Ive wanted to try it on lvl 50 but its such a pain to go roll for just for a solo and I dont really want to inconvenience friends while attempting it. And knowing how difficult maintaining lifeforce is going to be i would have to time dark paths perfectly for killshot avoidance.
In my nooby opinion he was pretty fast actually, did it in 5 to 10 minutes I would wager, though I didnt time it
Hmm thats not too bad. Although at scale 10 she would have a lot less health. And in solos the shield stacks disappear quite fast. So i suppose it works. Just I wouldnt favour the lifeforce generation like that.
Haha nice story. I remember how once I entered pug fotm at 30 lvl on Mai, and soloed it on necro (but berserk meta) :P Their messages were all the same like you described, ultimately ending with pleading to have their children XD
Nice story. It’s like when a couple my friends laughed at me yesterday when I said solo’ing the silver waste champs is easy. I was busy so I didn’t go show them how easy it is (just takes time) but I got comments from, “hahaha you wish dude” to “come do it then and I will record, then every time you log in I will play your death back for you and laugh”. Silly non necros As long as you don’t eat their big attacks (easy) you have basically infinite health…
#1 Player Comoros
Haha nice story. I remember how once I entered pug fotm at 30 lvl on Mai, and soloed it on necro (but berserk meta) :P Their messages were all the same like you described, ultimately ending with pleading to have their children XD
Yeah thats pretty much how it ended here too :P
Nice story. It’s like when a couple my friends laughed at me yesterday when I said solo’ing the silver waste champs is easy. I was busy so I didn’t go show them how easy it is (just takes time) but I got comments from, “hahaha you wish dude” to “come do it then and I will record, then every time you log in I will play your death back for you and laugh”. Silly non necros
As long as you don’t eat their big attacks (easy) you have basically infinite health…
yeah its moments like these that get me hyped to roll a necro myself
Well its not really anything special to necros. A decent player should be able to solo them on any class they are familiar with. If anything necros have less options to do solos. And there are a few bosses which are pretty much impossible because of necros lack of options.
tl;dr? /15necrocharrs
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
Conditions are fine in PvE, but there can only be one (two if one is a Mesmer)
This! This very much. HAIL DRARNOR!
Why two if one is a mesmer?
Why two if one is a mesmer?
Most of a Mesmer’s condition damage comes from Torment and Confusion, two conditions that everyone else has difficulty stacking. There’s still overlap, sure, but not nearly as much as two condition builds of any other profession.
Condi mesmers should be camping staff most of the time for bleeds and burn. Plus offhand phantasms do a lot of bleeds aswell. So thats not true. Maybe if you are talking about PvP style condi mesmers you would be correct. But as we all know confusion and torment isnt all that great in PvE.
Wish I could have seen that show.. ahww well.
Condi mesmers should be camping staff most of the time for bleeds and burn. Plus offhand phantasms do a lot of bleeds aswell. So thats not true. Maybe if you are talking about PvP style condi mesmers you would be correct. But as we all know confusion and torment isnt all that great in PvE.
Agreed, but they at least have the option to avoid the overwriting, which means you have the option to run two condition builds without them stepping on toes. Only other pair is condition guardian and theif/necro.
was fighting a champ on my lvl 27 necro. the 3 randoms died (a guardian a thief and an ele) so i soloed it. DS is a life saver giving my healing minion time to get some of my BASE hp back. i am a power/condi hybrid and though i don’t kill quickly i am VERY hard to kill.
was fighting a champ on my lvl 27 necro. the 3 randoms died (a guardian a thief and an ele) so i soloed it. DS is a life saver giving my healing minion time to get some of my BASE hp back. i am a power/condi hybrid and though i don’t kill quickly i am VERY hard to kill.
Yeah. Using DS to soak blows and hopping out of it for the heal is pretty nice. The low cooldown it has makes it good with “on heal” runes which can be a life savor when leveling up in areas higher lvls than your current lvl.
I’ve solo’ed mai Trinn on my necromancer countless times, but when i play my mesmer, warrior, Ele and thief it’s faster and easier and just as easy to stay alive.
It’s not about the profession but the skill of the person behind the screen, i would (as a necro main) rather have a profession that can be played well by less intelligent people than hope for the 5% of the necromancer base that can actually play quite well.
It’s sad to say as a necromancer main but it’s the truth.
Thats exactly why i switched to ele for my fractal main and only use necro for LS stuff.
Good game to the necro. I normally switch to a A/W shout/warhorn cleanse/buff warrior build for Mai trin. Warhorn condition conversion is pretty OP. Slows down my damage output but all that vigor and regen keeps the party going.
Eventually, I’ll be brave enough to give my necro a run in fractals