A Warrior's Perspective on the Neco...
condition or power build?
also you say your a condi warrior as well, we can transfer whatever condi you put on us back you plus whatever we can stack.
I would imagine that Necro you ran into was probably, a very, very, very, very good player. Because Necro’s against a warrior with the normal CC build is a tough fight, since we struggle to react to chain CC.
Either that or he just caught you off guard and he was a FULL zerker with rage on crit proc Necro that would put out some serious damage in an extremely short time frame
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
condition or power build?
also you say your a condi warrior as well, we can transfer whatever condi you put on us back you plus whatever we can stack.
That is pretty much what he did to me. I’m running a condition build with precision, toughness, condi and he pretty much just loaded me up with massive amounts of conditions. I’ve never died so fast in my life.
If you see a Plague signet on necro and you’re a condi warrior, might as well waypoint and retrait . Bow #5 is tasty to send back right away, as well as any quick bleed stack/burning going our way.
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
condition or power build?
also you say your a condi warrior as well, we can transfer whatever condi you put on us back you plus whatever we can stack.
That is pretty much what he did to me. I’m running a condition build with precision, toughness, condi and he pretty much just loaded me up with massive amounts of conditions. I’ve never died so fast in my life.
In general, condition necro>condition anyone else. This is actually intentional.
condition or power build?
also you say your a condi warrior as well, we can transfer whatever condi you put on us back you plus whatever we can stack.
That is pretty much what he did to me. I’m running a condition build with precision, toughness, condi and he pretty much just loaded me up with massive amounts of conditions. I’ve never died so fast in my life.
In general, condition necro>condition anyone else. This is actually intentional.
Have berserker stance, healing signet, signet of stamina, dolyak signet. No longer fear fear necro.
But isn’t the Necro considered the worst as a roaming class? I heard you have very limited mobility.
Also, thanks for the info on that build of yours. I know what to look out for now.
But isn’t the Necro considered the worst as a roaming class? I heard you have very limited mobility.
Also, thanks for the info on that build of yours. I know what to look out for now.
Only reason we are considered the worst roaming class is because we have no escape button. we are basically stomp or be stomped class.
But isn’t the Necro considered the worst as a roaming class? I heard you have very limited mobility.
Also, thanks for the info on that build of yours. I know what to look out for now.
Only reason we are considered the worst roaming class is because we have no escape button. we are basically stomp or be stomped class.
We don’t stomp people.
But isn’t the Necro considered the worst as a roaming class? I heard you have very limited mobility.
Also, thanks for the info on that build of yours. I know what to look out for now.
Only reason we are considered the worst roaming class is because we have no escape button. we are basically stomp or be stomped class.
We don’t stomp people.
I do
But isn’t the Necro considered the worst as a roaming class? I heard you have very limited mobility.
Also, thanks for the info on that build of yours. I know what to look out for now.
Only reason we are considered the worst roaming class is because we have no escape button. we are basically stomp or be stomped class.
We don’t stomp people.
I do
Anyway, to OP, necromancer hardcounters anything that pretty much focus entierely on condition. This is why many condition builds even engi try to make a more hybrid-condition one ( Stunlock with some condition traits and bow for warrior.) Necromancers are literaly the master of condition in this game: they can transfer it, turn your boons into conditions, get higher heal with condition on them, or simply turn them into boons.
*english is my second language
The “condition necro>other condition classes” isn’t so much that we are better at conditions (although we are, right now), but its more that if a condition necro loses to any condition build in a 1v1, they should be ashamed and reroll. Plague signet, deathly swarm, and Putrid mark all make a mockery of your condition application. Consume conditions can gobble down a full condition burst and then heal you for massive HP. Well of Power is essentially a middle finger to any condition build as well.
Problem with 1v1ing a condi necro as any condi class is that every time you apply a condition to us, you essentially say “here, throw this back at me”; everything you put on us will not just come back, but will come back and then be made 10x more devastating with burning, poison, weakness, blind, chill, stacksonstacksonstacks of bleeds, and then a chain fear for lulz.
I would imagine that Necro you ran into was probably, a very, very, very, very good player. Because Necro’s against a warrior with the normal CC build is a tough fight, since we struggle to react to chain CC.
Either that or he just caught you off guard and he was a FULL zerker with rage on crit proc Necro that would put out some serious damage in an extremely short time frame
He isn’t a CC warrior if he’s running conditions.
For WvWvW, every 1v1 necro that isnt a well power/defender build is bloody overpowered IF you are dumb enough to stick to him, Our fight control in a open field is low, mobility even lower and even with Sgrasp cant do much against a real stun/immob into disengage, even a condi build with relatively low cooldowns has quite a downtime in duel power if he popped stuff to kill you.
Also dodge when the enemy necro points at you during signet cast (2/3 of those are lethal if you are a condi build vs a condi necro).
Low duration strong condition ticks are the key if you really want to condi down a necro (block guardians being prime example).
This explains a great deal actually. I was running GS + Rifle zerker build and found the Necro class something to just almost 1-shot when they were out in the open. The problem is, a full zerker warrior can trip over a blade of grass and then die from it. To better balance myself, I thought a full condi build would work well but I had no idea how well ya’ll can turn them.
I actually saw a guy in sPvP today with 3 other condi built classes attacking him and he killed them all. Was pretty darn impressive.
Yes. The key now to playing a warrior that is full glass is using the zerker stance to negate their damage/control, then using mass CC and damage to burst them down while they can’t do anything.
Do you guys remember the time when this forum was full of complaints about how other classes are so much better at conditions because they could stack higher and faster, like 3 months ago…?
That was before we got all our buffs that had absolutely nothing to do with transfers, in fact Putrid Mark was even stronger back then.
I actually saw a guy in sPvP today with 3 other condi built classes attacking him and he killed them all. Was pretty darn impressive.
That is impressive, but I doubt he won that battle with transfers alone. On equal skill 2v1 is already too much even if you could counter their builds individually, so my guess is that those 3 players made a lot of mistakes.
Just get stun-build and faceroll
Do you guys remember the time when this forum was full of complaints about how other classes are so much better at conditions because they could stack higher and faster, like 3 months ago…?
That was before we got all our buffs that had absolutely nothing to do with transfers, in fact Putrid Mark was even stronger back then.I actually saw a guy in sPvP today with 3 other condi built classes attacking him and he killed them all. Was pretty darn impressive.
That is impressive, but I doubt he won that battle with transfers alone. On equal skill 2v1 is already too much even if you could counter their builds individually, so my guess is that those 3 players made a lot of mistakes.
Well its still fact that others can apply condis faster and that PM (staff in general) needs to get fixed, but noone doubted necro 1v1 since the meganerf of Swalk and nerf in general/op in 1v1 buff of Sarmor, in fact a lot of people (zombify, nay, a little bit of MQ and me ofc) complained about changing the defensive focus of necros from 1vx to 1v1 where we were already top dogs (well in the upper 4 against almost all builds). Like minions with 0/0/30/30/10 are like, duelist mesmer or old quickness-whip thief in terms of 1v1 domination since you are not only immune to most condis, but can go any itemization and still deal good enough damage, also minions tend to bodyblock cc.
But still any kind of cc build vs anything that doesnt have 5+ meatwalls infront, any bust into disengage (aka poke build) and anything with good enough continuous sustain (the D/F modification of the old ele build and guardians in most setups) still plain facerolls over necros.
Also 5 squishy condi builds without mel or lemon on focusing you into plague epi = PENTAKILL unless one of them is also a necro, so its stupidity of the enemy to underestimate the power/potential of a enemy that causes such 1v3 wonders, you got like 15 pages explaining the basics of it in Sun Tzus art of war.
We were never weak in 1v1 conditions, nor were we ever that far behind in any kind of condition race. It had nothing to do with our condition application in general, it was that we couldn’t get our damage to stick a lot of the time, with only 1 source of meaningful DPS to a team (bleeds) that were pretty quickly removed. In fact, this would have still been fine, if not for the fact that we also required tons of babysitting to accomplish anything and live.
But still, you didn’t see condi warriors, mesmers, eles, or frankly any full DPS condi build except engineers at that time either, and that was because HGH was broken and they could be tanky and have huge DPS with burning at the same time. And even then, our 1v1 was pretty good, it was getting focused in team fights that killed us.
Warriors are the kings of conditions. I don’t think any other condition based build can beat them, maybe condi mesmer.
The reason is, you can transfer conditions back to your foe, not just remove them.
However, warriors got Berserekr stance which is a 10 sec godmode..
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Necromancers aer extremely sensitive to stuns and interrupts. The class also has very few combat mobility skills. Unfortunately, you have to build to take advantage of the weaknesses.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Warriors are the kings of conditions. I don’t think any other condition based build can beat them, maybe condi mesmer.
The reason is, you can transfer conditions back to your foe, not just remove them.
However, warriors got Berserekr stance which is a 10 sec godmode..
They get 10 seconds of immunity to applications, old conditions stay on, but except for that they don’t have a lot going for them against a Necro in a condi v condi fight. They need to burn through 20k HP (a hell of a lot more with full LF) in ten seconds, with conditions alone, against builds that can still have tons of removal (even if the transfering doesn’t work).
And thats still 1v1. Necros are the undisputed king of conditions overall. At most they lose out in very specific situations where niches are needed.
The best way to combat a necro is to have stability and stun/knockdown the necro.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
I have a guilty feeling it might of been me you bumped into thought I’d better check.
Was this the necro who touched you?
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
Warriors are the kings of conditions. I don’t think any other condition based build can beat them, maybe condi mesmer.
The reason is, you can transfer conditions back to your foe, not just remove them.
However, warriors got Berserekr stance which is a 10 sec godmode..
They get 10 seconds of immunity to applications, old conditions stay on, but except for that they don’t have a lot going for them against a Necro in a condi v condi fight. They need to burn through 20k HP (a hell of a lot more with full LF) in ten seconds, with conditions alone, against builds that can still have tons of removal (even if the transfering doesn’t work).
And thats still 1v1. Necros are the undisputed king of conditions overall. At most they lose out in very specific situations where niches are needed.
Agreed, condi nec > condi war, even with stance.
But a stunlocker warrior with berserker on, 6/6 Lyssa runes, they activate the stance, use their elite signet, remove all conditions, get all boons for 5 sec and immunity for (traited) roughly 10 sec. After that, since a nec got pretty few ways to break stun, and DS fear is useless in this case, a warrior can win.
However a stunlocker can still be kited around. I only have problem with warriors in tPvP where in a teamfight, if the scene mentioned above happens, you are dead. Mostly if there are 3 warriors, which is pretty common nowadays..
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
However a stunlocker can still be kited around. I only have problem with warriors in tPvP where in a teamfight, if the scene mentioned above happens, you are dead. Mostly if there are 3 warriors, which is pretty common nowadays..
You are not going to kite a good warrior, even if just the two of you (1v1). Their gap closers ensures that you are always in range. You can have them under constant cripple or chill while their berserker stance is on CD. Their cleave is pretty much godlike. You can be standing directly behind them, you’re still gonna get the, “Where Am I?”
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4
I’d say, the necro just got lucky, most war’s are our nemesis class.
I actually usually carry stuff around, for the return condi’s, even in a power build. (Even tho it’s buggy at the moment)(I actually love it with power build vs condi more, as you return there conditions and do full power crity bursty doom doom ontop Mwhwhwar)
Anyway, they recently tooled the war’s up to deal with condi’s thrown back at them.
Also on top of a pure condi cleaner/hunter, there’s the CC build ppl have mentioned. Were built to have “aggressive defense” which translates into, we need to keep doing attacks to have any defense. So CC shuts us down harder than other class’s.
As for Roaming. Yeh, no escape. (Excluding a tele if we pre setup the fight with a wormy). Mobility, we have a sig with 25% movement speed, and a spect walk, that lets us get 30sec of swift with a 60sec CD… So were ok’ish mobile, if we give up our other skills. (But def not on par with other class’s)
The other thing is, we been totally destroyed on the ‘avoid burst damage’. We the only class with no dodge energy return, no blocks/invuls etc. We can be slightly scary in a DeathShroud build, if we warmed up and filled up LifeForce before we ran into you. But, once it get’s to 2+ it doesn’t scale.
Oh and lots of slow attacks, projectiles, and very visual on our big moves to make us easy to counter. (Our projectiles can’t even shoot our feet, so I know some rangers find it funny to just run around rooting necro’s as they can’t move/brake out and are easy pickings when the zerg runs off)
Are you all really that well skilled in WvW roaming?
As a warrior you should have zero problems, just run the broken stun luck build and skull crack ftw.
I have a guilty feeling it might of been me you bumped into
thought I’d better check.
Was this the necro who touched you?
Only because I left NA/SoR ^^.
However a stunlocker can still be kited around. I only have problem with warriors in tPvP where in a teamfight, if the scene mentioned above happens, you are dead. Mostly if there are 3 warriors, which is pretty common nowadays..
You are not going to kite a good warrior, even if just the two of you (1v1). Their gap closers ensures that you are always in range. You can have them under constant cripple or chill while their berserker stance is on CD. Their cleave is pretty much godlike. You can be standing directly behind them, you’re still gonna get the, “Where Am I?”
Hammer + mace/shield has no gapclosers. Most common tournament build along with the hammer/longbow, which is just perfect for a necro, since the warrior gives you insane amount of bleeds, which you can send back.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Warriors are the easiest class in the game to kite.
yep, usually when I’m playing and roaming abit around with my necro and yes I die quite often not going to lie lol but in 1v1 scenerio’s I rarely ever lose if ever against warrior’s or most other classes as for warrior’s it’s pretty easy to kite them as someone stated until their zerker stance is over and done with and avoiding their CC is all about timing once they have no zerker stance and blew most of their CC it’s usually GG the best advice I Can give you is making sure you do land your CC’s and avoid being kited as much as possible and avoiding our fears as we create distance that way to kite more =). I’d say this also though if a necromancer starts running low on deathshroud for any reason we are usually as good as dead, so making us waste deathshroud is also a good strategy.
(edited by Brighteluden.2974)
The “condition necro>other condition classes” isn’t so much that we are better at conditions (although we are, right now), but its more that if a condition necro loses to any condition build in a 1v1, they should be ashamed and reroll. Plague signet, deathly swarm, and Putrid mark all make a mockery of your condition application. Consume conditions can gobble down a full condition burst and then heal you for massive HP. Well of Power is essentially a middle finger to any condition build as well.
Very true.
In simpler terms, this is what a Condi Necro says to another condi based build: “Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!” (followed by annoying laughter.)
I’ll admit, I don’t know the first thing about your class but as a condition warrior with some fairly decent gear, I ran into a Neco today while roaming and he made me look like a complete fool! I know my class well enough that typically I don’t have too many problems with getting a complete thrashing by someone but this guy killed me in all of about 8 seconds. Really…
I never figured your class was all that impressive as a roaming class but the beating I took today was pretty darn humiliating! To be honest, I thought about rerolling my level 80 D/D ele into a Necro just to understand how I was able to be so completely defeated like that.
Are you all really that well skilled in WvW roaming?
That necro was me, you are welcome.
Have berserker stance, healing signet, signet of stamina, dolyak signet. No longer fear fear necro.
All you really need is zerker stance. If you run into a necro without it, try these easy steps:
1. Use mobility to back off, get OOC, and swap in zerker stance
2. Re-engage
3. Collect loot
Most roamers I run into aren’t necros though. I run into 50% thieves, and a balanced mixture of the remaining classes.
A condi necro should never lose to another condition class. It is possible for a condi warrior to beat a condi necro but it would be like you get bow 5 immobilize fear and blow everything as fast as you can hoping you run into a necro with no life force even then its still rough.
Most players in WvW are bad though. I had fights where I laid all my marks right on top of me as clear as day and people still jump in them lol.
At the end of the day though a necro is the master of conditions and by design are able to manipulate them.
whats even better are all the perplexity thieves
Yesterday I had 2 come in and just stack 15 confusion on me. I sent it back.
at the time I had around 2400 condi dmg so with 15 stacks they where killing themselves with 3.5k ticks lol