A compilation of Necromancer ideas

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


With a potential expansion on the horizon and all the buzz about it, I thought I’d make a thread with all the ideas I’ve shared in the past. They’re not all great ideas, but maybe they’ll inspire some of your own (:

New Elites

Signet Of Trauma
Conditions removed: 2
Interval: 8s
Recharge: 40
Activation time: Instant
Passive: Periodically remove and preserve conditions up to a maximum of 3.
Active: Your next attack applies your preserved conditions.

Well Of Summoning
Recharge: 50
Activation time: 1/4
Summon skeletal hands to periodically knockdown and immobilize foes.
Immobilize (3s)
Pulse: 2s
Duration: 8s
Radius: 240
Combo Field: Lightning
Range: 900

Signet Of Trauma would be nice in tandem with Corruption skills. You would be able to cast a Corruption, have the signet remove the conditions passively, then later on get a bigger burst with a single attack. Eg. Blood Is Power w/ Master Of Corruption -> Signet Of Trauma removes the Bleed x2 and Torment x2 -> Activate Signet Of Trauma during the final attack in the scepter auto attack chain -> final scepter auto now does: 1 Corrupted boon, Bleed, Poison, Bleed x2 and Torment x2.

Well Of Summoning would be really nice both defensively and offensively. Either you could use it for kiting multiple people or you could use it to lock people down. First they get knocked down, then they get immobilized = great for keeping people still while we wind up one of our tremendously long cast time skills (Executioner’s Scythe) + with a leap like Death’s Charge = also dazes them from Lightning Field.

New trait and utility mechanics

Well Of Darkness

  • Cooldown increased to 60 seconds
  • Pulsing Blind and combo field removed
  • Duration, cast time and radius remain unchanged

New mechanics

Well Of Darkness now functions similarly to a Smokescales “Smoke Cloud.” As long as you are standing inside the well, all incoming attacks will miss. This does not effect other allied players.

Vampiric Rituals increases the radius and duration of Well Of Darkness instead of adding siphons and Protection.

Unyielding Blast

Shroud skill 1 now has an explosive PBAoE effect that can knock targets back once every 3 seconds. This effect is represented by a dark cloud quickly emanating outwards from the source.

Speed Of Shadows

  • Movement speed increase has been removed

New mechanic

As long as your target is effected with a movement impairing condition (Cripple, Immobilize, Chill) and you are in Shroud, you gain 1 second of Super Speed at 2 second intervals.

Soul Comprehension

Gain 2% Life Force for every condition applied to you.

Signet Of Undeath

  • Active skill no longer revives fallen allies
  • Cast time reduced to 3/4 second
  • Recharge reduced to 50 seconds

New mechanic

Activating this Signet will sacrifice 15% of your Life Force to convert it to health.


New ability

“Petrifying Plague” Add Slow to your Plague

Unholy Blood.

Renamed from Unholy Martyr.

Every stack of Bleed you apply increases your Healing Power and outgoing Healing Power. Bleeds that are applied to you have a percentage of their damage converted to Life Force.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Signet of trauma could be difficult because of the difference between storing 3 vulnerability, 3 burning, or a combination of slow, burning, and fear. Results could vary wildly.

Well of summoning kind of reminds me of Take Root so you may want to buff it like CttB.

Your changes to Well of Darkness imply a smoke field for stealth.

Unyielding Blast becoming a knock back on 3 sec CD sounds extremely powerful.

Speed of Shadows turning super speed on and off every second might feel freaky. With 100% boon duration, it might be OP, too.

Soul Comprehension might be OP as you describe. I recommend an ICD or just make it a constant passive.

Signet of Undeath’s passive still socks. Please suggest a change for that, too. Compare the the active with Signet of the Locust.

Anything added to Plague is awesome. Perhaps fear and taunt are other options.

Unholy Blood seems very powerful with sceptre or Deathly Chill.

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


  • Signet is hard to keep track of.
  • Though the well trait change to duration is something I can get behind, see Writ of Persistence , the well itself is incredibly oppressive and OP. If you cant clear the condition or block you cant leave the well for the next 8~10s. You can have stab but that doesnt prevent the immobilise so you cant use dodge, you can clear the condition but that wont prevent you from being knocked down. Necromancer is also one of the classes with the highest amount of soft CC so walking out of the well would also be difficult. Also 1/4 cast-time is unrealistic. Even gravity well has a 1s cast time and this is arguably several time stronger. 50s recharge is also to low.
  • Well of darkness would become a technical invulnerability since all attacks miss as long as smokescales are stood in their cloud and unlike AI you cant bait them to leave. Idea is OP. It also loses any form of minor support you could provide to allies.
  • UB being random CC wouldnt be any good since the trait affects effect all shroud 1 skills and would be irritating to any melee shroud the devs cook up, it would be incredibly oppressive and also being on a 3s ICD is again OP.
  • SoS change would result in a jerky movement wouldnt feel smooth. Its also a next movement speed of +50% which would be better to change the trait to instead of it being janky. +50% though….may be far to fast.
  • Your soul comprehension belongs in curses not DM. A better change would be removed/transferred.

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Soul Comprehension might be OP as you describe. I recommend an ICD or just make it a constant passive.

That’s an understatement… It’s basically a way stronger iteration of the current unholy martyr.

I actually like what you did to signet of undeath while everything else is not to my liking. It could be interesting to dwell deeper in this path that you take with signet of undeath by doing something like that :

Signet of undeath : Passive : generate life force while in combat (2% every 3 seconds)
Active : For 4 seconds incoming damage are taken from your life force.
CD : 60 seconds

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

A compilation of Necromancer ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


And here I thought adding 1 stack of Torment that lasts 10s on the active of Signet of Spite might be asking too much.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.