A helpful Necromancer guide

A helpful Necromancer guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Celticwolf.3257


Many people including myself keep asking what is the best stats, build, and tactics for the necromancer in WvW. I made a videos of what I think is important to help increase our enjoyment of playing necromancer . I’m always looking for new and better tips and hints from other people. So please after watching the video leave a comment to tell me what you like and/or don’t like. you can watch the video here http://youtu.be/K3i8JJM9_aM
or you can do a youtube search for “celticwolf11172” which is my channel.

A helpful Necromancer guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Its a great guide well made and was fun to watch…pain in the ‘you know what’ I was actually laughing with your Asura.


I know in WvW its a team game and running around solo is of little use when you don’t really achieve anything but we must accept a reality in that inside a zerg you can spec glass cannon and pretty much any way you want but most people want to ‘feel’ strong..As in they are able to solo camps and do well in small skirmishes!

A helpful Necromancer guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mercypsy.9602


Well made video. Thanks. I have a different build, but the advice can easily be adapted for different skills. This is useful information for those of us who have yet to play much WvW. Made me want to try it.

A helpful Necromancer guide

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aphel.4835


Thanks for making this video Aloomi!
Excellent work!

Snow Kitsuragi (Thief), Snowbunny Kitsuragi (Necro), Snowball Kitsuragi (Guardian), DarkHaven