AMA with Necromancer balance team?

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hopaway.2860


Would it be possible to set something up similar to a AMA? I think hearing the balance teams vision of the necro would be nice and an AMA would also give the community the chance to be heard/vent. I do not think Arenanet has done a very good job communicating what they think is wrong with the necro and what changes they are considering. Arenanet also has not weighted in on the communities debates about what is wrong with the class or commented on the communities suggested changes.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


That would be epic. Come on Anet, “Do it and your cool.” They should probably do this for every class every few months honestly maybe bring in some of the good players to give their perspectives.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

(edited by zapv.8051)

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Skoigoth.9238


Yes please! But I doubt it will happen, at least not in form of a live-stream since I assume they are on tight schedule at the moment.

Maybe a CDI-Style discussion thread with Robert Gee here on the Necro Subforum? That´ll do the job I think.

He could thoroughly explain the design direction/limitations for the class as he envisions it and we could present all the suggestions accumulated here over the years in a structured and compact manner.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Klaeljanus.7695


Great idea, but just isn’t going to happen.

Lets look at the last few weeks. The only word from the devs on necros at all was when a bunch went into the revenant forums and asked questions there.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Fun fact, way back in the day But of Corpse had very tentative plans to talk with a balance dev about Necromancer on a show, since back then Chaplan (I believe is the correct name) used to watch the show (this was back with Gibbly and Tenderly), but it never happened because they wouldn’t do it unless every profession would be represented.

But yeah, it will never happen. They wouldn’t do it unless it was on their terms, and their terms would end up giving us a type of show we simply wouldn’t be happy with. Its a lose-lose situation for them, there is no way they could give us what we want, so its better to not do it.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

(edited by Bhawb.7408)

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


Fun fact, way back in the day But of Corpse had very tentative plans to talk with a balance dev about Necromancer on a show, since back then Chaplan (I believe is the correct name) used to watch the show (this was back with Gibbly and Tenderly), but it never happened because they wouldn’t do it unless every profession would be represented.

But yeah, it will never happen. They wouldn’t do it unless it was on their terms, and their terms would end up giving us a type of show we simply wouldn’t be happy with. Its a lose-lose situation for them, there is no way they could give us what we want, so its better to not do it.

Its not the Necromancer community’s responsibility to create a podcast for every other profession and discuss them in major detail. Its their respected communities that need to do that.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


Its not the Necromancer community’s responsibility to create a podcast for every other profession and discuss them in major detail. Its their respected communities that need to do that.

Less of an issue about it being our responsibility to do it in that format, and more of an issue that only having a Dev available to talk about Necro will cause a kitten storm the likes of which these forums have never seen before as people start demanding Devs do something with each individual class.

So what was intended as a one off for one profession suddenly turns into 7 additional podcasts. It’s a scheduling nightmare at that point, and I’m not surprised that they wanted to avoid it. Not saying I’m happy they didn’t do it, but I can honestly understand why there’d be pressure to do one podcast featuring all the professions.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


I think it would be better if they just did a 1-2 hour Q and A in a chatroom. They could ask a question, enable responding for a minute, do it over again, then have us ask questions. Literally just like an AMA on reddit.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shiki.7148


Fun fact, way back in the day But of Corpse had very tentative plans to talk with a balance dev about Necromancer on a show, since back then Chaplan (I believe is the correct name) used to watch the show (this was back with Gibbly and Tenderly), but it never happened because they wouldn’t do it unless every profession would be represented.

But yeah, it will never happen. They wouldn’t do it unless it was on their terms, and their terms would end up giving us a type of show we simply wouldn’t be happy with. Its a lose-lose situation for them, there is no way they could give us what we want, so its better to not do it.

This is a bullkitten excuse and you know it. Guess what: Most devs of online games actually give a kitten and actually read their forums and skim through the suggestions, and in general listen to their godkitten community. Anet completely ignores everything that isn’t the next thing to give them money (like giving Revenant weapon swap). They released the trait previews, didn’T gather any kind of feedback, and proceeded to make some 180 turns on those traits and turned them into crap. And after that they again didn’t gather feedback on how it turned out but completely ignored everything. Just the mere fact that not a single fev/balance team member plays Necro should a a big, fat, red alert sign smashing them in the face, because how can you balance something you have 0 clue of? The one RESPONSIBLE for Necro and Mesmer only plays Mesmer, how the hell is he EVER going to have an actual understanding of what our prblems are, IF HE AND THE REST REFUSE TO ACTUALLY LISTEN TO FEEDBACK.


“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Not going to happen (but I wish it would too). The last time a dev graced us with their presence was a fluff post about why they fixed the axe animation. If you look at their track record, serious discussion about balance, traits, utilities etc. will never be gifted to the lowly players of the (this) class. Almost three years now and all we have is the hope that the next patch won’t kitten us over any worse than the one before it did.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ithir Darkleaf.7923

Ithir Darkleaf.7923

I’d rather see they start giving us insight on their changes with notes on the patch notes, just like Riot does with every patch they release for example.
This way we would know why they bloody nerfed Chilling Darkness or why they forced a skill type on Consume Conditions (a heal skill which is also a corruption skill is seriously moronic).

~ The light of a new day

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

I am pretty sure they are on full speed with HoT. It is very unlikely they would be bother with any of this. They even skip a game updated this week even though there is a ton of bug in the game from the last updated.

All is vain.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ara.4569


So, they want to give as much attention to each profession, rather than to those who need it the most ? Sure they first need to determine that. Maybe they could look at the PvP meta, see how it rotates compared to GW1 ? Or is it too depressing to look into the mirror ? Acknowledgment is the first step of learning.

RIOT! Invade all other sections! If every necro create a new thread, who knows, maybe someone at ANet might take a closer look and actually play it, just for science.

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hopaway.2860


The big thing I am noticing is everyone really liking the idea, but thinking Arenanet will never do an AMA. What if we got r/Guildwars2 mods involved, as seeing if they could request an AMA or maybe see if Arenanet would do a Q & A with some important members of the Necro community/Guild Wars 2 community (Maybe Pro player or dungeon speed runners). Maybe I do not really understand how difficult setting something like this up would be, but there seems to be a couple of relatively easy ways for Arenanet to get their vision for necros across to the community while addressing our concerns.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


The big thing I am noticing is everyone really liking the idea, but thinking Arenanet will never do an AMA. What if we got r/Guildwars2 mods involved, as seeing if they could request an AMA or maybe see if Arenanet would do a Q & A with some important members of the Necro community/Guild Wars 2 community (Maybe Pro player or dungeon speed runners). Maybe I do not really understand how difficult setting something like this up would be, but there seems to be a couple of relatively easy ways for Arenanet to get their vision for necros across to the community while addressing our concerns.

If you watch any of the live streams it becomes quite clear what the problem with this request is. When announcing the other classes they have proponents for each and every one of the other classes, hence they get “air time” to discuss the changes be they good or bad leading to pros and cons; you know actual feedback. However, when you watch them as they discuss the necro, it is generally with a static, droning demeanor best described as someone explaining what they had for breakfast that morning. What we need is developer that will champion our cause when they discuss the class.

Robert Gee may be able to help us as he did with the blood magic line, but sadly I feel his true love is the mesmer at this point. In short, setting up an AMA would need us to first have developers take us seriously with regard to (what is unquestionably) our faults.

(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

Here are some very valid points they could draw from if they wished to do so, problem has been they don’t;

It wouldn’t be hard to fix a few of these and at least understand the PvE concerns but as several have said, unless they dedicate a dev to each profession that plays it regularly, it will always be the same. Also if it hasn’t occurred to anyone yet, the reason they don’t have a dev that plays Necro exclusively is it isn’t fun for them either!

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Fun fact, way back in the day But of Corpse had very tentative plans to talk with a balance dev about Necromancer on a show, since back then Chaplan (I believe is the correct name) used to watch the show (this was back with Gibbly and Tenderly), but it never happened because they wouldn’t do it unless every profession would be represented.

But yeah, it will never happen. They wouldn’t do it unless it was on their terms, and their terms would end up giving us a type of show we simply wouldn’t be happy with. Its a lose-lose situation for them, there is no way they could give us what we want, so its better to not do it.

This is a bullkitten excuse and you know it. Guess what: Most devs of online games actually give a kitten and actually read their forums and skim through the suggestions, and in general listen to their godkitten community. Anet completely ignores everything that isn’t the next thing to give them money (like giving Revenant weapon swap). They released the trait previews, didn’T gather any kind of feedback, and proceeded to make some 180 turns on those traits and turned them into crap. And after that they again didn’t gather feedback on how it turned out but completely ignored everything. Just the mere fact that not a single fev/balance team member plays Necro should a a big, fat, red alert sign smashing them in the face, because how can you balance something you have 0 clue of? The one RESPONSIBLE for Necro and Mesmer only plays Mesmer, how the hell is he EVER going to have an actual understanding of what our prblems are, IF HE AND THE REST REFUSE TO ACTUALLY LISTEN TO FEEDBACK.


It’s not bullkitten. This is a business.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I remember back in the day when there was this one person who was able to sit down with some dev’s and ask them questions about what’s going on with the game every month…….

I think his name was..jon… jack….dave? No no no, Joshua Davis that’s it! Then to shut him up someone hired him or something.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


I remember back in the day when there was this one person who was able to sit down with some dev’s and ask them questions about what’s going on with the game every month…….

I think his name was..jon… jack….dave? No no no, Joshua Davis that’s it! Then to shut him up someone hired him or something.

Isn’t that how it always works. Remove the opposition by making him part of the system.

AMA with Necromancer balance team?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

I remember back in the day when there was this one person who was able to sit down with some dev’s and ask them questions about what’s going on with the game every month…….

I think his name was..jon… jack….dave? No no no, Joshua Davis that’s it! Then to shut him up someone hired him or something.

Isn’t that how it always works. Remove the opposition by making him part of the system.

Or they called it “Buy out!”

All is vain.