ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: arclight.1287


I have played a power necromancer quite a bit before the expansion (in PVE, PvP and WvW).

But for years us necros have been getting kicked out of dungeon runs because we played necro, excluded from fractals and generally shunned by the greater GW2 community.

Now that I have Reaper unlocked I feel like an instrument of Death ready to unleash myself upon the world! Out for vengance against all those who have wronged me!

Not having ever played other PVE behemoth classes such as warrior or elementalist I don’t know whether being able to actually ‘kill mobs’ using “attacks” is a bug or if this is what it’s been like for other classes since the game was released years ago.

Seeing all those damage notifications and big numbers now is extremely satisfying, it almost makes me feel a little bit dirty and bad for all the NPCs and other players that will be crushed underneath my Scythe.

There are times where I slaughter entire groups of mobs and I stop and think to myself, “Is this real life?” Then I come to the realization that… I AM DEATH!

(edited by arclight.1287)

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nixxez.8671


Nah, Anet made necro intentionally a pood choice for PVE and I doubt that will change. Would they care that one of the classes is so bad in PVE that it gets kicked from dungs even with the best build they would have changed it two years ago, no reason to wait now. Reaper nerf INC in 3…2…1…

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: chunx.9521


Please, we don’t need anymore of these threads. The only reason a lot of us feel Reaper is really strong right now is because we are mainly all necromancer mains who haven’t experienced what it’s like to be powerful by playing other classes. Because necromancer was so bad before, now reaper feels so strong. The reality is that it is great solo, but is still mediocre in group damage when fully buffed, and still offers no team support.

Additionally, if everyone proclaims that “reaper is so strong” and “please don’t nerf,” a nerf is going to happen because of all the awareness and public sentiment that seems to falsely conclude that reaper is relatively stronger than other classes (especially other elite specializations).

It’s called the Streisand Effect ( whereby by bringing attention to something you don’t want, you make it more likely to happen. It also sort of explains the mechanism behind “there is no such thing as bad publicity”. Regardless of if reaper is strong or deserving a nerf or not, all these posts that keep implying that a nerf wouldn’t be unreasonable (such as this one) will precisely perpetuate that sentiment and in time lead to a nerf if sentiment is strong enough.

I know by posting here, I’m bumping up this thread, but I’m hoping that anyone who genuinely does not want reaper nerfed (because it seriously does not need to be) will read this comment and refrain from bring any more attention this this (non)issue and let the topic and thread die.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cayenne.5341


for pvp, the reaper shroud 4 and 5 abilities have a huge cast time and animation which means it is easy to interrupt or dodge.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


In pve, reaper’s might not even be meta, let alone OP.

In wvw, reaper’s will probably allow us to frontline, but it’s too early to tell if they are OP.

In pvp, reaper is weaker than base necromancer in 1vs1, but probably better in teamfights due to the sustain from blighters boon. I don’t really see anything that needs a nerf.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: arclight.1287


This was supposed to be a humorous post, you all are too serious, except for reply #1 who understands. brofist

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: mattmd.8162


I’m going to predict the reaper nerf

-reapers will have damage nerfed by 50%
-greatswords equipped by the reaper will now scale to look like and function as daggers
-minions summoned by the reaper will now automatically attack the reaper until an SMS security code is inputed
-life force is removed, all reaper shroud abilities siphon your health
-life steal by the reaper reduced 100%
-all reapers now look like flesh golem

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


I have played a power necromancer quite a bit before the expansion (in PVE, PvP and WvW).

But for years us necros have been getting kicked out of dungeon runs because we played necro, excluded from fractals and generally shunned by the greater GW2 community.

Now that I have Reaper unlocked I feel like an instrument of Death ready to unleash myself upon the world! Out for vengance against all those who have wronged me!

Not having ever played other PVE behemoth classes such as warrior or elementalist I don’t know whether being able to actually ‘kill mobs’ using “attacks” is a bug or if this is what it’s been like for other classes since the game was released years ago.

Seeing all those damage notifications and big numbers now is extremely satisfying, it almost makes me feel a little bit dirty and bad for all the NPCs and other players that will be crushed underneath my Scythe.

There are times where I slaughter entire groups of mobs and I stop and think to myself, “Is this real life?” Then I come to the realization that… I AM DEATH!

The elitists who thought the community to kick necromancers are now saying “no one was kicking necromancers”.

Secondly… they won’t nerf the reaper because it actually has a bit lower damage then regular necromancer builds.

Third… none of the “advertised damage values” that the elitists gave the community are real, not one… and now that i have exposed all their lies they even try to go back on their word saying “well no one actually believed these numbers, this was merely theoretical”.

In conclusion… necromancer was always fine… just a few individuals decided to exclude it from their unrealistic “meta”, which they created using fake math and exploits in order to gain popularity.
Everything people think they know about damage in guild wars 2… is actually a lie.

PS: do you mind if i quote you OP, in the other thread ? This is hilarious…

Check out “Nemesis part II got delayed ?” when you have the time, it’s pretty good fun… and if you want to know what really happened feel free to check out my channel, last 2 videos, your mind will be blown i guarantee it…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

(edited by Nemesis.8593)

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Killyox.3950


for pvp, the reaper shroud 4 and 5 abilities have a huge cast time and animation which means it is easy to interrupt or dodge.

Then bait dodges with other skills. They aren’t an unlimited resource and get yourself stability.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Please, we don’t need anymore of these threads. The only reason a lot of us feel Reaper is really strong right now is because we are mainly all necromancer mains who haven’t experienced what it’s like to be powerful by playing other classes.

As someone whose first main was an Ele and who has a level 80 of every other profession, the base Necro has always felt really strong to me in PvE (except in specific fights that require blocks and/or stability). Reaper certainly feels very visceral in a way our other builds don’t; they can still feel really good, mind you, but in a different way.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Please, we don’t need anymore of these threads. The only reason a lot of us feel Reaper is really strong right now is because we are mainly all necromancer mains who haven’t experienced what it’s like to be powerful by playing other classes. Because necromancer was so bad before, now reaper feels so strong. The reality is that it is great solo, but is still mediocre in group damage when fully buffed, and still offers no team support.

Additionally, if everyone proclaims that “reaper is so strong” and “please don’t nerf,” a nerf is going to happen because of all the awareness and public sentiment that seems to falsely conclude that reaper is relatively stronger than other classes (especially other elite specializations).

It’s called the Streisand Effect ( whereby by bringing attention to something you don’t want, you make it more likely to happen. It also sort of explains the mechanism behind “there is no such thing as bad publicity”. Regardless of if reaper is strong or deserving a nerf or not, all these posts that keep implying that a nerf wouldn’t be unreasonable (such as this one) will precisely perpetuate that sentiment and in time lead to a nerf if sentiment is strong enough.

I know by posting here, I’m bumping up this thread, but I’m hoping that anyone who genuinely does not want reaper nerfed (because it seriously does not need to be) will read this comment and refrain from bring any more attention this this (non)issue and let the topic and thread die.

Reaper has lower damage the previous necromancer builds. ArenaNet will not nerf it.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Where is Spoj, Bawb and Flow now ?… Look at the extend of the damage that has been done to the community, with the your elitists fake math.

Poor guys fear that the Reaper will be nerfed… my god…

It’s going to take at least half a year for people to understand just where necromancer stands in terms of damage vs the other classes.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: posthumecaver.6473


I think for single person damage Reaper didn’t increase too much damage.

I think Reaper is at the moment an AOE monster, cleave is crazy and has a crazy sustain with Blighter Boon, which I think can only be the only think that ANet can nerf with internal CD.

A Repear/Blood Magic/Spite necro is really tough to kill.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Nerf it? Please if anything they still need to go back and balance the shroud decay for reaper it’s way to fast and almost forces you to go into soul reaping.

Right now it spite,sr,reap for power and curses,sr,reap for condi. That leaves 2 other lines you may think about but then you don’t because reaper shroud decays way to fast.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Clairenix.2780


Although I am necro main and now reaper main.. I would find it extremely interesting and somewhat exciting if it got nerfed because of this post single-handedly.

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lynnie.7213


Reaper won’t be nerfed because there is nothing to be nerfed there. You may be seeing 18k popping on your screen but others specs/professions deal about the same or even more DPS.

Necromancer – Ranger WvW/Spvp/Pve/Build/Guide videos:

ANet: Please don't nerf reapers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arche.7326


It’s over boys.

  • Reaper—Blighter’s Boon: This trait now only procs for boons you apply to yourself. Increased healing level multiplier by 25%, increased healing attribute multiplier by 330%.
Gee, thanks, you let the reaper out of the basement.