ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: boneduste.4023


Simple Question — ANet, does it benefit you in any way for us to compile a bug list? Does it in any way impact your development cycle?

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Whats wrong with the sticky one ?

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Whats wrong with the sticky one ?

The actual compilation part of it hasn’t been updated for a rather long while.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I doubt very seriously it would impact their development cycle, and it really shouldn’t. I am sure an up to date bug list would help them focus their very narrow time window for individual class balancing.

The biggest issue with the undertaking is determining what really is a bug, vs. what is a feature or correct application of game mechanics. For example shround stomping, which SEEMED like a bug, even though there are numerous other examples of other immunity/stability stomping going on, has now been classified as a fixed bug.

Healing power not applying to siphoning traits? Could be a bug, an oversight, or an intended oversight. The dodge roll and DS activated skills being weaker than their castable counter-parts? Bug or intended?

What you end up with at the end, is a big list of “issues” that may be exactly what Anet wants. Unfortunately they have not taken the time to dispell what is intended vs. what is un-intended, so we are left to wonder.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: boneduste.4023


I doubt very seriously it would impact their development cycle, and it really shouldn’t. I am sure an up to date bug list would help them focus their very narrow time window for individual class balancing.

The biggest issue with the undertaking is determining what really is a bug, vs. what is a feature or correct application of game mechanics. For example shround stomping, which SEEMED like a bug, even though there are numerous other examples of other immunity/stability stomping going on, has now been classified as a fixed bug.

Healing power not applying to siphoning traits? Could be a bug, an oversight, or an intended oversight. The dodge roll and DS activated skills being weaker than their castable counter-parts? Bug or intended?

What you end up with at the end, is a big list of “issues” that may be exactly what Anet wants. Unfortunately they have not taken the time to dispell what is intended vs. what is un-intended, so we are left to wonder.

Which is why I posted the question in hopes that an ANet representative will answer and put the subject to rest.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Even so if a new one was created and same thing happen like nothing really getting fixed, tooltips conviently changed so its no longer a possible bug. Skills being changed like “plaque signet” so nobody really knows how its suppose to work.

But yeah a new bug compilation list would be awesome, IF! someone from ANET made it while also added info on how those bugged skills were/are suppose to work.

Would be nice to know stuff like boon duration + lichform stability and how its just wasted now.

(edited by wiazabi.2549)

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Ill give you another bump here in hopes you get a read from Anet, but I would say your best bet is to make a new bug list, spending hours of research and painful testing, and the best you can hope for is they will sticky it for you with the words “nice work”.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


There’s another thread discussing reviving the bug report thread, actually.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rislo.6293


hey guys, this will be my first forum post. But what i would like to know specifically is what exactly our problems are? Granted, I’ve only got my Necro to level 39, and I dont have damage meters or the like to judge my performance, but I haven’t found much to be wrong with the profession….yet, at least. So, from more experienced players with the prof, could you inform me or possibly link me to a proper forum to find such info. It’s just really disheartening to hear that we’re bad as a prof, but yet i don’t know any specifics. Im hoping to have this guy at 80 and rockin on with him. But i fear that will not be so, nor worth the effort.
And i apologize if this is the wrong thread for such a question.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Hey Rislo. The biggest necro problem is that the minion AI, especially for the Flesh Golem, isn’t perfect. They will occasionally stand around while you are fighting something, and the Flesh Golem is always picking fights when you’re standing around.

Other than that the class had the most bugs at release compared to other classes so that contributed to the negative atmosphere. However, I have been playing a necro since the game released and love it! It is my favorite class. I was able to find interesting, viable builds mostly by ignoring the conventional wisdom on the forums and experimenting. So don’t get too down on what you read around here, official forums are notorious for that sort of thing anyway, for any game. You will definitely be rockin’ at level 80 if you invest some time into your build decisions.

Some high-level sPvP players have some problems with the profession as well, but unless you are looking to join a high-level team that will not affect you. I don’t understand those complaints too much since I don’t play tournaments.

The class has only been getting better since release with bug fixes and buffs. I suggest you stick with it.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: boneduste.4023


hey guys, this will be my first forum post. But what i would like to know specifically is what exactly our problems are? Granted, I’ve only got my Necro to level 39, and I dont have damage meters or the like to judge my performance, but I haven’t found much to be wrong with the profession….yet, at least. So, from more experienced players with the prof, could you inform me or possibly link me to a proper forum to find such info. It’s just really disheartening to hear that we’re bad as a prof, but yet i don’t know any specifics. Im hoping to have this guy at 80 and rockin on with him. But i fear that will not be so, nor worth the effort.
And i apologize if this is the wrong thread for such a question.

If you do a little surfing through this forum you will see the myriad of bugs/issues with various abilities in this profession.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Agreed that Minon AI is a huge problem. The will often just stand around even when something is attacking you. Your mileage may very, and it was something I hardly noticed leveling up, but it is painfuly apparent when trying to use them in any sort of PVP interaction.

There are other bugs with the way skills work vs. the perception of how they should work from the community. The “zerker” build for the necro is generally lower reward for higher risk in the PVE work, and people being what they are, will occasionally be biased against necros in PVE groups.

The bleed cap hurt in PVE if you want to run a condition build. You also need to be comfortable with long cast times, and aiming of your skills if you want to play conditions. The lack of fluidity is still my biggest gripe with necromancer. I hate the feeling of trying to land my already hard to land aoe spells and then getting interrupted while mesmers are zinging all around me with their instant cast spells.

But its still a fun class, mobility and other issues aside. Fun to play in both PVE and PVP, though not a recommended pick if you like to roam around in WvW.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rislo.6293


Hey Rislo. The biggest necro problem is that the minion AI, especially for the Flesh Golem, isn’t perfect. They will occasionally stand around while you are fighting something, and the Flesh Golem is always picking fights when you’re standing around.

Other than that the class had the most bugs at release compared to other classes so that contributed to the negative atmosphere. However, I have been playing a necro since the game released and love it! It is my favorite class. I was able to find interesting, viable builds mostly by ignoring the conventional wisdom on the forums and experimenting. So don’t get too down on what you read around here, official forums are notorious for that sort of thing anyway, for any game. You will definitely be rockin’ at level 80 if you invest some time into your build decisions.

Some high-level sPvP players have some problems with the profession as well, but unless you are looking to join a high-level team that will not affect you. I don’t understand those complaints too much since I don’t play tournaments.

The class has only been getting better since release with bug fixes and buffs. I suggest you stick with it.

Thank you for the encouraging reply. And i fully understand how overall forum complaints can be ( played WoW since ‘05). I’ll admit, I havent taken the time to do any in-depth research on the class as of yet, so was kinda trying to cut to the chase the lazy way lol. But I appreciate the positive feedback and can also appreciate the actual issues going on.
Initially, actually, I had read some bad stuff about our minion AI, and without looking into it further, i’ve just simply avoided having minions lol. It’s worked well for me so far, but i can deff understand the frustration it can cause, not allowing ppl to play the class the way they might fully desire. As with what I’ve gathered was kind of a big deal with this game was the option of diverse play. (Which initially attracted me to GW2 as well) Good luck fellas. I hope we get some love.

ANet -- Should we compile bug list?

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549
