80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
Thief, Ranger, Mesmer, Elementalist have Precision and Critical damage in one tree. They have the ability to spend trait points in 2 trees (Precision and Critical + w/e Power is in) so their DPS > Necromancer DPS. Given the same gear (but already the Necromancer is at a disadvantage with in armor vs. Thief and Ranger) with the same stats, Necromancer (and Guardian, Warrior, and Engineer) has to spend points in 3 different trees as opposed to 2.
By spending points on 3 trees, you cannot maximize DPS as you would by spending it on 2. Two can 30/30/10/0 as opposed to spending trait points on 3 trees is 20/30/0/20 (for Necromancer.)
Discussion time:
I propose swapping Condition Duration with Precision. This will put Power and Precision into Spite and Condition Duration and Condition Damage into Curses (ItMakesSense/fits/RP.) This actually opens up the Power build that the devs are trying to buff for viability while opening up condition builds, too, by putting them into the same tree. This allows for the Necromancer to spend points in another tree without suffering loses to their desired build as pointed out above.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
a) Its SPITE, not Smite
b) Curses is actually the crit tree despite how weird it is, if anything swapping crit damage and cond damage would make more sense despite Curses being the hex build in GW
The only thing that really bothers me is the expertise stat. Playing a condition build without 30 in the relevant trait line is ugly, and that goes for every class. You can build balanced power builds, but condition builds are far harder to balance, because expertise sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of attribute value. I’d love to see base condition durations increased and the effect of expertise halved.
a) Its SPITE, not Smite
b) Curses is actually the crit tree despite how weird it is, if anything swapping crit damage and cond damage would make more sense despite Curses being the hex build in GW
I really wish they never added stats to trait’s honestly. The traits themselves should be enough really.
Placing crit/crit damage, condition damage/duration, healing power/toughness, vitality/life force, and power/boon duration (might and fury) together would make necromancers unbelievably more powerful than they currently are.
I would go so far as to say that ArenaNet did this explicitly so that necromancers are held back and cannot benefit from being simultaneously extremely durable and deal a considerable amount of damage without having to give something up.
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