[Advice] Vampire Build Questions
To my knowledge, the life steal implemented in gw2 has never been significant enough to make a build viable.
I’m currently trying out a vampire build, and have just hit 80, and i need some advice.
I’m running Vampire Runes and Leeching Sigils on my weapons.
My traits are 30/0/10/30/0
I’ve been told to run 60% Knights and 40% Berserker gear.
Is this the gear to run with a Vampire build, and if so, what pieces where? Do I go weapons Berserker and Armor Knights?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
WvW, or PvE?
Vampire builds are very viable in PvE, and I recommend them. They are semi-viable in WvW. Unviable in PvP.
I run a Vamp/tank build and it seem to work well for me. I run on full knight gear and the damage it give me and the ability to tank is good. I’ll write more later =x a little busy now.
“Knowledge” as “Truth”…
They are sheep ruled by fear…
60% Knight’s gear/trinkets, and 40% Berserker’s gear/trinkets works well for a bursty tank, but again, it depends on what gametype you frequent.
Wouldnt go for more than 20 into BM tree (grandmasters are meh and 25 point trait aint worth it in comparison to what you would get from other trees), Leeching sigils are ok since they are a 900 damage boost pre swap (even if only single target unlike hydro/geo), but vamp runes are 100% a waste.
Overall its a good complementation to a build with points to spare, but not something you should build around (currently), kinda like spectral skills, but way less tanky.
Yep. Advice is good. I might sound a little uneducated here, But how would I break that gear up?
Would I go Helm, Shoulders, Chest Knights, and Legs and Boots Berserk. Earrings, amulet and back Knights with rest Berserk?
Also why would vamp runes be a waste? lvling they have been fine. They not as good at 80?
Oh and PvE and Dungeon Runner. Are there better builds for that? I’m open to all suggestions. I was also thinking maybe condition build, running full rabid as well. I haven’t bought any rare or exotic gear yet.
I don’t want to be the guy asking ‘best PvE build’ but these are the two I’m tossing between.
For a PvE Vampire, you want to go with Vampiric Rituals, the amount of mitigation you can receive combined with the damage output is incredibly good. 30/0/10/30/0 with Ritual of Protection, Vampiric Rituals, Bloodthirst, and Close to Death are good things to use.
As for a condition vampire, Sauly, look at my “Mighty Altroll’s Mighty Metas” thread, and look for the “Condition Vampire” build. I experimented a while in PvP to find a solid vampire build, and condition vampires are by far the best for that purpose. It shouldn’t be too hard to adapt it to PvE/WvW.
Yep. Advice is good. I might sound a little uneducated here, But how would I break that gear up?
Would I go Helm, Shoulders, Chest Knights, and Legs and Boots Berserk. Earrings, amulet and back Knights with rest Berserk?
Also why would vamp runes be a waste? lvling they have been fine. They not as good at 80?
I would advise going full knight’s gear, and full Berserker’s ruby trinkets. Worked the best for me. Also, Vampire runes are effective for what they are meant to do, but if you do not want to use them, I would advise going for Infiltrator’s runes, or the like. Also, remember to stock up on Omnomberry pies.
You guys should consider also that last patch buffed most, if not all, life-stealing and healing capabilities of the necromancer trait trees.
Ah ok, thanks and what weapons and weapon stats did you suggest?
(edited by Sauly.5472)
I run a vampire build when I PUG dungeons and I really enjoy it.
Here’s what I use:
Very nice damage output with dagger and all the passive siphoning helps keep me up and running in melee range. Wells with Ritual of Protection offer great team support.
I run the same build in wvw as well, with some modifications (10 points from Blood to Curses for ground targeted wells, swap in Greater Marks in Death Magic etc).
3 months ago I posted a build and video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et8rXSGqAPQ
My life situation right now is very unstable so I haven’t been able to play. If I did though I would think the buff to well cool downs could only help.
One thing people overlook; the trait that makes siphons 50% more effective works on Life Siphon skill, turning a 200ish tick into a 350+ per tick heal.
I think that and all the little ticks you can get from aoes add up. Also yes you need to go 30 in tho blood. You need 50% effectiveness. You need bleed on crit. And you need wells recharge 20% faster. Thats the only way a true vampire build will work.
Nice video, I see you switching out to staff every now and then. Do you switch when you need AoE? I’m guessing Berserk stats on staff?
As for the vamp rune thing:
and the currently still pretty cheap by comparison http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Slice_of_Candied_Dragon_Roll
All do the job it does but for a smaller stats loss (100~ loss vs up to 300~ loss) with a higher proc chance.
Melandru (wvwvw)/Dolyak (pve), Crests/Orb for stat or a Cond duration increase rune setup (MK, Lyssa, Lich and Nightmare) would overall increase build strength/cover weaknesses better.
Vampirism runes are a pretty weak, 5% proc chance has a internal cooldown longer than a Leeching sigil, does same damage and the buff placers dont stack (so if it procs right after you swap, its wasted – possibly patched it when they fixed weapon swap sigils for eles and engies but never bothered to test again since), the necromancer barely gets any benefit from the 4 and 6 bonuses in comparison to other professions (we have overall some of the highest cd heals and high health pool on a 10% proc that locks off your skills that might let you kill stuff/regen just ends up being a annoyance.
Then again my point was build efficiency while sticking to a general theme, not trying to make build based on said theme no matter if there is actual viable/strong enough options to support it.
*to make a few light edits from the suggested build by sebastian:
Small variations on armor/trinkets for more optimal stats gain, efficiency of sigils (just stack up 25 on any weapon, put it in bag equip real weapon, you dont need to have the bloodlust sigil equipped for the bonus and blood isnt worth the comparison in damage to a force sigil), ruby orbs are the poor mans slot in, most other mentioned runes (stuff like scholars/eagle/thief do more). Last but not least, Golem is a terrible elite for a build based on on hit stuff, as is focus offhand, both locust swarm and just a plague of darkness not only generate more lifestealing but also help the team more (in pve daze is pretty much a stun and mobs rarely drop boons/if they do you got suffering) – not only that but the combination of the 2 and wells will deal enough damage to make every golem cry in shame (since the wells and locusts – and marks if you drop and kite get the power boost of plague) while regening you about 4.2k hp over the 5 second period.
Last little point, you can drop 10 from spite for protection on wells for the team but i detest reanimator and unless the person is playing pvp/minions to troll us, dont go DM (so personal preference thing).
Nice video, I see you switching out to staff every now and then. Do you switch when you need AoE? I’m guessing Berserk stats on staff?
I would advise you not to use Staff for PvE/WvW on a Vampire build. Go with Axe/Dagger, it’ll provide you with AoE Weakness, a condition transfer/blind, and Axe 2 is very good for ranged sustain on Mobs in PvE.
I would advise you not to use Staff
*jk ofc, but in general suggesting that is kinda like saying using this bridge with holes and a almost cut rope held by a cat hair over this almost botomless pit with spikes, sharks and old socks in it is way safer than this modern armored steel bridge.
(edited by Andele.1306)