Any necros tried the new AC yet?

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I did about 15 minutes of it and decided my blood pressure was high enough and left. The spider queen wasn’t so bad, was actually pretty fun to do, although a lot harder. but the graveling trash….holy KD’s batman……it was ridiculous! I’m wondering if any other necros have attempted this yet and what your rate of success was in it? Oh btw Kohler is still easy, only not as boring now. If only they put as much thought into the rest of the dungeon.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Quam.7218


I had like 5-8 runs on AC but it’s ok, better than before Spider Queen and Kholer die 2-3x fasten than before but the troll hit’s like a truck now. Only trash knockdowns are insane and “you-will-die” like kitten from them :/

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bull Zooker.1672

Bull Zooker.1672

I did AC path 1. but as my group were struggling with bursting the Burrows I switched ti my thief… but as soon as I switched hodgins died ALOT faster as I was protecting him when i was on my necro, I was running conditions (the gravelings apply much more bleed now). if I was running power I could’ve burst the Burrows probably just as fast as my thief did

Grandad Fester / Unruly Pigeon – Necromancer by trade

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: daimasei.4091


AC remain the same. Just because most people don’t like it or is too hard for them don’t means it is.
The real problem are the bad players who never listen o never pay attention to their surroundings.
I already know exactly what to do but just as before the patch; a really bad team make everything really hard or plain impossible.
The trash mobs are the new Kholer, just dodge them. Yes, the lag didn’t help much and everybody is going to die 1 or 2 times just because we can see what’s going on. Hodgins die faster because people can’t see the swam of mobs coming from the burrows yet this is more a problem with the person on charge to protect him (people keep standing next to him which is pretty dumb).
So is not about profession or lvl, just your luck with your team and your own skills (even with a bad team a good player can solo the spider or Kholer yet that isn’t fun not fair).
If anyone have problems find a guide to learn what’s new (someone in my last team mentioned a video) or find someone willing to explain when doing a run (seriously, there are nice people willing to help, the problem is when someone is not willing to listen).

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eroiqua.5891


The trash mobs are the new Kholer, just dodge them.

Yes, it’s easy enough to say “just dodge them”…but if we’re expected to be dodging so much then we need some sort of access to vigor. I was trying to protect Hodgins last night and had three gravelings on me very early into that event. That’s three knockdowns each on about a five or six second interval. Even with my chills and fears I wasn’t able to get to the point where I nullified enough of the knockdowns to allow my endurance regen to keep up with the amount of dodging I needed to do for the knockdowns I couldn’t stop.

And no, “make sure your party includes X class that provides vigor” doesn’t cut it in a game where we aren’t supposed to need to worry about having certain classes or class combinations.

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Visionary.5681


The lack of access to vigor has always been an issue with necro in general anyway.

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Even with vigor you’d only get 1 extra dodge honestly because our base endurance regen is so low. It’s not like a thief who gets vigor and can dodge nearly endlessly. They clearly only took into account the “problem classes” like warrior and figured the rest of us would either just keep up or be drug through the content on our faces.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


My guild and I do AC on a nearly daily basis. I have 0 problems with AC. The only time I usually get knocked down to death now is if I don’t see the Howlwer King’s mob of scavengers spawn behind me. And considering I only do dungeons on my Necro, this has NEVER been an issue with me. Before or after patch.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Doing it with a guild and doing it with pugs is 2 different worlds. I rarely have problems doing it with my guild too because we’re a streamlined team, know how each other plays, and usually pull off our combos and tactics without thinking about it at this point (especially considering we’ve been playing together for over 5 years now). Honestly I think the new changes would be fine if they made this an extra mode like hard mode in GW1 and left the old version as normal mode (with reduced rewards, maybe half tokens per run or something with the same token DR in effect so people can’t spam-farm it just because it’s easy). That way the harder mode can be for guilds and organized teams, and pug teams can still run the old version and get tokens, albeit at a much slower rate.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Draehl.2681


I came back to the game shortly before the patch and just did AC spider path Thursday night. I was the last one standing on our 3 wipes prior to killing her. All “soldier” itemized rares. 20/0/20/30/0 well build with Plague elite. Dagger/Warhorn + Staff. I probably could have done even better vs Spider if I did D/D on that fight.

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Yeah spider isn’t too bad. It’s a lot more fun that’s for sure.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kharr.5746


AC is a lot more fun now, haven’t had any problems here even though I run in full berserker armor. You can deal with KD deaths by going into DS if you get knocked down. It will eat up your entire DS but you won’t take any hp damage.

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


There was a all necro run with But of Corpse, path 1, was easy till final boss, but mostly because noone knew what the kitten to do, when we figured out i facetanked while he was in ghost form, managed to get him stuck between a pillar and rip in the ground and then we just bursted him after pulling to traps. Spider was no problem (as always avoid death pools and the immobilization is just one more thing to use Consume on), Kholer was the same kitten but more annoying with warriors and mesmers respawning and using cc on you, trash was no real problem because of DS, oh and i had a lag spike to 700 ms from 40-70, but still lost close to no hp (1 or 2 hits) and no graveling got past despite the scavenger spawn kinda surprising me.

Overall the last bosses on path 1 kitten-pool things should get toned down either in count or damage (4 pools that are 1.5 of well size is kinda insane, especially if he swaps targets for no reason mid cast), but it was more fun.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I would love to do an all necro run of it, no doubt we’d decimate it. Trying to do it with these other classes though is a nightmare. I spend more time rezzing them than I do fighting, which, of course, gets me killed in the process.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Ok so I FINALLY made it all the way through it with a guild team but it took us well over an hour just to do path 2, which used to be the easiest path. Granted, the ghost eater glitched and got stuck at least a dozen times, but we found a way to unstick him by stacking CC all over him and it eventually pops him out. I’m really hesitant to try the other paths now until we do another all necro run. I need my undead-loving brothers and sisters with me lol. Doing it with other classes just isn’t working for me.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I’ve run it on my necro twice since the patch, one was path 1, one path 2. Didn’t complete it either time. Both times we got the troll, so we made the troll and Kohler fight. We struggled because many of the people had trouble timing the troll’s ground pound, and trying to rez while being feared into the water or being sucked in by Kholer’s attack…suffice it to say it was a long fight.

On path 1 we wiped 3 times trying to defend Hodgins in the burrow fight. Three of us guildies picked up two PUGs and I volunteered to kite the gravelings near Hodgins. It was the first wipe that taught me of the new need to dodge the graveling’s charged attack. The second try I held on much longer, but inevitably made the one mistake (a missed dodge) that turned out to be fatal. On the third try, our team finally realized why the fight was taking so long: the PUGs didn’t know to attack the burrows, they were focusing on the gravelings! It was late so we had to call it a night.

On path 2 we were doing just fine until we got to the part where Detha Stupid is supposed to fix the mortars. She bugged out preventing progress. We got her killed a few times trying to reset her, but it never worked. In the end we left the dungeon after submitting bug reports.

I’m confident my group will get it together soon enough.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

Any necros tried the new AC yet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


@Nay: Which is why I don’t play with PUGS. I find it frustrating and I stop having fun, whereas if I’m with a Guild group it’s fun, we’re on voice chat, havin’ a good time. Laughs are had, dungeon’s done quick and efficient like. Besides, I find too many people are super ‘lets skip content’, and I’ve found a guild that doesn’t rush through a dungeon as fast as it can to try and get epic lootz.

My experience tells me though that this dungeon’s difficulty is not a Necromancer specific problem. It is a player problem (and sometimes bug problem, but oddly enough in all the times I’ve done AC I’ve never seen this Destha glitch I keep hearing about. Not saying it doesn’t exist, just saying I haven’ seen it). The dungeon no longer lets you go face roll, you have to think and play intelligently. You have to pull accordingly and fight strategically. If anything, the things I’ve seen in this thread has re-affirmed my desire to avoid PUG groups.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”