Anyone else getting tired of this?

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


Am I the only one getting severely tired of getting ping-ponged around, in some crazy Anet scheme?
We’re were really underpowered for 10 months, then finally we get some long deserved love. BUUUUUT of course it was in the form of something that we didn’t ask for, at all. And because of that one simply thing, we are now getting dragged down again.

Now, I didn’t come to the class just because it was buffed, I played the necromancer solely through betas and up till now. In the betas I witnessed the incredible power of the necromancer that the devs are still afraid off, was this in BWE #3 or something? Anyways, when the next beta event came along, we were suddenly very weak.
I remember I asked the devs one important thing, in the beta forums, before the game went offline for betas. “Please don’t forget about the necromancer. Please don’t let the necro become Guild Wars 2’s equivalent to the warlock of WoW”.

And now, I really feel as if this is what has happened. The latest change, dhuumfire to 2 seconds, who is even going to take this now? You can’t control who it is going to go on and it has a very low duration. Even if you could get 100% duration, it will now only last 4 seconds, and still requires a hybrid build, since it is in the spite line.

The above may have been a slight rant, but in summation, why does it seem as if the necromancer has to be sub-par to every other class? Why aren’t the Arena Net devs thoroughly playtesting EVERY new thing they want to put into the game? Why give us buffs, and then take it all away again? It just does not make sense to ping-pong us around, like it doesn’t even matter to the necromancer community.
FYI I’m not saying we haven’t gotten some nice things in the process. But in comparison to buffs vs nerfs, I’d vote we have gotten the very short end of the stick.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: FreshTofuman.5084


Quoted from another thread.

- Putrid Mark nerfed to remove only 3 condis
- Corrupt boon nerfed to affect only 5 boons
- Signet of Undeath cast time nerfed
- terror damage nerfed
- Dhuum duration nerfed
- Greater marks moved up to the master tier (essentially a nerf)
The trade-off is that we got:
- Slightly bigger area marks
- Spectral wall
- More Life force
- better life force generation
- an extra 0.5 seconds duration on Doom (DS fear)

Anet gave us something we dont need but nerf something we really rely on. Lucky I change my main character from necro to guardian

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HatSimulator.9362


I’m glad my necro build hasn’t been nerfed for a few weeks.

Gates of Madness [DUI]
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


the only build id like to see actually viable is MM…..but this wont happen ….ever….theyd have to rework alot of things in pve so dungeon stuff doesnt aoe cleave everything to death , so hope has been shattered to see the best type of Necro since GW1 brought back to life , instead we are now those affliction locks from wow (with a few ppl TRYING the power builds , but conditionmancers are more common) and balance is being done soley on pvp for some reason , in turn HURTING pve more……i posted in the pvp forum to make the seperation of pvp and pve skills again like it was in the original gw…..but then got a response of “the games are too diff” and “dont want to do something old , want to do new stuff” type of response………..hope for this game surviving long for ppl that arent JUST ONLY into PvP is shorter every day , with new mmos around the corner , anet has to ask , which crowd is bigger and less whiny , the pvp or the pve crowd? can tell you which one even if its blatently obvious that to not notice which ones are which youd have to be so blind that you couldnt hit a freaking barn.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


Yay! Necros are back in the trash where they belong!

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Ping-ponged around by mobs in PvE? Check.

Ping-ponged around by zergs in WvWvW? Check.

Ping-ponged around by opponents in PvP? Check.

Ping-ponged around by the devs? Check.

Batted around faster than a dinner check at a Hipster’s gathering!

More powerful than…hmmm…umm…herm…uh?

Unable to leap or dodge over anything!

Look! There!! Lying in the dirt!!! IT’S THE PING-PONG-MANCER !!!!

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


What amazes me is how fast they nerfed us back down. Even a hotfix to put us back in our place. Meanwhile other profs, like Ele and Mesmer were allowed months and months on top of the food chain, while they would maybe nick them a tiny bit each patch, while also giving them goodies at the same time. It’s not exactly fair and balanced.

With all the previous balance patches they talk about wanting to take things slow, letting the meta adjust to new changes, etc, but it wasn’t even a week after Dhuumfire and they were capitulating to the nerfbat crowd for us.

If they moved this fast with every clear imbalance, maybe the balance in the game would be at a lot better state. How is it something considered too good can be fixed up in a week, but broken or underpowered things are left for months and months without attention.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


I’m glad my necro build hasn’t been nerfed for a few weeks.

So either you don’t currently run a necro, or your build is next.

Have a nice day!

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I want a dev to come forward with a PVE specific rebalance. Lets ignore pvp for a change, it is only a minor percentage of the actual player base. Lets look at how the necromancer fits in dungeons. Because right now, it doesn’t. Make them PVE-only-changes for all I care, but give the PVE side of the necro some love, please.

Since release it has been nothing but guardians, warriors and mesmers for elite PVE. This needs to change. The necromancer has to be improved to be on par with those classes. And that goes for rangers too by the way! No one wants rangers for dungeons, and that is embarrassing.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

i enjoy throwing necros around and enjoy seeing them thrown around by an engi or a warrior

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sanruz.6815


I haven’t really understood this “necro is rubbish” thing. I have played necro since the start of the game and havent had ever any problems which I couldnt have solved in some way. In pvp I actually liked that there were less necros before the patch which buffed us. And usually if I have problems in pvp it is more because I didnt do enough well rather that because my profession is so bad.

“Death is only beginning”

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brooklyn.9578


I finally said screw it and just installed all Cleric gear, alot of good it will do me. I don’t know what to do with my Necro in WvW. Lost the desire to play her.

Maginary – Mesmer
Joomanji – Necro
Atmosphir – Elementalist

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: galandor.1059


Hotfixes like this are just further proof that the devs have no idea what they are doing with this class.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Faelun.7563


I feel like we may as well just all roll guardians, mesmers, thieves or warriors. The only classes that they seem to care about in this game.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


same here Brooklyn……i have no desire to play my necro at all atm……DS is paper thing now if you dont run a specific build with spectral armor (ie limiting build diversity) , our main form of defense since theres so much condition cleansers around (aka weakness = lol at any form of defense at this point) and its honestly the only class ive been interested in since launch , ive lvled other toons yes , some to 80 , some ive stopped playing at ~60-70 and just went back to necro , necro has been my one and only class ive loved since beta , heck since GW1 even……and that desire is getting destroyed cause “balance” is being done primarily towards the tpvp / spvp , and thats a load of rubbish to balance the whole game just for that aspect alone.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


This REALLY kitten es me of… Shows us how little Anet care about their playerbase. Every necro (almost) have said we DO NOT WANT BURNING. It’s a nice addition, but if makes terror OP, we do not want it. Anet nows how much we love terror, so they nerf it. JUST to be kittenheads.

This makes me want to quit the game, since i KNOW there is no hope for necro to get fixed and legendaries to become account bound and fix the legendary effect bugs which has been requested so many times SINCE RELEASE.


Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Ping-ponged around by mobs in PvE? Check.

Ping-ponged around by zergs in WvWvW? Check.

Ping-ponged around by opponents in PvP? Check.

Ping-ponged around by the devs? Check.

Batted around faster than a dinner check at a Hipster’s gathering!

More powerful than…hmmm…umm…herm…uh?

Unable to leap or dodge over anything!

Look! There!! Lying in the dirt!!! IT’S THE PING-PONG-MANCER !!!!

You forgot to mention, he slotted in Sarmor, Swalk and Flesh Wurm with 30 in SR.
Still ping-pong-mancer… ;-;

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


I haven’t really understood this “necro is rubbish” thing. I have played necro since the start of the game and havent had ever any problems which I couldnt have solved in some way. In pvp I actually liked that there were less necros before the patch which buffed us. And usually if I have problems in pvp it is more because I didnt do enough well rather that because my profession is so bad.

My point, my only point in this was, that for 10 months the necromancer community had been untouched, quite literally untouched. Then when buffs finally come around, they are so fast turned around. We are being ping-ponged around, and that is just not acceptable. What I’m trying to get across is, I believe the devs should get their heads out of whatever dark place they are hidden, and only put in content they have thoughtfully monitored. This whole, “hey necromancers you can have this big ol’ pie” —> “oh wait, we’ll take half of it back” —> “and we’ll take a huge dump on the last half” is just not okay. Make up your minds, and then make things go live.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gnat.9405


1:30 am…long day at the show.

THe reason I quickly jump into the sPvP forums is because that’s usually the best place to talk overall game balance.

It’s honestly just easier for me to look at that 1 forum, and then the WvW base forum, and get a sense for those 2 game types. For PvE, there are many layers of balance, from story steps, to dungeons, to fractals, to events, to new content for the living world, etc.

For the class forums, it’s just looking at 8 individual forums, which, when you’re on trips like this with a slow wi-fi connect, is just much harder and slower.

It’s not that we don’t love PvE, or balance for PvE, it’s literally just easier for me (personally) to check 1 sub forum, rather than 8, when I have limited time and a “meh” wi-fi.

Don’t read too much into that.

Also, if I post in 1 class sub forum, then I feel like I need to be fair and post in the other 7…which adds up fast at 1:30 am. Heh.

Just being honest! Thanks for all the constructive posts and honest questions guys!!!

-Chap from China

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


lol someone should tell him were being honest here too , that were saying stop balancing the game on freaking pvp , the smallest freaking group in the game. cause your driving ppl away from the game XD can try to delete posts / ban all you want , wont change that fact at all.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

It is pretty frustrating. I Necromancer is my second most played class next to the Engineer, and I suffer from both of the problems that the classes have.

Engineer: Devs have no idea what they’re planning. They get nerfed frequently despite not being topped tear, with builds literally being eliminated instead of nerfed. They make them low damage in a game where damage is king.

Necromancer: Devs have a concept that makes Necromancers incredibly hard to balance. They deny the necromancer all of the survival skills that other classes rely on, then give them a strange mix of power and finite survivability in order to compensate. This puts necros in a strange place where they are hard to balance, and how well they do really isn’t in their control.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


It is pretty frustrating. I Necromancer is my second most played class next to the Engineer, and I suffer from both of the problems that the classes have.

Engineer: Devs have no idea what they’re planning. They get nerfed frequently despite not being topped tear, with builds literally being eliminated instead of nerfed. They make them low damage in a game where damage is king.

Necromancer: Devs have a concept that makes Necromancers incredibly hard to balance. They deny the necromancer all of the survival skills that other classes rely on, then give them a strange mix of power and finite survivability in order to compensate. This puts necros in a strange place where they are hard to balance, and how well they do really isn’t in their control.

and thats assuming your all into pvp , not necesarily applying to ppl that like to PvE and WvW on occassion….but then as far as WvW goes its usually zerg fights / solo capping stuff , the most you can try to balance there is making sure there are no bugs / exploits ppl can abuse to flip the control on everything faster then it should (ie castle in EB , all walls up , all gates up etc , all of a sudden theres a mass zerg in there with no help from mesmers (not a real bug or exploit that im aware of just an example of things that generally need to get handled in WvW mostly))

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enundr.9305


side note WvW isnt directly in the pvp category , its a PvPvE category , might be why it doesnt fall in the pvp balance category but more pve balance (in all rights its its own type of mode but you get what i mean …..i think?)

Anyone else getting tired of this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


side note WvW isnt directly in the pvp category , its a PvPvE category , might be why it doesnt fall in the pvp balance category but more pve balance (in all rights its its own type of mode but you get what i mean …..i think?)

I don’t think anyone cares about the PVE mobs in WvW though. How good your class is at taking out tower guards or even lords is pretty irrelevant, as those always get taken out in groups. As for the siege stuff, well you need siege equipment to take down a wall or door, rendering class balance irrelevant, except maybe for destroying it, where Necro does have a few issues on condi builds.

So for the most part, WvW is pure PvP for the aspects that matter. Now there is different kinds of PvP within it, soloing, small group, and zerg, but these are the principal combat areas to balance within it, nothing really to do with fighting the environment.