Anyone impressed by the shouts?

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


I can’t see using any of them…

Signet for run speed, signet for power, Spectral Grasp, and Plague FTW!

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


will likely use strength runes in pve… the aoe weakness/ self- might shout will likely be used (locust, BiP, and that shout)…………might use the “rise” minion one in an MM (as a nice damage nuke with death nova trait…would also test to see how it works in a siphon MM build)

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Relshdan.6854)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thoth Divine.8642

Thoth Divine.8642

Yeah the shouts are quite underwhelming.

“Your Soul is Mine” would be good if the healing was on par with other heals.
“You are all weaklings” needs to do more than that. It sounds nice on paper but practically peaking I can’t see why you would use this over another utility (ie: wells).
“Suffer!” Would be pretty sexy if it did more damage and had a shorter cooldown.
“Nothing can save you!” is the only one that I would actually consider using in PvP. It’s a decent offensive/defensive ability. Still, I think Spectrals and Wells are superior in this senario, but I I’ll definitely try it out.
“Rise!” Could be interesting for a Death Nova / Lifeforce MM kinda build, but that’s a little stretched I think.
As for the ultimate, “Chilled to the Bone”, its casting time is too long. It basically stuns you for as long as it stuns the enemy. I can’t see anyone using this over Lich, Plague or Flesh Golem. Maybe for some PvE somewhere but I don’t PvE so really I wouldn’t know.

Blessed Curse – Symbolic DH
Thoth Divine – Power Necro
I Hope You Die – Burst Berserker

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: OlliX.1705


Shouts were pretty underwhelming. Cast times are too long, and the elite shout needs to have a shorter cooldown.

[qT] Necro main.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Same. Lots of untapped potential there, but these won’t get used as it stands now.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


I think reaper shouts are so so, but if they buff minions we can have some serious fun

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


I also agree. The only shout that I see myself using is Nothing Can Save You, and even that is iffy. They aren’t all necessarily weak, but there’s absolutely no way a Necro will run without Consume as a heal and without Corrupt Boon. We’ll need Spectral Skills more than ever now if you plan to melee which is another limitation. And if you plan to WvW with a group, you’ll still need both DPS wells.

Shouts needed to be much more attractive than they are.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Shouts are meh. As I figured they would be if it was what we got.

I’m not complaining however because as is, I’m extremely pleased with what we’re getting. There are some things I’m upset with as well of course but after seeing the stream and the notes… I’m thrilled to say I can continue to main a Necromancer. Thank you, ANet… For not crushing my faith completely.

Brb, souls to reap.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


Actually for pvp nothing can save you is fantastic. that’s about it imo

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


I can see the heal in PvE for more RS uptime when not under condition threat but beyond that no. And the unblockable buff might be useful on the grawl shaman but thats 1 fractal lol.

(edited by Vizardlorde.8243)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


The heal could go up by 500 health or so and it would be good for its purpose.

You are all weaklings breaks stun, so it’s fine imo.

Rise will be completely dependent on if they fix the ai. The cooldown is a little long, maybe they could make it summon bone dogs or something that inflicts torment.

Suffer seems weak, make the transfer effect allies as well and it would be amazing (1 condition from allies to enemies). Also consider making it channel a bit faster.

Nothing can save you needs to give a different buff other than unblockable. Some other unique buff that would help in pve (Unless there is a bunch of other changes happening for pve that we don’t know about). It should probably apply to allies. The cast is also too long to be effective.

The elite has too big a cast time, needs to go down to 1.25 seconds to be reasonable. Shouldn’t stun you for longer than enemies. Definitely change it to stab, maybe make it aoe stability on allies, I don’t think necros need resistance. There will be tons of condition removal options, and I would like keeping necro boons to the essentials. This seems to be what the devs want as well. 1-2 stacks of stab per foe hit for 5-8 seconds sound fair for a 120(78) second cooldown. The chill duration could be cut to 8 seconds to compensate a little bit.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

(edited by zapv.8051)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


They are the worst utility set possibly on any class in the entire game. They are all unplayably bad for pvp. Necro needed warrior type shouts. Insta cast with support and short cds.

And the cast times wont change post release. This is a disaster, worse than even i expected

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Captain Unusual.9163

Captain Unusual.9163

“Your soul is mine” seems quite lackluster. It really should scale up its healing based on the number of targets hit, in addition to the life force gain. Kind of like Arcane Brilliance. Though I can see why they didn’t make it do that, because if they did it would basically just be the same spell. It does support a DS tanking sort of playstyle, which may be more valuable now that life siphons work through DS.

“You are all weaklings” is honestly my least favorite of the utility shouts. It has an amazing max potential, but the 4 second duration kind of makes it disappointing. You can basically get off one auto attack chain, or 2 gravediggers if they’re below 50%. It can be good for bursting groups in PvE, like if we need to kill huge piles of Mordrem Menders or something, but the duration really hurts its usefulness.

“Suffer” I quite like. The AoE chill is an excellent initiation ability, letting you launch yourself into a group with DS2 and then hold them there while you unload your GS AoE. The condition transfer won’t be consistent enough to take the place of Deathly Swarm or Plague Signet, since you won’t be able to control what goes on to who, and should be treated more as a condition cleanse, that just happens to also make your opponents sad.

“Nothing can save you” is moderately useful for the unblockable, but is also the only AoE boon strip the necromancer has access to, and the only one in the game besides the mesmer’s two. The 10 stacks of vuln is nice, but its real strength is its ability to completely nullify group buffs. It directly counters guardian and warrior support shouts, and can strip off fire blasted might from an entire group. I will definitely try replacing Corrupt Boon with this, at least on power pvp builds.

“Rise” is almost the coolest ability in the game. It’s not necessarily that great, and I can’t say much more since we don’t even know if they’re going to stick with Jagged Horrors or give something else, but this ability is just SO COOL YOU GUYS. Minion bomber builds will love it, and it can surely at least generate a lot of havoc in a big team fight.

“Chilled to the Bone” is the sort of ability that, if used well, can win games. It has a long cast time, but if you can cover it with our new DS stability, it can tip a fight irreparably in your favor. Yes, the cast time is as long as the stun, but the stun affects 5 people in a rather large area, and chills them for a whopping 12 seconds. A 12 second chill is preposterous. Your opponents need to either have a condition cleanse ready that can take care of the chill as well as the vuln that you hopefully traited over it, or they will die. And with the Resistance you get from each target, you’ll be able to slice through your frozen foes unimpeded.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


you guys are brutal! I loved the shouts.
they seem to have their niche: bigger battles. That’s a fine niche to excel at!

Condition manpulation, boon manipulation, a minion one, and plenty of chill… exactly what I’d want from a necro Shout line.

The focus on “per-enemy-hit” feels awesome for shouts. Equip them in group play and be proud.

If I had one request, which might make them overpowered, it’s that I’d like Allies to be somehow factored in. 4 allies and 1 enemy should get a bit better treatment by some of those shouts… whether allies get a boon or simply function as Enemies in regards to beneficial effects.

Otherwise… they seem like nice mobile versions of Wells that fit the profession.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


you guys are brutal! I loved the shouts.
they seem to have their niche: bigger battles. That’s a fine niche to excel at!

Condition manpulation, boon manipulation, a minion one, and plenty of chill… exactly what I’d want from a necro Shout line.

The focus on “per-enemy-hit” feels awesome for shouts. Equip them in group play and be proud.

If I had one request, which might make them overpowered, it’s that I’d like Allies to be somehow factored in. 4 allies and 1 enemy should get a bit better treatment by some of those shouts… whether allies get a boon or simply function as Enemies in regards to beneficial effects.

Otherwise… they seem like nice mobile versions of Wells that fit the profession.

Wells seem like a better choice for large scale battles like WvW. They will have no role in conquest and a very situational role in pve( minions might be better for open world)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


Wells seem like a better choice for large scale battles like WvW. They will have no role in conquest and a very situational role in pve( minions might be better for open world)

I can see that. My take on it, which I think Robert mentioned, was that the Reaper shouldn’t be responsible for compensating for the entire profession’s weaknesses. I really hope the other 5 lines of the Necro get boosts to fit some of those. The Reaper and Shouts really fit that “slow-moving, durable, ultra damage tanky beast with Chill” aspect.

A Reaper getting Mantras or Cantrips feels weird to me… but Shouts as they are seem great. I see that as a separate issue from the base profession’s problems.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


The utility type isn’t the biggest problem (though it is in wvw since wells can be used 900 range away from the fight while shouts require you to be in the middle of it), its the way they went about it. While Im a bit disappointed with the “all shouts are offensive and offer little to no group support” part, its unique and not necessairly a bad thing if they tweak the numbers . The problem arises with the cast times+ cooldown+ effectxtarget. If they are going to add a cast time to shouts they should compensate with reduced cooldowns. and while effect that increase depending on the # targets hit seems great on paper in practice they devalue the skill when the max number of targets is not met just look at signet of the locust.

(edited by Vizardlorde.8243)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

In all honesty? Yes. The only game mode that these utilities will be weak in is sPvP. These skills will be very strong in PvE and in zerg fights — in fact I fully expect Reapers will be mandatory for any guild wanting to do any sort of zerg busting. The only lack-luster skill is the heal, and I only say that tentatively as I’m not 100% sure how epic the reaper shroud will be (and thus, the importance of life-force gain). These skills will be viable in any game mode where you can expect to be out-numbered.

“Rise” + “Death Nova” in a zerg situation? the little jagged horrors will die instantly in the AoE, triggering bursts of damage and poison stacking (which if you take death magic, will also increase your defense).

“You are all weaklings!” is a great source of weakness — its not high uptime on its own but that is aoe defense for your fellow zerglings. The +20 stax of might is gravy for a follow up skill and will allow you to hit a disgusting “Gravedigger” in the middle of the enemy zerg to mow down your foes.

“Suffer” is a good defensive shout with condi transfer and chill application (due to Cold Shoulder trait), though the chill isn’t all that long.

“Nothing can save you” is a great boonstrip that caters to power builds: if you take the Decimate Defenses trait you will get +20% crit chance when removing two boons IN ADDITION to making your attacks unblockable and the +10% dmg you get from the vulnerability. This skill is freaking epic.

The elite “Chilled to the Bone” is going to absolutely smash zergs — 2s stun on 5 targets plus heaps of chill and equally long RESISTANCE boon on self. You will have no problem tossing this out in a zerg even if you don’t have stability because odds are the 2 people that notice YOU and what SKILL you are using will not have the time to process this before the effect goes off, simply due to the chaotic nature of zerg fights and dealing with 10+ enemies at once.

I know numbers might change, but kitten, these skills are strong and give the necro a defined role in two out of three game types :/

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


In all honesty? Yes. The only game mode that these utilities will be weak in is sPvP. These skills will be very strong in PvE and in zerg fights — in fact I fully expect Reapers will be mandatory for any guild wanting to do any sort of zerg busting. The only lack-luster skill is the heal, and I only say that tentatively as I’m not 100% sure how epic the reaper shroud will be (and thus, the importance of life-force gain). These skills will be viable in any game mode where you can expect to be out-numbered.

“Rise” + “Death Nova” in a zerg situation? the little jagged horrors will die instantly in the AoE, triggering bursts of damage and poison stacking (which if you take death magic, will also increase your defense).

“You are all weaklings!” is a great source of weakness — its not high uptime on its own but that is aoe defense for your fellow zerglings. The +20 stax of might is gravy for a follow up skill and will allow you to hit a disgusting “Gravedigger” in the middle of the enemy zerg to mow down your foes.

“Suffer” is a good defensive shout with condi transfer and chill application (due to Cold Shoulder trait), though the chill isn’t all that long.

“Nothing can save you” is a great boonstrip that caters to power builds: if you take the Decimate Defenses trait you will get +20% crit chance when removing two boons IN ADDITION to making your attacks unblockable and the +10% dmg you get from the vulnerability. This skill is freaking epic.

The elite “Chilled to the Bone” is going to absolutely smash zergs — 2s stun on 5 targets plus heaps of chill and equally long RESISTANCE boon on self. You will have no problem tossing this out in a zerg even if you don’t have stability because odds are the 2 people that notice YOU and what SKILL you are using will not have the time to process this before the effect goes off, simply due to the chaotic nature of zerg fights and dealing with 10+ enemies at once.

I know numbers might change, but kitten, these skills are strong and give the necro a defined role in two out of three game types :/

Or you could drop 2 wells and a sprectal wall from a safe distance and have better results without putting yourself at risk. And 5 people dont make a zerg, wall has limitless targets and well durations allow them to hit multiple targets if someone dies or moves out of them.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I think the shouts are great. Only the minion one is somewhat questionable, mainly because I think they need to look into the types of minions being summoned.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

In all honesty? Yes. The only game mode that these utilities will be weak in is sPvP. These skills will be very strong in PvE and in zerg fights — in fact I fully expect Reapers will be mandatory for any guild wanting to do any sort of zerg busting. The only lack-luster skill is the heal, and I only say that tentatively as I’m not 100% sure how epic the reaper shroud will be (and thus, the importance of life-force gain). These skills will be viable in any game mode where you can expect to be out-numbered.

“Rise” + “Death Nova” in a zerg situation? the little jagged horrors will die instantly in the AoE, triggering bursts of damage and poison stacking (which if you take death magic, will also increase your defense).

“You are all weaklings!” is a great source of weakness — its not high uptime on its own but that is aoe defense for your fellow zerglings. The +20 stax of might is gravy for a follow up skill and will allow you to hit a disgusting “Gravedigger” in the middle of the enemy zerg to mow down your foes.

“Suffer” is a good defensive shout with condi transfer and chill application (due to Cold Shoulder trait), though the chill isn’t all that long.

“Nothing can save you” is a great boonstrip that caters to power builds: if you take the Decimate Defenses trait you will get +20% crit chance when removing two boons IN ADDITION to making your attacks unblockable and the +10% dmg you get from the vulnerability. This skill is freaking epic.

The elite “Chilled to the Bone” is going to absolutely smash zergs — 2s stun on 5 targets plus heaps of chill and equally long RESISTANCE boon on self. You will have no problem tossing this out in a zerg even if you don’t have stability because odds are the 2 people that notice YOU and what SKILL you are using will not have the time to process this before the effect goes off, simply due to the chaotic nature of zerg fights and dealing with 10+ enemies at once.

I know numbers might change, but kitten, these skills are strong and give the necro a defined role in two out of three game types :/

Or you could drop 2 wells and a sprectal wall from a safe distance and have better results without putting yourself at risk. And 5 people dont make a zerg, wall has limitless targets and well durations allow them to hit multiple targets if someone dies or moves out of them.

Not really. While specwall is great in a lot of ways, it forces those targets to run away from you and thus your zerg; this will be better if you are a Reaper, as those foes will also be chilled, but it remains a weakness in terms of the skill’s use in an offensive manner.

And well’s are zone denial weapons — no one person is going to stay in a well for any length of time if they are not heavily controlled via stuns/immobo so you can’t expect their full effect to be placed on a particular foe. In this way the shouts are superior — while they may not effect as many total targets (due to enemies entering and leaving the well) they DO totally effect 5 targets: 5 targets lose boons and get 10stax of vuln, 5 targets get condi’s and chill etc and there is VERY little counterplay. Foes effected by your shouts are hampered directly and are easier to kill whereas you may end up dealing more total damage via a well, but that damage is split into small packets amongst a much larger number of enemies and thus is fairly ineffectual (by yourself).

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


In all honesty? Yes. The only game mode that these utilities will be weak in is sPvP. These skills will be very strong in PvE and in zerg fights — in fact I fully expect Reapers will be mandatory for any guild wanting to do any sort of zerg busting. The only lack-luster skill is the heal, and I only say that tentatively as I’m not 100% sure how epic the reaper shroud will be (and thus, the importance of life-force gain). These skills will be viable in any game mode where you can expect to be out-numbered.

“Rise” + “Death Nova” in a zerg situation? the little jagged horrors will die instantly in the AoE, triggering bursts of damage and poison stacking (which if you take death magic, will also increase your defense).

“You are all weaklings!” is a great source of weakness — its not high uptime on its own but that is aoe defense for your fellow zerglings. The +20 stax of might is gravy for a follow up skill and will allow you to hit a disgusting “Gravedigger” in the middle of the enemy zerg to mow down your foes.

“Suffer” is a good defensive shout with condi transfer and chill application (due to Cold Shoulder trait), though the chill isn’t all that long.

“Nothing can save you” is a great boonstrip that caters to power builds: if you take the Decimate Defenses trait you will get +20% crit chance when removing two boons IN ADDITION to making your attacks unblockable and the +10% dmg you get from the vulnerability. This skill is freaking epic.

The elite “Chilled to the Bone” is going to absolutely smash zergs — 2s stun on 5 targets plus heaps of chill and equally long RESISTANCE boon on self. You will have no problem tossing this out in a zerg even if you don’t have stability because odds are the 2 people that notice YOU and what SKILL you are using will not have the time to process this before the effect goes off, simply due to the chaotic nature of zerg fights and dealing with 10+ enemies at once.

I know numbers might change, but kitten, these skills are strong and give the necro a defined role in two out of three game types :/

Or you could drop 2 wells and a sprectal wall from a safe distance and have better results without putting yourself at risk. And 5 people dont make a zerg, wall has limitless targets and well durations allow them to hit multiple targets if someone dies or moves out of them.

Not really. While specwall is great in a lot of ways, it forces those targets to run away from you and thus your zerg; this will be better if you are a Reaper, as those foes will also be chilled, but it remains a weakness in terms of the skill’s use in an offensive manner.

And well’s are zone denial weapons — no one person is going to stay in a well for any length of time if they are not heavily controlled via stuns/immobo so you can’t expect their full effect to be placed on a particular foe. In this way the shouts are superior — while they may not effect as many total targets (due to enemies entering and leaving the well) they DO totally effect 5 targets: 5 targets lose boons and get 10stax of vuln, 5 targets get condi’s and chill etc and there is VERY little counterplay. Foes effected by your shouts are hampered directly and are easier to kill whereas you may end up dealing more total damage via a well, but that damage is split into small packets amongst a much larger number of enemies and thus is fairly ineffectual (by yourself).

The purpose of the wall is a stability check, those with stability/stunbreaks waste their cooldown those who dont are split from the group and thus weakening the enemy zerg.
Any kind of interrupt will counter necro shouts because they are casted and require you to be in the middle of the fight, and 5boons lost pales in comparison to 25-30 (not sure if initial tick corrupts boons) boons corrupted.

(edited by Vizardlorde.8243)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Some of the shouts seem pretty weak to be honest…. the Elite one looks nice.

The weapon skills and deathshroud skills look good.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

elite’s cast time of 2s effectively means it stuns you just as long as any enemies – and they can avoid it/stun break anyway.

Why would I use the shout over lich in a power build?

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nike.2631


I would like to see the shouts all add a small buff to MINIONS ONLY. In a pure shout build it’ll combo off of using Rise! first, but gives this line of Utilities more synergy with some of the Necro’s other tools.

Give minions fury, gives minions retaliation, gives minions protection. Lots of small but tasty possibilities.

Plus if anther elite spec get minions (Engineers, maybe) it would create some cross-class synergy.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


You are all weaklings: is a bad version of FGJ mightwise and you dont want to use it on cooldown because it’s also the stun break? .
Suffer: ranges from a bad Smite condition to a Mediocre contemplation of Purity.
Nothing can save you: is actually pretty good except that the cast time is too long.
Rise: is being reworked due to horrors being too weak so cant say much til they show the reworked version.
Chilled to the Bone: The effects are actually quite good but the cooldown and the cast time kill it. 60-90 secs wouldn’t be too bad even if it meant a nerf in the chill duration.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Not all power builds need to nuke people. The elite is absolutely strong.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ratphink.4751


I feel like Your Soul is Mine is going to suffer the most because of the shout trait and how they view Death Shroud as essentially a second health bar. Taking a closer look at the numbers, at maximum Potential it gives you an ‘on paper’ 8k “health” (4k hp+4k DS) that can potentially be spammed every 13 seconds. This putting it as the shortest cooldown of any currently known Heal Skill in the game. It also means that they’re viewing the value of Lifeforce as effective health (hence why the heal is so low).

However our base health being so high, means that this is effectively a band-aid, or literally just needs to be spammed whenever it’s off cool down to provide constant healing even if it means using it outside of big team fights (In other words, using it even when it’s NOT getting the most bang for its buck). But the fact that it’s such a low value heal with a 3/4 cast time means that it’s very likely going to get interrupted making its value as a healing skill all the less valuable.

Not sure what they can do besides tweak the base heal up and maybe lower the cast time, but I have a distinct feeling that they’re not going to for the reasons I mentioned above.

“I have begun my journey in a paper boat without a bottom.”

(edited by Ratphink.4751)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


elite’s cast time of 2s effectively means it stuns you just as long as any enemies – and they can avoid it/stun break anyway.

Why would I use the shout over lich in a power build?

Wow, I didn’t even realise that.

I remember in the live stream he said that our shouts were given cast times because of how powerful they were.

Does anyone honestly believe any of these are better than Stand Your Ground or Hold the Line – they are all instant-cast shouts and yet we need to have a cast time on our shout which casts kittening vulnerability (which we already have in abundance on some builds).

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shifu.4321


About “You are all weaklings”… I assume you can cast it even while stunned and the cast time will go through? Because it has no use as a stunbreak if you can’t.

I could see that shout being useful in some situations because it’s the shortest CD stunbreak we have (all the others are around 50sec+). Might be useful in melee.

“Nothing can save you” can also be useful, since its an AoE boon strip with a short CD.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


About “You are all weaklings”… I assume you can cast it even while stunned and the cast time will go through? Because it has no use as a stunbreak if you can’t.

I could see that shout being useful in some situations because it’s the shortest CD stunbreak we have (all the others are around 50sec+). Might be useful in melee.

“Nothing can save you” can also be useful, since its an AoE boon strip with a short CD.

Stunbreak =/= stability if your casted stunbreak gets interrupted it goes into full cooldown.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shifu.4321


About “You are all weaklings”… I assume you can cast it even while stunned and the cast time will go through? Because it has no use as a stunbreak if you can’t.

I could see that shout being useful in some situations because it’s the shortest CD stunbreak we have (all the others are around 50sec+). Might be useful in melee.

“Nothing can save you” can also be useful, since its an AoE boon strip with a short CD.

Stunbreak =/= stability if your casted stunbreak gets interrupted it goes into full cooldown.

I know that. What I’m saying is that I’m assuming the stunbreak portion will either a) still go through the casting animation even while you’re stunned or b) activate instantly regardless of whether the shout itself pushes through or not similar to well of power (since you would likely use it while stunned).

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tzozef.9841


The fact they have cast-times doesn’t help, and some of them are over a second long.

I’m already having a hard time popping Consume Conditions as my heal skill, I always get interrupted.

All other classes get something to defend themselves while they cast their skills, necros have very little. I think its more appropiate for them to have shorted cast times for shouts

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Assuming it follows the path of well of power and other like it, the stun break will be instant, and there will be 1s or something of stab to cover the cast time.

Why they wouldn’t atleast make that particular shout instant cast, is beyond me.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Maybe it’s just me, but “Chilled To The Bone!” to have a 120 second cooldown seems rather long for that shout and what it does. 60 seconds is reasonable, maybe even 80-90, but 120?

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Frankly I’m amazed that the shouts don’t have a more defensive/supportive nature.

Given that the reaper is melee it will need all the defense/support it can get especially since it has no blocks/absorbs to speak of.

Would be nice if there was a trait to give all the shouts protection or healing on use.

Also some of the changes to base things are nice but I’m still amazed you cannot use utility skills while in death shroud.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Your soul is mine should have an additional effect added to it.

ideas i have is to heal allies nearby based on the damage and to soul link to enemies hit to drain hp from them over 5 seconds while transferring enemy boons to you.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Holl.3109


The only ones I see KINDA working are suffer and the unblockable one.
I laughed when I saw the elite and heal. Stun someone for 2 seconds with a 2 sec CD? That outweighs each other -.-

It’s still gonna be wurm/spectral/CB or well meta with CC and lich/plague…

All 80’s – PvP/WvW
My YouTube channel
Reapers gonna reap ¯\(°_°)/¯

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: phys.7689


Ok, how about shouts give short duration benefits, during/matching their cast times.

based primarily around defense.

  • your soul is mine condition resistance during cast (would have to be timed to serve a purpose)
  • you are all weaklings 70% dmg reduction during cast.
  • rise Heals half the dmg suffered during the cast
  • suffer condition resistance during cast
  • nothing can save you 1 stack stability during cast
  • chilled to the bone ice aura?

if they want to make it more supporty, they could extend this to aoe around necro, It would be high skill to make good use of it, but would give the shout necro a bit more defense/support.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Killyox.3950


About Cooldown on Elite Shout. 180s. Am I the only one that remembers trait -7% recharge time per target hit up to -35% CD? Which (if you hit 5 targets) reduces CD from 180s to 117s.

I like reaper tbh and his skills. They don’t have to be better than other skills. That would actually hurt the class and limit options if they were. You may still want to use non-spec skills even in repear like spectral grasp, wall and so on. Specwall will still Chill opponents when you fear them in Reaper spec and thus can do more dmg with dmg on chill and chill novas procs too.

There are many mixups with existing skills in Reaper.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


The only ones I see KINDA working are suffer and the unblockable one.
I laughed when I saw the elite and heal. Stun someone for 2 seconds with a 2 sec CD? That outweighs each other -.-

It’s still gonna be wurm/spectral/CB or well meta with CC and lich/plague…

I said the same about that elite and heal. Terrible. Need revamp in my opinion.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


About Cooldown on Elite Shout. 180s. Am I the only one that remembers trait -7% recharge time per target hit up to -35% CD? Which (if you hit 5 targets) reduces CD from 180s to 117s.

I like reaper tbh and his skills. They don’t have to be better than other skills. That would actually hurt the class and limit options if they were. You may still want to use non-spec skills even in repear like spectral grasp, wall and so on. Specwall will still Chill opponents when you fear them in Reaper spec and thus can do more dmg with dmg on chill and chill novas procs too.

There are many mixups with existing skills in Reaper.

Problem is we have no reason to use this new elite or heal over the old skills at all. So thats really 4 new skills we got instead of 6.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


Not surprisingly i’m unimpressed by the shouts. I’m more bias though since they probably wont be that useful in the game modes i play the most(dungeons,spvp). Dungeons= most time spent on single target boss fights. In spvp since these shouts are only 600 range. When you fight a team that positions themselves I doubt you will hit more than 3 players aside from hitting AI. Like Holl said i wouldn’t want to lose wurm/walk/consume/lich for the shouts either. They seem to have potential for wvw though, snaring people with that elite could be fun if I played wvw at all.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: phys.7689


About Cooldown on Elite Shout. 180s. Am I the only one that remembers trait -7% recharge time per target hit up to -35% CD? Which (if you hit 5 targets) reduces CD from 180s to 117s.

I like reaper tbh and his skills. They don’t have to be better than other skills. That would actually hurt the class and limit options if they were. You may still want to use non-spec skills even in repear like spectral grasp, wall and so on. Specwall will still Chill opponents when you fear them in Reaper spec and thus can do more dmg with dmg on chill and chill novas procs too.

There are many mixups with existing skills in Reaper.

they arent really on par, mostly other utilities do similar things better, or have better bonuses
Signet of Spite, passive dps boost, active better than nothing can save you/you are all weaklings (and more dmg), one target, but to be honest the180 power passive is probably more useful for groups than all the shouts.
signet of locust passive movement bonus, active as strong as any of the shouts
signet of undeath with a powerful Reaper shroud, the passive here is fairly powerful.
well of corruption aoe dps and condtion corruption, better version of “suffer”
well of suffering huge aoe dps, field, 12 stacks of vuln

the shouts arent really providing much that you cant do better elsewhere. They provide a few niche effects, but they dont stack up that well versus well/signets.

looking it over, they definately need a boost, or something more unique about them.

right now, id say only the heal is looking strong/unique enough to matter.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


And well’s are zone denial weapons — no one person is going to stay in a well for any length of time if they are not heavily controlled via stuns/immobo so you can’t expect their full effect to be placed on a particular foe. In this way the shouts are superior — while they may not effect as many total targets (due to enemies entering and leaving the well) they DO totally effect 5 targets: 5 targets lose boons and get 10stax of vuln, 5 targets get condi’s and chill etc and there is VERY little counterplay. Foes effected by your shouts are hampered directly and are easier to kill whereas you may end up dealing more total damage via a well, but that damage is split into small packets amongst a much larger number of enemies and thus is fairly ineffectual (by yourself).

Somone never did a guild wvw raid:)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Keep in mind that they have said they will change/retune a lot of existing skills and traits so we haven’t seen everything.

Shouts at least have 600 radius and you don’t have to aim them precisely like wells. Well they are good to still have fun at least. Lets reserve judgement until month after release.

(edited by Killyox.3950)

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Looking over the skills again, your soul is mine has a short cooldown and can get recharged fast and regens Shroud Knight. .

that can be pretty good actually. Still would have like a small heal to allied or something for nearby allies.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


I’m not overly excited by the Shouts and they most certainly need some tweaking. But I feel that many people are just upset because they had different expectations – something more of classic Shouts – and therefore don’t like what they see. While many Shouts are different takes on what the Necro can already do, it’s not like they are uninspired. As already said, they might just need some tweaking.

Your soul is mine!
The healing value is too low for any situation outside of traited Shouts in xvs5. That aside, the Shout has potential. With Runes of the Trooper and traited Shouts you will be able to remove a condition from your group very frequently. It’s also the Necro heal with the lowest cooldown (potentially 13s) so you can finally benefit from on heal effects on Runes.

You are all weaklings!
Personally I really like the combination of Weakness and Stunbreak. The might is just a cherry ontop. The cooldown also is quite low.

Interesting mechanic but hold back by the current numbers. Either the cooldown has to go down or the Chill and number of transferred conditions up. Especially when having the Revenant in mind. But I do like the idea behind it.

Nothing can save you!
The boon removal is nice. We will have to see how the ‘Unblockable’ part works out. It should pretty nice against Guardians with Shelter or Mace, Engineers with Toolkit and Warriors with Mace or Shield. If they want to save their butt at low life … well … pop it and smack them. Necros got many traits which enhance their power when their target is below 50% and this Shout will ensure you can benefit from it.

I got to admit I hate Minions in GW2 (visually). Shadow Fiend is meh… all others look like organ banks on wheels. Just not for me. However, this will be pretty awesome when going Death Magic. It’s not everyones cup of tea but it will synergize beautifully.

Cast time
I’m okay with a cast time on the Heal and the Elite. The others feel uncalled for. The cooldowns are too high and the mechanic of the cooldown reduction is too unforgiving when dodged to have such a long cast time. I understand when they don’t become instant but those utility Shouts shouldn’t have cast times above 3/4s. And this is comming from an interrupt Mesmer. Cast times at about 3/4s are hard or impossible to interrupt in many cases – unless you just predicted them – but considering that Reaper Shouts are supposed to be used with as many enemies around as possible, this just feels wrong.

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TUR.5830


I would like to feel like in this song:
But I feel more like in this one:
Anyone feels the same?

Anyone impressed by the shouts?

in Necromancer

Posted by: phys.7689


Keep in mind that they have said they will change/retune a lot of existing skills and traits so we haven’t seen everything.

Shouts at least have 600 radius and you don’t have to aim them precisely like wells. Well they are good to still have fun at least. Lets reserve judgement until month after release.

the time for feedback is now, while still in development.

The aoe range is good factor, makes it somewhat better for enemies that are escaping, but still, overall pretty lackluster.