Are we bad or just played bad

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: PSILO.4068


I have tons of hours on all classes (excluding ranger) And, in my not so humble opinion, we are more versatile than any other class. Need power? I got it. Need condi? I got that too. Need support? Seriously, I have that covered too. Need a Bunker? Does 40k hp work? (for kitteny kitten kittenings sake we have Death Shroud) Sigh, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening…and feedback.

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Most versatile class? ….I’ll have to disagree.

If you are talking in terms of WvW, yes we are not too shabby.

In PvE we are in last place in terms of damage output.

In PvP we are easily focused, stun locked, and have poor mobility. I guess they all relate to being focused.

As a zerker, we are decent, we are not great, we are not meta. Only really good for +1-ing a fight.

As a tank, we have defenses that dont support our allies and a whole traitline that is underpowered in terms of healing (blood magic). HP contributes to bunking but to an extent, whats more HP going to do if you can’t sustain yourself with negating damage as efficiently as others? Take a look at the Altruistic Healing bunker gaurdian. This build has about 16k hp and can sustain itself way more efficiently and put out way more support than a bunker necro. Deathshroud does not scale to the amount of players attacking it. A block can absorb an infinity amount of damage whereas our deathshroud can absorb a specific amount.

As a condition class, we are again, not to shabby but in this current meta our conditions are seeing less and less effectiveness. In soloQ it will be strong, but I’m afraid against a well rounded team you will be shut down.

That is just my view of necromancer. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jay.1085


I only use my necro for WvW and nothing else. I can honestly tell you we are not versitle. Versitle is the Engi and Ele class. They have access to many skills/utilities. Now the main issues you seem to ignore is on Spvp your are the focus in many fights.

Thats the real issue for Necros we only have little bit of stun breaks and damage negation/reflects. I rather be on my guard and have a lot of condi clears and blocks, then a high hp sponge.

Death shroud is terrible in pvp as you cant recharge it as easily compared to pve. Players are not stupid to just stand there while you recharge. They really is no way to balance it in pvp.

Dungeons we are in a sad state, we dont help our team with buffs nor are we wanted. But what ever thats what guilds are for.

I dont have high hopes anymore for necros even with the HOT exspansion. Since we were just glossed over. But I keep mine since I had it since launch. But Necros are still fun to play.

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


In PvE we are in last place in terms of damage output

No… no Necromancers are not

However, a PS Warrior or Mesmer in general already offer more support than Necromancers could’ve ever dreamt of

I have tons of hours on all classes (excluding ranger) And, in my not so humble opinion, we are more versatile than any other class. Need power? I got it. Need condi? I got that too. Need support? Seriously, I have that covered too. Need a Bunker? Does 40k hp work? (for kitteny kitten kittenings sake we have Death Shroud) Sigh, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening…and feedback.

Versatility – where?

In PvE, damage and anything to support your team (reflects and team damage modifiers) are king, and the Necromancer lacks in that respect
Can you run a 40K abomination that is supposed to tank? Yes you can – but will you make anyone happy with that?
Or Condis? Sorry, but Engineers do that better than you… You only got Epidemic which is unique and that is it
Support? What? Where?! Seriously, do you mean the heal on lifeblast, or the vampiric traits on Wells? Well sorry to say, but why would you ever? Besides, even as a healer, a Guardian, Warrior (regen banner), Elementalist or Engineer do that miles and miles better than a Necro

For PvP this is the same deal… Played wrong? Are you seriously saying that after three years, you and only you have been blessed by the PvP-Gods with some kind of whacky 40K HP bunker build? Hate to pop your bubble, but no one is that unique… It has been tested, weighed and deemed unworthy, and literally discussed to death as to what is wrong with it

What you could do is become more humble, and rather than calling anyone but yourself a bad player, learn as to where these problems originate from…
Educate yourself within the meta, why it exists and more importantly; why some builds do not
If a DS Bunker Necro was a thing that you could take over any other profession within the current meta – then you would’ve seen this in effect at least 3 years earlier as the core profession has literally not been changed, as it is not that difficult for people to switch traits around

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Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Emapudapus.1307


Only really good for +1-ing a fight.

I dont know why ppl repeat that (i know noscoc said it), but in my experiance its nothing special, not different than most professions, where almost anyone is good +1ing the fight. Even mesmer and thief (and power ranger) do it better not just with damage and cc but also with mobility, actualy getting fast to that 1ing fight. If you allow necro to +1 than your team might be sleeping.

all is vain

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Silv.9207


Necro don’t give support. You can remve some conditions taking it on you, heal 3k with DS skill 4, and if your allies cross trough your spctral waal they obtain protection, but you will never use it to buff your allies because you use it to fear your enemy.

You can be a defensive necromancer, a pg that last for long, but that’s not a good choice for our team in spvp, because you lost all your dps (that is lower than every other classes). I can see 3k of damage to a thief, but frequently in spvp everyone use a midbunker build, or have protection, then your damage is more or less 2-2.5k. And it can be good, isn’t a bad damage, but a mesmer dps can deal 13k of damage in 5 sec to a midbunker. I’ve a friend that play mesmer very well and he shot away he’s enemy so fast that they can’t hit him. I’ve see him deal 18k of damage to a zerk necromancer in 4 seconds. It’s more then 4k x sec.

Necromancer have less survavibility, direct damage, condition damage, support and role utility than all other classes in the game.

And the future changes to all classes traits will only increase that because everyone obtain good things but we stay almost like we are actually. And the condition spec will be nerfed a little by making you chose between the 3 better condition traits of the guardian, (terror that deal fear, scepter condition and healing conditions, all GM). And Dhuumfire will be useless because you will use a entire Line to obtain 3 stack of burn when every other classes will do better burn stack damage.

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Only really good for +1-ing a fight.

I dont know why ppl repeat that (i know noscoc said it), but in my experiance its nothing special, not different than most professions, where almost anyone is good +1ing the fight. Even mesmer and thief (and power ranger) do it better not just with damage and cc but also with mobility, actualy getting fast to that 1ing fight. If you allow necro to +1 than your team might be sleeping.

It is however well known that a Necromancer can turn around 2v2’s or 3v3’s depending on the enemy composition on the other side… It also depends on who you roam with…

The synergy between Engineer+Necromancer is more potent than say Mesmer+Engineer, as Mesmers are a bit limited as to where they want to land their burst, preferring the enemy to stand still – while Mesmer+Thief can coordinate just that

Funny enough though, the combination Mesmer+Necro, though not seen much, is extremely effective, though I have little information to specifically work with this to give my reasons why

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Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Having played all classes nope we are not versatile we are acceptable, please don’t say 40k HP=bunker(look at guard) or glorify Death Shroud.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Urug.2543


I have tons of hours on all classes (excluding ranger) And, in my not so humble opinion, we are more versatile than any other class. Need power? I got it. Need condi? I got that too. Need support? Seriously, I have that covered too. Need a Bunker? Does 40k hp work? (for kitteny kitten kittenings sake we have Death Shroud) Sigh, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening…and feedback.

No, you don’t have support and bunkering covered. “Support” in gw2 is things like stacking might, fury, and vuln for the group, unique damage boosts (banners, spotter), reflects, condi-clear, and more specialized things like group aegis and stealth. We can contribute a little vuln, condi-clear, and some weakness stacking, but other classes can do all of those better while providing higher dps or more utility. As for bunkering. there are no builds with sufficient life force generation or self-healing to compete on a level with bunker ele or guard, let alone something like shoutbow.

Necros are pigeonholed into purely offensive builds because our support and defense sucks- if you want an example of a versatile class, look at classes which can work in multiple game modes and have multiple (good) builds for them- ele, guard, warrior come to mind.

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


support from Necro, lmao

Tell that to the million Dungeon grps we get rejected from: “Hey fellas bring my Necro, I come with support”

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Actually, I think we are played very good in spit of our weaknesses and that’s the problem.

Mesmer has been very weak for a long time, but as long as Helseth was around kicking kitten on streams, anet felt it didn’t need to do anything. Then along came a tournament which was won by farming Helseth because Mesmer is just too weak.

Same thing happened later with Necromancer and it was Nos’ turn to be farmed.

I And, in my not so humble opinion, we are more versatile than any other class.

Need power? I got it.

Need condi? I got that too. Need support? Seriously, I have that covered too.

Need a Bunker? Does 40k hp work? .

Your opinion is wrong. The classes that can take advantage of celestial and benefit strongly from every single stat are the most versatile. Stats like healing power or boon duration do almost nothing for necromancer.

Power has never been Pvp viable, condition has never been PvE viable. Support is almost nonexistent.

Minions die instantly to the AoE that everybody bring to every game mode.

Bunkering doesn’t work because you are easily knocked off the point. The HP doesn’t protect you from being immobilized (or stunned) and your condition removal is inadequate. In addition you are a sitting duck against range with no defense or and little ability to even fire back.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


necro is not only bad but 95% necromancers i’ve encountered use pathetic builds/play very bad. (im speaking about dungeons of course)

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Playing Necro, I have to watch for the right tell, hide out in DS, and, when I come out, am mostly defenseless. That may be an exaggeration but it is essentially how the DS mechanic works. It makes flashing DS risky because total time in DS is a lower percentage but it will improve dps, if I am sure I can cover the damage taken until the DS ICD is up.

Necromancer has no evades as part of an auto attack, or very much in the way of a gap opener.

Are we bad or just played bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Actually, I think we are played very good in spit of our weaknesses and that’s the problem.

Mesmer has been very weak for a long time, but as long as Helseth was around kicking kitten on streams, anet felt it didn’t need to do anything. Then along came a tournament which was won by farming Helseth because Mesmer is just too weak.

Same thing happened later with Necromancer and it was Nos’ turn to be farmed.

I And, in my not so humble opinion, we are more versatile than any other class.

Need power? I got it.

Need condi? I got that too. Need support? Seriously, I have that covered too.

Need a Bunker? Does 40k hp work? .

Your opinion is wrong. The classes that can take advantage of celestial and benefit strongly from every single stat are the most versatile. Stats like healing power or boon duration do almost nothing for necromancer.

Power has never been Pvp viable, condition has never been PvE viable. Support is almost nonexistent.

Minions die instantly to the AoE that everybody bring to every game mode.

Bunkering doesn’t work because you are easily knocked off the point. The HP doesn’t protect you from being immobilized (or stunned) and your condition removal is inadequate. In addition you are a sitting duck against range with no defense or and little ability to even fire back.

Started mesmer kind of late compared to others but there is a problem…while mesmer does have the DE controversy it’s much easier to expand and improve the class, farming necros has been going on since launch if not beta they never did kitten it was just not that seen much. It’s impossible to make DS balanced in team fights without making us OP in duels they keep putting bandages on the issue as well. This is my first time experiencing such a behavior from devs in any games.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread