B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeikon.1692


i surely hope this is a troll…. absolutely no synergi in the spec

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Signet of Vamp…lol

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


synergi? This is a B.A.B Build. For a Necro

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430




B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


Boss A** B**** Build

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


Boss A** B**** Build


I don’t get this build and I still don’t know what BAB stands for.

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Boss A** B**** Build

No idea what that means and the build looks AWFUL.

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


Create a build using stuff comparable to mine,but better to your perspective.

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


Can I get pro’s and con’s for this build?
And I know you guys are tough on critique, but on a beginner for building scale.

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Wow this build is amazing. I used it and I 1v6ed. I used signet of spite and then I epidemic and everyone was just like ‘dead’. Then I went into deathshroud and back out healing for almost 1k health.


B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


Infantry are you trolling me? Has anybody else tried it?

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ynot.8397


If this was a troll post you did a terrible job. If this is a real build I would suggest starting from scratch because that was not good at all. Check out some of the posts around the forums for wvw builds as a start to work off of.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


On the off chance that you are not trolling, let me point out a few things that are suboptimal:

1. You don’t have a second weapon set.

2. Your hobo version of divinity runes suggests a limited budget, yet you’re able to afford Toxic Sharpening Stones…?

3. According to your gear, you seem to be going for some kind of super tanky power setup. Why would you then get 83 condition damage, sigil of agony and epidemic?

4. Signet of Vampirism is weak sauce.

5. Spiteful Vigor and Death Shiver: super weak sauce!

It might help if you tell us what you’re trying to achieve with this build, atm it’s just a big mess.

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430



1. Signet Of Vamp SUCKS.
2. 1 Weapon set????
3. Signet Mastery is weak for a build with 1 signet (NEVER use Sig of Vamp!)
4. No idea what you are trying to achive with the Rune set
5. Sigil of Agony is weak on this sort of build (very low condition damage)
6. Epidemic on what i THINK is trying to be a tanky sort of build
7. Spiteful Vigor is rubbish

Have a look at:


This is the build i am currently running, Quite tanky and deals some very nice damage at the same time. This is a DeathShroud build so you want to spend as much time inside it as possible and when possible stay in it until it expires, unless you are no longer in combat of course

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I’m too old school. When I saw BAB I thought of Dungeons and Dragons “Base Attack Bonus”

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415


What about my guardian build? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQNAR8flUgqCnFyvDfIFSmiVCBrKEPYPwoMqjuKoQA-j0CB4hBGtBiEIyEHAZRFRjtyqIasqZDqWZDT9CxaeQr2zJWKABVGB-w If a guardian and a necro fought with the above build and the earlier posted build who would win?

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ynot.8397


What about my guardian build? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQNAR8flUgqCnFyvDfIFSmiVCBrKEPYPwoMqjuKoQA-j0CB4hBGtBiEIyEHAZRFRjtyqIasqZDqWZDT9CxaeQr2zJWKABVGB-w If a guardian and a necro fought with the above build and the earlier posted build who would win?

That is also a bad guard build but the necro build is to bad that the guard should win. Sigils of burning do not stack btw. You also shouldn’t really be playing for your burning on a guard. The damage is far too low to try to buff it.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

B.A.B Necro WvW Build!

in Necromancer

Posted by: HorrorDuck.8415
